Please comment om production.

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by R.S, Jul 2, 2023.

  1. R.S

    R.S Producer

    Oct 11, 2017
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  3. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    I really like it. Very emotional music and the vocal fits nicely in terms of the tone and feeling. A few comments in the mix.

    The guitar at 4:00 is a little harsh. It has too much 2000-3000Hz frequencies. Try an EQ and cut that region by about 1-3dB. and then maybe give it a shelf boost at 10K Hz instead and see iof that tames the harshness. You could also use a multiband compressor for this to target and compress those frequencies while not touching everything else.

    The vocal is a little muddy and gets drowned out by the music. Try a cut with an EQ at around 300Hz, just 1-2dB should do it. Then what I would do is duplicate the main vocal track. On the duplicated version I would use a chorus plugin or some other widening plugin and make it really wide. Then, blend this version with the original vocal. This will help add some width and help the vocal cut through the other sounds.

    But again, great job overall.
  4. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    Not my usual thing but i like the atmospheric stuff going on.

    I'd say it needs a bit of nice compression on the overall master buss, something to glue it a bit. Right now it's sounding a little "pokey", a tad bit "lumpy". Needs a bit of overall solidity and density. I'd use a warm compression, something like a Vari-Mu that has a soft knee and some slow behaviour.

    The vocal production needs work. The tonal balance and dynamics sound weird, it's a bit "nasally", a bit mid-rangey (i.e. somewhere in that 500-900hz area is too far forward, but just guessing). I'm not sure if it's a bad microphone or bad mixing. Did you remove the low-end of the vocal? Bring it back a bit. It's a weird for a vocal to sound so breathy and up-front and intimate without having a bit of a low-end too. Usually something that sounds up front would have more bass, simply by proximity. So therefore the front-to-back depth sounds skewed here.
    It also sounds like there's some unnatural pumping and weird phasing going on. Not sure what's doing that, but maybe it's a dynamic EQ that's working too hard? Think you might wanna ease back on those settings a bit and use a static EQ to get you the rest of the way there.

    I disagree with the post above that says the vocal is getting drowned out by the music. To me it sounds like it's too far above the music, it doesn't sound natural. I also disagree with the comment about it being too muddy. I dunno, maybe you updated the file since his post, but i'd say it LACKS mud/body.

    The instrumental is nicely balanced, and i like the stereo fx going on with some of the sounds. It's mainly just the vocal standing out as the main problem. For me, the weird vocal production distracts me from connecting with the soul of the song.
    And adding some subtle stereo buss compression would just enhance it a bit
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2023
  5. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    You are so nice guys ^_^
  6. mydemons

    mydemons Ultrasonic

    Mar 5, 2015
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    yep, i'd have to agree with Barncore. There's something wrong going with the's too harsh. maybe there's too much of de-esser going? Sometimes it's noticeable. dial it back a bit maybe. Also did you correct the tuning of the vocal? seems like there are some weird artifacts going on there on account of messing with the formants. other than that it's sounding nice. kudos
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