Ableton 11 Costum Midi Remote Scripts coding thread - how to get them running

Discussion in 'Live' started by fnord23, Jul 11, 2023.

  1. fnord23

    fnord23 Kapellmeister

    May 14, 2023
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    Hey everyone!

    I really, really want to customize the python scripts for a few controllers. For example, make LED-feedback possible for more controllers (Akai Midimix), not just a few chosen ones. It's all in the scripts.

    It's a bit hard since it's basically reverse engineering/de-compiling the scripts from Ableton and then using those at a starting point, but should be no problem for someone who actually knows Python.

    A bit of useful information:
    - This site explains the topic and de-compiled the scripts as well.
    - The scripts.
    - Live 11 API Python documentation
    - It's done in Python and will be "compiled" by Ableton automatically.

    So far so good. But when I import the de-compiled scripts for the Akai Midimix I get a syntax error in line 1 "<<<<<<< HEAD". Which, as another github user pointed out, is a merge-error from the de-compilation process.

    Anybody here has successfully used some of the scripts and can give me a hint how to make it work? I think I know enough Python to modify a script once it's running and go from there but the initial problem with the merge error is way beyond my knowledge so far.

    Thanks for your help.
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i thought about that too a while ago, but saw the scripts were compiled already and this disencouraged me to think about that further.
    Wanted to write a script for a never supported device, but this still seems like to much work. But i guess learning about the Ableton API might be something fun. Just like i did with the IDA Python API last year.

    it could be that the scripts are made for py2, but Ableton switched over to py3 (as suggested by Python devs.). Otherwise i have no idea.
  4. fnord23

    fnord23 Kapellmeister

    May 14, 2023
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    The scripts are quite up to date (a few days/weeks) with python 3 already but I guess the guy didn't test them all. Maybe he tested the most popular devices or those that he also has in his studio and that's it. Which controller do you want to use? Some of the scripts are working...

    The live API is a lot of fun, albeit there not being any official documentation. If you already did some M4L it's even easier.
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i have two newer devices already, which work fine.

    but there is one device i own which was actual manufactured as Live 4 was released, so it has no script. I am not entirely sure if i should really give it a go. As time is limited it anyway.

    I did took a look for 4 weeks on Max, build a reverb after some old paper from scratch in Max, but i didnt really touch the Live API with that.
    (M4L didnt really work for me, as it simply did never grab the Live license correct opening the M4L device from Ableton to edit it, so i gave up and worked in Max instead.)
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2023
  6. mino45

    mino45 Kapellmeister

    Sep 3, 2021
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    If I remember correctly, there was a course on the sister site a while ago about Python and Ableton Live which had a chapter about Midi Remote Scripts. There are a lot of scripts for different controller projects on github that are not compiled already too, I guess those might help when trying to build a script by yourself. I have been searching one for my controller, but I didn't find one that was working properly till now. So maybe I will have to write one by myself too.