Active Members Only: Kontakt Problems with Windows? Please Post Here!!!

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Hazza

    Hazza Newbie

    Jan 27, 2020
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    Hi everyone, I wondered if you kind people might be able to help me get Kontakt 7 working on my PC (Windows 10 Home).
    Currently running 6.2.1[k] and I seem to have both 5.6.1 full [k] and 5.7.1 portable installed.
    I have tried installing 7.3.1 portable, unistalled, then 7.3.1 r4e.. with both the VST is not being seen by my host (VEPro) despite rescans etc. Standalone working fine.

    I wonder if there is some Plugin ID conflict going on? I've dug through a zillion threads and found some mentions of changing the Plugin ID in the VST settings.ini file. I do not have any settings.ini files anywhere related/close to my VSTs so I am stumped. I tried to check for Plugin ID conflicts with VST Scanner but it doesn't do instruments. Since lost the page with the suggested IDs!

    Anyone have any idea why it's not showing up and what I can do to get it working? Perhaps getting 100% off K5 and uninstalling could be a sensible move? Thanks in advance.
  2. Xenon

    Xenon Producer

    Jun 23, 2022
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    Kontakt7 is only vst3

    vst3shell allows you to run vst3 plugins in any daw without vst3 support:
  3. Hazza

    Hazza Newbie

    Jan 27, 2020
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    Oh wow, this totally didn't cross my mind! Thank you. Just read on VSL website that VST3 hosting is coming very soon. Will try the workaround, many thanks.
  4. liquid23

    liquid23 Ultrasonic

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Hamburg, Germany
    I´m getting lost.

    Had this version installed and everything was working fine so far. Sometimes a little hassle with library adding, but always got them to work somehow.

    Native Instruments Kontakt 7.1.3 Unlocked (Fixed)-r4e

    Now there are some librarys showing up only in demo mode.

    Deinstalled and regcleaned this version and tried newest R2R release which I don´t get to registrate. Cannot find requiered file.

    Deinstall and regclean again to try Bob Dule version. Registration is fine, but it won´t show up anywhere in Ableton. No VST there.

    Can anyone give me some advice? Already read lots of threads here but getting confused more and more.

  5. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    rescan the plugins or rename the .vst3 file to restore the ableton cache.
    you can also load Kontakt player first, and patch over once it show in the plugin.
  6. liquid23

    liquid23 Ultrasonic

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Hamburg, Germany
    Ty Bobdule! Got your release to work.
  7. basic_vacation

    basic_vacation Newbie

    May 2, 2023
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    Hi guys, I'm reading a lot of comments saying that r2r release is not working well. I've been trying to use kontakt since a while but never managed this to work properly. Either the library says demo mode, either I can't add new libraries like Ultimate Stage Piano. I think it has do to with the version. I know bobdule released a version but only available in sister site, right? Can someone please DM with the info I need? It would be very appreciate! Thank you guys!
  8. kronos45

    kronos45 Newbie

    Feb 6, 2022
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    Bonjour tout le monde.
    cette question a surement deja ete posée, ( ou alors j ai pas de chance et je suis le seul dans le cas)
    mais apres avoir parcouru le forum, je ne trouve pas de solutions.

    j' ai le kontakt 7 de Bob dule.(7.3)
    lorsque je debranche mon disque dur (10T) avec toutes les librairies, il se lance normalement. (avec missing librairies)et il me suffit de reconnecter mon disque dur et de cliquer sur mettre a jour pour que les librairies apparaissent.
    Aucun probleme si j' efface tout les XML du service center, il se lance direct ( sans les librairies naturellement).

    si je ne debranche pas mon disque dur... kontakt 7 ne se lance pas.
    pourtant je le voit apparaitre dans gestionnaire de tache avec presque 20% cpu.

    j' ai plus de 800 librairies....serai ce le probleme? avez vous deja eu le probleme?
    y a t il une solution simple?

    je n' ose pas RE-Batch sur K7 car kontakt 6 fonctionne parfaitement. ( exception des librairies exclusive Kontakt7)
  9. Academia

    Academia Producer

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Ok, this is a call for help to our hero Bob Dule.
    So, I have Kontakt 6.8.0 Full Options from Mr. Dule, in a laptop with Windows 11.
    On Studio One, Kontakt is recognized but doesn´t load, at all.
    On Cakewalk, an old favourite of mine, it is just NOT recognized at all, no matter what I do.
    On Ableton 11, Kontakt is recognized, BUT the first time I load Kontakt to a track, there is an error message. The second time I try, it loads and everything is hunky-dory. BUT when I open a saved project with an instance of Kontakt in one of the tracks, again there it is the error message, and I need to load it again, and load the library etc etc... Basically, once it is loaded, Kontakt works fine, but any saved project that includes Kontakt will have to be re-done one more time.
    What am I doing wrong....? I only have three libraries, being that "heaviest" one is around 9gb.
    As I said, Windows 11, Ableton 11, Studio One 5 and last version of Cakewalk.

    In any case, Mr Bob Dule, I tip my hat to your incredible work.
  10. Academia

    Academia Producer

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Just wanted to add something that i noted today. I have a project on Ableton that on tracks 1, 2 and 3 carries instances of Kontakt. When opened, only on Track 1 I received the error message, as on tracks 2 and 3 it loaded without a glitch, even with the settings from the last time I saved the project.
    Also, to mention that the same Kontakt 6.8.0 does NOT run standalone, it crashes everytime.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestion/help

  11. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    what about delete this folder
    C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Kontakt
    before launch 6.8.0 standalone to rebuild all correctlly

    backup the quickload content before if you get one.

    another clean can be done here
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Kontakt Application
    same method to reset all as a first start.

    rescan plugins in DAWs, check if blocked
    a database cache clean can aslo be done in app data daw folders (especially ableton if rescan fail)
    C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Ableton\Live Database

    the previous version 6.7.1 used a different activation mode (2 modif more), bypassing NativeAccess.xml check.
    it may be conflictual with older projects without re loading the last kontakt instance on tracks.
    as if an activation mode snapshot was done and recorded in the project.

    try a database clean first to see if it is better. and ckeck the pluging reload if you still get trouble loading projects.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
  12. Academia

    Academia Producer

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Lord Dule for Primer Minister!
    And again, many thanks for all your hard work.

  13. geKeasters

    geKeasters Newbie

    Aug 27, 2023
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    7.5.0 (r2r) here.

    Just trying to register Get Good Drums P5 (min version in the ncint is 7.4.0 even if it is created with 7.5.1 as far as I can see from trying to load the instrument in the kontakt's file browser) but I can't find a way.



    Any idea?
  14. robyjoe

    robyjoe Newbie

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Hello everyone, recently switched from Mac to PC... kind of lost at the moment !
    I have the legit K7 and a lot of paid libraries all working fine.
    My questions (feeling like a beginner here...) :
    - do I still need K6.7(k'd) to load k'd libraries like on Mac ?
    - do I still need K5.8(k'd) to add k'd libraries like on Mac and if so, where can I get it ?
    Thank you !
  15. deaman

    deaman Ultrasonic

    Aug 19, 2013
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    Win 11
    Reaper (latest)
    Kontakt 7.6 Bob Dule

    For some reason Kontakt stops loading, if some other VSTi is loaded first on the same track.
    Or, if I load a different VST on a track first, then try to add Kontakt 7 on a different track, Kontakt simply won't load AND the stand alone stops working, too, even if the Task Manager says the background process is running. It just never instantiates.
    I uninstall. Revert to Kontakt 7 BD 7.4, then it works. I update to 7.6 and everything works again, as long as I load Kontakt 7 first, in a project!

    Anyone have suggestions on what could be going on?

    I'm thinking of trying the R2R versions to see what happens.
    EDIT: The R2R versions deactivate all the libraries to DEMO MODE.

    Thanks to anyone who could help with suggestions, in advance.
  16. LekittokoIzarra

    LekittokoIzarra Newbie

    Oct 9, 2023
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    So how do you guys go from having a library with no .nicnt so just .nki .nkc and .nkr to create a .ncint file that works without the demo mode on?
    I explain: I have Kontakt 7.6 Bob Dule on Win 11, the libraries that come with .nicnt file work perfectly but when I create my .nicnt with the NICNT Maker software and put the file in the library folder, Kontakt detects and opens the library but always in demo mode. I know that I'm doing something wrong but I can't find the answer to this problem.

    Could you please show me how to do it properly?

  17. Tawky

    Tawky Newbie

    Oct 11, 2023
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    I'm having problems with this too. Got Bob's version to run good and well. Scanned the libraries with the tool, got all of them except for 3 unofficial ones (African Marimba & Udu, PSI_Marimba, RastSound African Vocals). Put the Nicnt Maker in the folder. Just typed a number that wasn't already used. Now the library shows up, but with the button 'Activate'. So I installed Native Access, press Activate, but in Access I still don't see those libraries. I can't do anything with them in Kontakt 7, only thing visible is the 'Activate' button.

    Any suggestions ^^?

    Edit: My bad. I overlooked something. It's working. In Access it says DEMO with all libraries, but that doens't seem me hindering to use them.

    Thanks Bob!
  18. TorLord

    TorLord Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Somewhere out there...
    Not sure if this is the place for this so forgive me if it is not, but I'm having a small issue with some Kontakt libraries. I just recently downloaded the "Drift Theory" and the "Higher Place" expansions, which both came as an installer. After running these installers and pointing them to the appropriate place, all the folders and files installed just fine, but no .nicnt file shows up at all. I've dealt with these types of things before, using the installer to add the expansions, but I have never ran into this issue before. Did they forget to throw the .nicnt file into the package? How would I go about getting this file besides making one with the "Kontakt Button" (that never works anyways)?
  19. Sacculus

    Sacculus Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Hi, I have the R2R version 7.6.0 and everytime I install a new library or simply closed open Ableton for a few time it always ask for registration again and again, ... so I'm forced to re-run the keygen everytimeq.
    Is there a solution for me?
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
  20. semix

    semix Newbie

    May 21, 2024
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    I am very new to using kontakt.

    I have 104 k'd libraries and I have this problem in 29 of them.

    I manually created the nicnt files one by one and mapped the .xml file to spnid. After creating the Nicnt files and matching them with .xml, I installed kontakt, threw the new xml file and loaded my libraries. But I encountered this problem and i cant solve it.

    Can you help me? I can't find a solution.

    Attached Files:

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