MixbusTV (David Gnozzi) buying fake views

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dj_jon, Jun 11, 2023.

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  1. dj_jon

    dj_jon Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2023
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    Bro join the rest of the excuse-makers on this thread.

    He bought fake views, what's the big deal?
    People are adding chrome extensions and insulting my manhood just to counter it.

    Gonna bust a vein in your foreheads
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
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  2. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I only noticed one post attacking many people they do not know anything about. And I only know of one type of person who uses the term "toxic male" on the internet. Andrew Tate (and his readers of bs). He used to have a few Lambos too, until they were seized by the police. I probably think those cops, just like the rest of them; are corrupt and that was little but a legally executed robbery. It's pretty comical when someone mentions they are married in one thread and then uses the term incel in another. You signed up for nearly the same thing, but at the eventual cost of half your stuff.
  3. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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  4. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    "Racism" ; "Incel" "members of the thread are toxic males"

    Just quoting what kind of things triggered in your mind (and i never said) when i posted about sexism that exists in audio community. I didn't attacked anyone here, just the end result of the thread. I never really understood why a statement like that would blame men that have nothing to do with sexism. They just don't give a shit because they know who they are. But, again, my comment triggered some bad ideas and words on you, especially alegating things that are crimes. Racism is a crime. It's not fair and it's criminal to deliberately input that things to someone, just as criminal saying someone bring "grooming vibes" by it's relationship. I don't know how naturally you call someone racist by being antiracist or sexist by being antisexist, but bringing those things to the table you have to sustain. With things that i ACTUALLY DID to enable you to input me those things.
  5. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    wow, you guys sure have a way with words :rofl:
  6. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    by the way, they've diverted the topic to racism and politics probably deliberately tbh, to close the thread. Hmm
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  7. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Racism is NOT a crime in most places, although certain ideologies wish to make it so.
    It is a foolish and self-destructive wish, because (as the dogma of the ideologies itself points out) much of racism is subconscious or unconscious and to eliminate it would mean a need to eliminate all humans.

    Better to accept that we are all racist, in varying degrees, and with different manifestations.
    In THAT way (if we ACCEPT it as true of OURSELVES) we may be able to manage better our behaviors (the only thing that MATTERS, because it is the only thing we MIGHT be able to actually DO).

    If you call others out without realizing that you are included, you are ignorant and arrogant.

    For example, I exhibit racism regarding Asian peoples.
    I tend to trust them with my physical safety more than is warranted.
    I make excuse for cultural and behavioral things I should NOT excuse, simply due to the structure of their eyes, the color of their skin and the pigments in their hair.
    I know this is unfair, but somehow I am biased this way. I do not know if it is genetic predisposition or cultural construct.
    I only know that I am racist in this way.
    I think my Filipina wife is HAWT.
    But she is only 2 years younger than me, so don't get any ideas.

    Anyway, all those virtue-signaling tyrants make me puke. And the same goes for this thread.
    Mind your own fucking business, all you mysogenistic racist fucks who think you're NOT.
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  8. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    wow nice, let's just pretend some people don't kill people. that's just life huh, let it be.. right? the more we accept that the more it'll stop? cool
  9. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    no but how did it get from shitting on mixbustvs david, and his fake views and his "be my gf, I can make u famous" to "minorities"
    how does "minorities" take so much space on your brains?
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  10. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Here where i live racism is not only crime but also can lead to serious consequences, so i don't know what you're talking about nor wish to know
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
  11. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    As you seem mentally fragile, let me take you up on your words.

    That's kind of ironic coming from someone that call for Functional illiteracy.

    Now that we have that settle down lets move on with your second fabulating claim.

    It was clearly said that it is incoherent to call people out on racism by making racist claims or call people sexist by making sexist claim.

    Let me quote myself.

    I must admit that it might be a stretch for you to understand that concept though.

    Yeah, I admit you might not have the faculty to understand what you are saying. You write words but don't understand their meaning in the context of an Audio forum.

    Let's leave it be. I really just don't know how to dumb it down for you.
  12. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Me as well and I called that out on it.

    I heard of him once but not sure what he has to do with the jealousy of the very few incels in this thread. Mind to share the link you are making here as I fail to understand the circumstances.

    I don't know if you're talking about my marriage but I can assure you that I don't want to go after your wife nor girlfriend. That would defeat the purpose of my marriage.

    Are you talking about someone else jealousy in regards to a relationship they are not even considered to be a possible partner?

    Rest assured, half my stuff won't go anywhere anytime soon. We can put that presumption to rest. Unless I die, then my son and my wife will get half half per my testament. :hug:
  13. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    this is an international forum yeah? I mean it's english based but I didn't think it was American. or any one country, or place....I guess I'm not sure what talking about minorities means on a global scale.

    The Sentinelese?
  14. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    There's some kids with a 6 mile radius general culture that have access to the internet and this forum apparently. I see no other way of explaining that stupidity.
  15. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    But killing other people is NOT something that EVERYONE does.
    The FIRST human racists were those who us who came down out of the trees and began to live on the savanna.
    At least there is a common consensus that we had enough charafteristics at that point to be called "human".
    And of course WE humans made up the rules, and WE made up the words, however inaccurate or prejudiced towards our own understanding of what we call human...
    Be that as it may, there were humans who lived in other areas, and after a while there were physical distinctions obvious enough to allow some to identify others as being "different". Not as different as an elephant, but ... different. Of course there were other differences they could identify among humans, and they could see you wore a different necklace and carried a different pouch, so they killed you.
    You made different sounds so they killed you. You did things a little diofferent..so they killed you.
    Even among your own group...you were born a little different-looking or acting ...so they killed you.

    In nature what is different you leave alone unless you need to eat it , or to kill it so it does not eat you...
    That's the basic, crude morality in nature. Certainly not so 'nice" but surely not "evil".

    But when it comes to our own species, we can not tolerate the disease...the different...the threat...the "evil"...whatever.
    "Evil" is something we use to describe what HUMANS might do ... or might have in us... what humans may manifest or might even "be". ("BE" is very effective and allows for quick elimination without further consideration. Very effective in certain ideologies /or religions.)

    So, LONG before being racist was evil, being racist was honorable and it was heroic to eliminate it to protect the group.
    It was perhaps "sacred" or "holy" in those primitive minds.. and ceremonies and rituals performed in honor and to support ... racist killings. Just look at the KKK and those who supported it...
    We were racists since our first encounter with another like us, but not like us. A million years as human, and millions more before that. Maybe a billion. Even amoeba's are "racist".
    Because in nature whatever is different may be dangerous, and if it competes with you for survival, it's the most dangerous.

    Am I an expert on racism? Well, I hold no degree and have never worked in any related job.
    But it only takes a strong enough desire to know what is REALLY true, and a willingness to admit not only the worst one might be, but how much worse one might be POTENTIALLY... how bad humans CAN BE.

    But don't go into it without hope. If one can forgive humans for how bad we can be .. perhaps one can even forgive oneself enough to avoid suicide.
    EVEYONE IS RACIST, and if they don't demonstrate it, it's only due to circumstance...luck.
    It's great to build social conventions that allow us to live in such relative safety and so close with so many other humans..

    But if we are able to avoid many of the triggers for those deeply-rooted biological systems ... system that are evolved to eliminate threats...
    Those motive forces will often be attached to other targets, often via political, religious or other ideologies
    NO human has evolved out of those drives yet...
    So that feeling of disgust we have when seeing racist behavior ...that urge to smash that racist fucker's head ....
    Where does that violence come from? It is always there.. and what matters is WHY...
    What are the reasons for our actions..our violence?

    So, make sure your ideology is vast and accounts for everything possible and never seek to "don't judge" but take on all the responsibility to JUDGE FAIRLY. Because, if you think you won't judge ...that you can somehow AVOID judging others...you are arrogant and ignorant.
    Because the brain will judge without your knowedge, and it's best to at least be aware that you ARE judging..everything...all the time....

    Ahh... so many fools...so little time to rant ...
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Incorrect. In any country (or region), when a "majority" group does the exact same thing it is normally referred to as discriminatory behavior.
  17. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    It was 1k when you started publicly slandering it, now it's 1.5k, only several days later. So the imaginary problem is getting solved in a quite organic way. You have just helped boost Bella Kelly's career. And David Gnozzi's, by extension.

    Don't let any amount of reason or logic interfere with your crusade. Don't give up until the video goes viral.
  18. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Ok guys, it's time to close this thread as too many of you broke the rules in it.
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