Audio to Midi VST?

Discussion in 'Software' started by itaudio, Jul 13, 2023.

  1. itaudio

    itaudio Noisemaker

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Except for like Ableton, is their any VST who do the same job with Audio to Midi. Want to use it for drum loops.
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Melodyne works decent for me, but expect no miracles. (Melodyne has Percussion mode i think)

    (I am not sure, i guess AI could help here? maybe some of the stem AI pages could help too and then Melodyne it? This was with actual melody recognition in mind, read afterwards that you want to apply it to drums)
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
  4. 108hz

    108hz Member

    Dec 27, 2022
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    spotify has a free audio to midi online, no vst though, but I find it more precise than melodine
  5. Metroman

    Metroman Noisemaker

    Jul 11, 2023
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  6. adrian

    adrian Ultrasonic

    Apr 16, 2016
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    I'm no expert with these tools but i think more than a generic audio-to-midi converter, you would need a specific audio trigger for drums or percussion, such as XLN Addictive Trigger, UVI DrumReplacer, ToonTrack DrumTracker, Slate Digital Trigger, Wavemachine Labs Drumagog, AudioFront DSP Trigger, Apulsoft ApTrigga, and others (i think some time ago Drumagog had the best reputation, but products by XLN, Toontrack and Slate are good too, you can find it on sister site; free on github are "Zeno Lösch StutterZen" and "Drums To Tracks!", also free is SampleSwap by Soifer but now i think not more downloadable, i knew some other freebies but oldies 32 bit products).
    Many daw have their audio-to-midi function not only Live (Cubase has it ).
    If you want generic melodic audio to midi converter as vst plugin many are audio to score transcriber as zPlane deCoda, or you can try DodoMidi by DodoBirdMusic, otherwise you can try guitar to midi systems like those from JamOrigin or MiGiC by Bituosity, but I think you can get the best results with Melodyne or with AI systems: many AI are free on-line tools (example at *****:// ), something works with Vst as Samplab (but free release has some limitation: up to 10 seconds per audio file and only mono audio); again as AI as Vst you find both in one tool "NeuralNote" free on github, looks promising (NeuralNote uses internally the model from Spotify pitch to midi named already in this thread). Many AI stem separation tool have also audio-to-midi conversion option as RipX DeepRemix, (this is good and is here on the sister site), try doing some research about AI. Better results in audio to midi conversion you has with monophonic tracks, therefore with the polyphonic tracks it would be better to proceed with an AI separation tool and then apply a good converter on the tracks obtained and you has both - stems separation and audio to midi converter - in RipX: some tutorial about RipX to extract midi from audio on youtube at NdC8XETphl4 - and on ripx site at *****://
    Specialized in monophonic solo piano tracks is "Piano Transcription 3D" by Boris Shakhovsky, free on github.
    But repeat again for only drums and percussion try one of the vst triggers above.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
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  7. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    In my opinion, when it comes to Drums, the one that does it best is Ableton, and I would say that in second place would be Superior Drummer. However, at the time, I tried several VSTs, and the one that best converted a complete drum set (kick, snare, hi-hat, etc.) was Ableton. Are you talking about complete drum kits, right? Because if it's separate components like kick, snare, etc., there may be better alternatives like VST Triggers, which have been mentioned here. But in my opinion, when it comes to recognizing complete drum kits, Ableton is the best, at least from the ones I know.
  8. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    Geist and Guru, may be ?
    Nice drum recognition and MIDI export, if i remember well.

    But now i use Ableton for this ;D
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You can add Recycle to your list for generating the Midi options (I use Logic Drum Machine Designer tho). If you want to un-mix to separate kit pieces first; there is also Zynaptiq Unmix Drums, and Fuse Audio Labs DrumsSSX. Accusonus Regroover Pro. Probably 10 others.

    Unless I am trying to chop and re-sequence old/famous drum breakbeats to reuse the recorded hits, i usually prefer to just start out with Midi files first and then assign hits with a sampler, drum synth, or drummer plugin. I put the Logic Transposer midi fx plugin in front of the drummer plugin, and you can just move the "drummers seated position" around the kitpieces by changing the transpose value +/- but keeping the same rhythm. Sugarbytes Drum Computer has a similar feature.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    true recycle works too, if you slice it correct in its editor and export it.

    very good suggestions.
  11. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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    In order not to create a separate topic (and I was just about to), I want to expand the question:

    audio to midi for polyphonic tracks (orchestra) and gettng MIDI1 (no MIDI 0)

    who had a real good experience - how did you achieve decent results? Please do not provide links/VST if you have not used them yourself, I already have a list of some AI sites and plugins
  12. 9ty

    9ty Producer

    Dec 25, 2021
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    Do you know how?
    I use Geist2 on a regular basis, recognizing grooves out of drum loops would be a great feature.
  13. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Unmix Drums doesn't do that. It raises or lowers the volume and punch of drums in a full mix.
    And it's the only Zynaptiq plugin that doesn't deliver IMO.
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    it's basically what DrumsSSX does also. Isolating parts by lowering the volume of all others (mostly by bands) within a plugin is definitely less desirable than doing offline processing stem separations. Logic DMD is not a VST either, it is an AU. I do not know why, but many people did not like the Geist2 changes to the original and quit using it. Guru was like a drum machine setup. Stylus RMX SAGE Convertor is not usable on 64 bit OS, but Stylus RMX is once the loop has been Recycled. Waves CR8 and also Serato Sample can be useful for resequencing drums inside loops. But very few of these actually export a Midi file. Zero-X Beat Creator and Beat Quantizer do the same things as Recycle, but again 32bit programs and I do not remember if they even imported 24 bit waves. They certainly worked a little nicer than Recycle sending keymapped samples out over SCSI. When you are re-sequencing a drum breakbeat, it's almost always done using slices and not unstacked hits. Your options are usually using duplicate channels of the same break and different filters/eqs on them.
  15. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I agree with triggerflipper, I believe there is a difference between separating by tracks (kick, snare, hi-hats) and the plugins you mentioned that only separate part of the frequency. In fact, I have used DrumsSSX quite a bit. Maybe you can convert the kick and snare to MIDI with some work, but it becomes quite complicated with the hi-hats, crash, cymbals, etc. I have tried to achieve what the OP is asking for, and it is difficult to accomplish it effectively 100% with the existing tools, well, at least the ones I know. Additionally, there is always some leakage of the snare in the kick, and vice versa.
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'm aware they are different than stem separation programs. I am also aware that Logic Drum Machine Designer does exactly what Recycle does, but it is far more "complete". After it analyzes the drum loop, it generates the midi exactly like Recycle. But then what it does, is take each slice and loads it as an individual sample into it's own Sampler plugin Instance. All of these Samplers are immediately loaded into what Logic calls a Track Stack. Which is basically a bunch of individual audio tracks routed to a group channel. Instantly. If you need a PC equivalent, I would look in Cubase.

    The generated Midi file is automatically loaded connected to the DMD plugin's midi input and playback of all samples is identical as the original loop. The Midi file can be edited whatever way you want, like any midi track. If it would export to my hw samplers via SCSI it would be even closer to perfect. Recycle is not a perfect solution either. Nor are the others mentioned by @adrian. None of them are 1 and done. Logic DMD is easily the closest, but it won't run on a Windows machine. If any of them really nailed this perfectly, we wouldn't have 50 options. There was even an option going back as far as about Fruity Loops v3, called Fruity Slicer. It would do the same task, and load the midi data directly to it's channel.

    This guy slices it manually. You don't even have to.

    Last edited: Jul 14, 2023
  17. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Well, I just installed RipX from its official website, the 21-day trial version, as I was curious about what @Metroman said that it can separate tracks. And to my astonishment, it does it incredibly well. I put a drum loop, and it separated the Kick, the snare, and the Hi-Hat. The drum loop had a reverb effect that leaked into the Kick, but I still used it quickly. I've been reading that there are many ways to use it, but the point is that this program does separate the tracks of a drum kit, and then I exported it to MIDI and inserted it into Superior Drummer. It's the first time I've seen a program (aside from Ableton) separate a drum kit with such precision.
  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Try using it on a song with layered musical content and vocals. Drums is easy for these programs in comparison. RipX can take a little while to do a full song into stems, but if you have used Izotope RX Music Rebalance before; the results from RipX will surprise you. It is much better. I haven't bothered to compare with Demucs. It's not that slow, it just takes a little time to process. It's also still not a plugin. :winker:
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2023
  19. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Thanks, dude, for the recommendations. You know, if I remember correctly, I saw this soft a long time ago being promoted on social media, before Izotope and others. I remember it because of its interface. At that time, it promised to separate vocals from the music, and I recall commenting ironically on the post, saying that it wasn't possible. Now I feel like a real fool. I think back then there wasn't any program that could separate the vocals 'properly,' and if I remember correctly, it was only available for Mac at that time.

    I have used Izotope Music Rebalance, but I don't like the results at all. To separate stems, I use projects from GitHub and run them on Colab. Some good ones have been shared on the page, and they have given really good results. But this is the first time I've come across a program that can separate drums with such precision. Anyway, I'll keep exploring when I have a little more time. Hopefully, it will be useful to the OP. I think many tools have been provided here, including yours. Well, I've checked out what you said, and yes, I already knew that Logic had those incredible capabilities. But well, it's for Mac. If I had a Mac, maybe I would use Logic instead of Studio One, although they say they are quite similar
  20. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I thought the exact same thing about the HitN'Mix products. But then I saw a video tutorial/review from a producer who I know, that is not some "paid influencer" guy who would bullshit people for some money or for some click numbers. I did not have a real reason to try it though, because I don't use old Acapella vocals very often, at all. When a Mac release became available, I took it for a spin; and it is far better than I would have even expected. But it's process is slow, so I think the whole Demucs kind of approach has some merit too, since they can be GPU Accelerated. I will probably give them a try when I get a new computer just to test them out, or have a song I really want to rip cleanly. RipX is an impressive program, but with new competition they could consider changing the price. :like: