Omnisphere 2.6: Issue Loading Waveforms on New Computer

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by Bluest, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. Bluest

    Bluest Newbie

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Hey guys. Thankful for any help on this. This is for Mac OS. I got a newer laptop, 2019 MB Pro 15, an Intel mac running Mojave, and while it transferred all my profile and apps, Omnisphere keeps not loading sounds. It loads the app no problem, I could tweak etc, but iI get 'Error Loading Waveform' for many patches. I try clicking that revolving 'refresh sound source' button, but it doesn't seem to solve this. I just need to get Omnisphere to see its own waveforms again. Thank you in advance for any thoughts.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Did you do any of this (below) yet? What MacOS version did you have this on before? What release are you using? that can also cause issues. Do you have anything like Moog Tribute Library installed? Have you Codesigned anything you just transferred over? Anything you move around like this can cause errors with permissions, etc. You can also try to delete the zmap.

    Mac: Macintosh HD/Users/yourname/Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics/STEAM/Omnisphere/Soundsources
    Restart your DAW and insert Omnisphere 2 again and it will automatically create a new zmap.index file.

    Error: "Error Loading Waveform" in Omnisphere 2

    The "Error loading waveform" indicates an issue with your Omnisphere library. If you are receiving this error, please follow the steps below:

    1.) Make sure Omnisphere shows that "You are up to date √". To ensure that you're up to date, you can click on "Get Updates" on the splash screen of Omnisphere. To get back to the Splash screen, you can click the Spectrasonics Logo in the upper-right section of Omnisphere.
    2.) If you are up to date, confirm that your Wavetables folder is 1.98GB for Mac and 1.84GB for Windows. If the Wavetables folder is not the correct size, please try reinstalling Omnisphere using a Download Manager from the Reinstall tab in your user account or your USB installer. You can find that folder here:


    Macintosh HD / Users / Your Username / Library / Application Support / Spectrasonics / STEAM / Omnisphere / Wavetables

    Note: In Mac OS X 10.7 – 10.14, the Library folder in each User folder is hidden. Select the Go menu at the top of your screen while in Finder mode, then hold the ‘option’ key on your keyboard, then select Library. If you are unable to locate your User Library in OS X 10.12, select the Go menu at the top of your screen while using the Finder, then select Go to Folder; enter ~/Library – then select Go.

    3.) Navigate to the STEAM folder using the steps above, and make sure that your Omnisphere folder is the proper size. If the Omnisphere folder is not the correct size, please try reinstalling Omnisphere using a Download Manager from the Reinstall tab in your user account.

    4.) If you are using any disk management software such as CCleaner, Revo, Norton, MacKeeper, etc., make sure that your STEAM folder is exempted by those 'cleaning' utilities so that they don't inadvertently remove necessary files from STEAM.

    5. If the steps above do not resolve the issue, please try reinstalling Omnisphere using a Download Manager from the Reinstall tab in your user account. Click here for a walkthrough on how to do that: On Mac - On Windows
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2023
  4. Bluest

    Bluest Newbie

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Hi Clone! Thank you truly for this detailed response. I'll quickly start by answering your questions. I used the same Mojave OS on the 2015 MB Pro before this.

    The Omnisphere software release info is: Omnisphere Software 2.8.2c, Soundsources v2.6.0c, Patches v2.6.0c These would be the exact same as on the previous MB Pro, as i didn't change anything.

    I have the Moog Tribute Library and was intrigued with it but hadn't installed it yet on either computer. I don't know what codesigning is (had to look it up), so I don't think I've done anything like that. I tweak patches a lot... but that's no big deal I don't imagine.

    I'm really intrigued at your suggestion to delete the zmap file, and am going to do that now. Will report back. Thank you!
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The zmap index rebuild will probably fix it. The rest can be helpful to figure out what is wrong if it doesn't.

    I think the Moog Library will show a different error message. it's just common that people run into it. If you moved a bunch of plugins or even just copied your old /plug-ins/ folders to the new machine; it can result in them losing any digital signatures you may have done with them on the old machine. You can Codesign every plugin on the machine with the following put into Terminal. it will ask once for your password and then takes a couple minutes to run.

    You do still need to have Xcode installed first. You can paste the entire thing.

    cd /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/

    find . -name "*.bundle" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.VST" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.vst3" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.component" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.dpm" -execdir sudo xattr -cr \;
    find . -name "*.bundle" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;
    find . -name "*.VST" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;
    find . -name "*.vst3" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;
    find . -name "*.component" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;
    find . -name "*.dpm" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;

  6. Bluest

    Bluest Newbie

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Clone, thank you again so much man, Truly appreciate it. I believe I found the 'parent' or main zmap file and deleted it, and no luck. However, you know what? It seems to be zmap files for individual patches. Because some load fine, others give me that error loading waveform message, even when I try to manually select and load it from the core soundsouurces Library in Omnisphere. Please see these screenshots:

    So if individual patches fail to load, and not all, what if I copy all Soundsources/User folder from my previous Macbook onto this one? Might that fix the individual zmap issues?

    If you feel I should I can also run that Terminal command.
  7. Bluest

    Bluest Newbie

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Damn it. Didn't work. Still getting the same 'Error Loading Waveform' on older patches, even though copied over Soundsources>User folder.
  8. Bluest

    Bluest Newbie

    Jul 5, 2021
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    I deleted all zmap files, and ran the Terminal command suggested above. Still, exact same problem. I think it is a zmap issue: Omnisphere has these waveforms, just can't access them. SO hoping for some help here, so if you have any thoughts please chime in. Thank you.
  9. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    I had a similar issue in Windows. Turns out a cleaning app deleted the waveforms files because they are named ~BundleArchives.db and ~BundleArchives.db2 . Located in STEAM\Omnisphere\Wavetables. That folder should have around 1.8 GB in size
  10. Bluest

    Bluest Newbie

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Interesting, thank you. I checked and mine seem to be intact. Any other ideas? Dying to get this working!
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I can only really help so much with Omnisphere because mine is legit. After the initial installation, i have not had a single problem with it. Besides the Moog Library, and i'm sure that was my fault installing it wrong or whatever. I pasted you the Codesign stuff because you moved to a new machine. I would run it anyway, it cannot break anything. But, it doesn't really have much to do with your current problem. Save it in a notepad for later because most plugins you download will need it to be done. Or you can use and do them individually.

    These are the updates I needed to do:

    Mac 2.8.5f 168.3 MB Version History
    PATCH LIBRARY Mac/Win 2.8.1c 81.6 MB Version History
    SOUNDSOURCE LIBRARY Mac/Win 2.6.1c 975 MB Version History

    But this is your screenshot below. Your Soundsources version number is very close to mine. But your Patch Library version number is .2 versions away from the other two components. Something like this could be causing an issue, because the program is expecting to find a version number specific sources and library.


    These notes are in the PLEASE READ text file included with the updaters. So it appears each version has minimum versions needed to match it:

    Read This Before You Install

    • Omnisphere Software 2.8.3c or higher
    • Omnisphere Soundsources 2.6.1c or higher

    Read This Before You Install

    • Omnisphere version 2.6.0e or higher
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2023
  12. Bluest

    Bluest Newbie

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Okay, so what if I search for an update to the patch library. Good observation! Thank you for catching that. Although, it's odd to me that it all works on my old machine, despite this mismatch. i wonder if someone else has had Error Loading Waveform issue and can chime in.

    Anyway, perhaps there is a Patch Library update out there. I'll go look at Rutracker and TPB. It would make sense, since newer patches listed in current version of Omnisphere load, but older ones have issues.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
  13. Bluest

    Bluest Newbie

    Jul 5, 2021
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    I searched TPB and RUtracker, could only find Patch Library versions up to 2.6. However, this all works on my old laptop. Odd. I've got to get Omnisphere to see its own waveforms...
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Did you verify this?

    Also, remember that I copied this help topic from FAQs for you to look into. This is the default installation location. But if you had an external drive, you could move your entire Steam folder there and make sure your directory structure is not causing your problem. You could place it at the root directory like: whatever disk or volume /STEAM/Omnisphere/ and then your /Wavetables , /Defaults, /Documentation , /Settings Library and /Soundsources inside the Omnisphere folder.

    Default Mac locations are like this: Macintosh HD/Users/yourname/Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics/STEAM/Omnisphere/Soundsources

    When you first open Omnisphere, on the splash screen there is a Diagnostics button. Hit that and screenshot it. If you pass the splash screen, click the logo in the upper right.
  15. Bluest

    Bluest Newbie

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Hey clone, thank you again for writing. I did verify that, both files are in fact in the Wavetables folder, it's 1.9GB in size. Here is what I get when I select Diagnostics:
  16. DJAxelP

    DJAxelP Newbie

    Oct 1, 2024
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    Hi everyone,

    I’m having a major issue with Omnisphere on my iMac 2023 (M3, macOS Sonoma 14.4). Every time I try to load any patch, I get the “Error Loading Waveform” message, and it happens with all patches, making the plugin unusable both in my DAW and standalone.


    Omnisphere: Software 2.8.6arm, Soundsources 2.6.2, Patches 2.8.2

    DAW: Ableton Live 11 Suite (latest version)

    System: iMac 2023 (M3, macOS Sonoma 14.4)

    Standalone: Same issue outside of DAW

    What I’ve tried:

    1. Full reinstallation (MORIA version).

    2. Checked file paths for waveforms and patches.

    3. Checked folder permissions.

    4. Tried in other DAWs (Logic Pro) — same issue.

    5. Deleted the Zmap file — no luck.

    6. Tried different versions/updates, but I might have the wrong link.

    I’ve spent over 10 hours trying to fix this, and I’m out of ideas. If anyone has advice or is experiencing the same issue, I’d really appreciate any help!

    Thanks in advance!
  17. Rob James

    Rob James Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2017
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    DJAxelP, Clone and Lxfsn are right, it's the size of your Wavetables folder that is messing things up. The Wavetables folder should be 1.98GB for Mac and 1.84GB for Windows. Check your size, it's probably not 1.98GB. The re-install should have fixed that, but you say it didn't. The only other thing I can suggest is, you physically copy that folder from a full installation disc or folder and place it exactly where it belongs in the STEAM/Omnisphere folder. Or get one of the guys here who's version is working to .rar up the Wavetables folder and post it here, or somewhere, to place in your STEAM/Omnisphere folder.
  18. Rob James

    Rob James Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2017
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    So, I'll post the worked for me.......this is for PC only. If you are on a Mac you need to ask a friend for a copy of his Wavetables folder, to replace yours. Like I said this is for PC only and it goes into the STEAM/Omnisphere folder replacing your existing Wavetables folder. The password is
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