MixbusTV (David Gnozzi) buying fake views

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dj_jon, Jun 11, 2023.

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  1. dj_jon

    dj_jon Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2023
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    I don't care we he thinks of me, I just responded to his nonsense claim that I wasn't a musician.

    I've been responding to everyone.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
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  2. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    You said he has the ''audacity to tell someone who uses this site "your not even a musician".''

    If you didn't care about what he thought, you wouldn't have responded to obvious triggering sentences.

    But you still haven't answered my last two questions.

    Do you think that's rational and coherent to blatantly attack people and expect not to be attacked in return? Do you understand that respect is a two way street?

    What's your expectation by acting like that?
  3. dj_jon

    dj_jon Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2023
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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
  4. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    So again you are stating you have something to prove to some people and care about what people think about you which is your d!ck measuring trial and test and underline it by thinking that he found out something.

    I can assure you that the only thing he found out (and most other reasonable men here) was that you acted like an immature young men and rejected accountability because you think you're entitled to judging people without being judged.

    See, your perception and the reality are 2 completely different things.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to shame you but at one point, a real strong men can look back and see how he put himself in a difficult situation, step back or get back up and start over again on a different path.

    If you keep on doing the same thing over and over again...well, I'm sure you know what that mean and I don't need to point it out.

    You deserve better then that. Don't procrastinate in mediocrity, there's nothing to gain out of it.
  5. dj_jon

    dj_jon Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2023
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    OK I feel like I'm in a therapy session now.:rofl:
    You win
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
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  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Because you claim to respond to everyone I'll bite.
    I agree that it is everyone's right to defend who they are. David's right too as much as yours, neither more nor less.
    So I have some simple questions.

    What possible GOOD can come from posting your main thread post? I agree it is fine to question anything that does not look right. I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion. You did leave out the rest of your statement which is indicating something less than decent (below).
    YOU - [Also him dating an 18 year old is just creepy. Gives off strong grooming vibes. "Be my girlfriend and I'll make you famous!"]

    Did you really find it absolutely necessary to deprecate his personal life? Opinion or not, that is exactly what you did though very indirectly under the veil of 'opinion'. Deprecation. opinion or not, is still regarded as a form of attack - it is called 'bad-mouthing'. In the extreme, vilification. Most people if someone they care about is attacked will respond. That is simple common sense.

    Could you have simply pointed to the likes not adding up? That is a good harmless non-deprecating opinion. The only reason I can see people have said less than nice things is for that reason alone. It really was unnecessary even though you are certainly entitled to say whatever you wish. I think people bit because being transparent, it looks veiled and surreptitious.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2023
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  7. dj_jon

    dj_jon Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2023
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    The reason I brought up his girlfriend is because it helps support my main argument on why he would buy fake views.
    (Be my girlfriend and I'll make you famous)

    That and I just always found their relationship strange. And nobody was talking about it.
    Well I wanted to talk about it.

    I thought this forum would be a relatively quiet, private place to discuss the matter.
    That was until David himself made his grand entrance.

    In the end, I didn't say anything that bad.
    "Creepy" and "grooming vibes" is pretty tame if you ask me.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
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  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    OK - I understand that we ALL find some things strange that many other people may or may not.
    Quiet is not a term I would use for here. I have to admit it has been tame as of late, but definitely not 'quiet'. :hahaha:
    We can all use vocabulary to try and tame things down. 'Creepy' as you well know, is a term that indicates vibes of giving chills. The same could be said of much worse things and 'Creepy' has been used with people who were later found to be extremely unsavory - e.g. Weinstein.
    Keep in mind though, no matter how tame anything is, if it is remotely derogatory, it will certainly get a response from someone that will not be pleasant. I have no issues with anyone's opinion. It is a right.

    Being honest, some opinions will simply achieve nothing good, no matter how valid they may seem to the owners of them. You only have to look at media and that is a ballpark that is a total can of worms that I will stay away from. :).
  9. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    I wasn't claiming the two things are identical -- just that both appear to be regarded as viable career options in modern American culture. Really just making the point that it's a bit nonsensical to point the finger at Italy as a country that tolerates or embraces inter-generational relationships (it really doesn't) when a YouTube "celebrity" like Boogie1488 -- a man in his late 40's -- freely admits to spending in excess of $100,000 in a year on dating teenage girls from SugarBaby-type websites with complete impunity.

    That said, Boogie has his haters too. People like dj_jon who see it as their role in life to police the bedroom habits of other men. They all seem a bit weird to me.
  10. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    If your main argument wasn't such a stretch you wouldn't have felt the need to "support" it with even more dubious allegations regarding someone's private life.

    In the end, you have proven nothing about David Gnozzi, and quite a bit about yourself.

    And this forum is not a private place. It's open to public - everyone with an internet connection has access to everything that is written here, without logging in. "Private" is yet another simple term you don't seem to comprehend.

    You didn't say anything bad? You really should be given a chance in the court of law to verify the legality of your public actions here and your outlook on society in general. In that sense I salute your revelation regarding the number of your Soundcloud followers. It's quite likely the only truthful claim you have made so far and will certainly help in identifying you.
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  11. dj_jon

    dj_jon Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2023
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    You think it's a stretch that I claim the views are fake when 99.99% of the views couldn't even bother to like the video?

    Mathematics aren't a stretch.

    I'm either wrong, or his girlfriend should stop making music since basically 100% don't like it.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
  12. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    with a simple addon extension you can see the amount of dislikes again, which are 120. so by your logic it's less than 10% off all views that could be bothered enough to press the like or dislike button that didnt like her song (120 dislikes vs 1300 likes). so yeah, you're wrong and she should keep going.
    Screenshot 2023-06-17 at 06.13.47.png
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
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  13. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    She should NOT stop making music because so many people don't like it.

    She should stop making music because I personally don't like it.
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  14. widgetsandcalm

    widgetsandcalm Newbie

    Jun 2, 2023
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    This is just a roundabout way of announcing that you have love/hate/projection issues with straight men, "jon".
    Is that rooted in jealousy or scorned lust, I dunno, and I don't care to know.
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  15. Haze

    Haze Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2013
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    You are hy2rog3n and I claim my pound of sausage.
  16. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I dunno about all that.
    I think she's just using him for his compressor.
    She'll just use him up and toss him away like an old tampon.
  17. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    This is a public forum, just like Gearspace and others.

    First you claimed that your malign mudslinging campaign is David's fault, and now that he should be thankful to you for not hitting him harder. These are clear indicators of psycho-pathological behaviour.

    Also, in line with the above, I think you are too much of a chicken to attempt it on Reddit or Gearspace. You are afraid of being identified. You are afraid because you know that you have no case and would get destroyed in court.

    First of all, your claim is not an evidence. It's just an opinion, a belief.

    For it to have any validity you would have to prove that there are no other you tube videos with the same ratio of views vs likes. And even then you wouldn't have an evidence. Not even close. You would still need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that this particular video has fake views. And since the opposing side would easily be able to present evidence that a large proportion of views are legit, you would have to claim at least the approximate number of fake views, if not identify them all, and then present evidence.

    And if you somehow managed to overcome the series of legal hurdles, you would then have to prove that the perpetrator is not Bella Kelly or her parents or anyone related to her, or any other third/fourth/fifth party with both motive and means, but exclusively David Gnozzi.

    Good luck with that.

    It's quite likely, however, that there are many more such videos. Even if you would be able to prove that all of them contain fake views, you would still have to prove all of the above.

    Again, right now you have no evidence whatsoever for any of your claims. Just a disturbingly unhealthy and destructive fixation on one person who is obviously much more successful than you, both in musical and evolutionary/biological sense.

    In mathematics 99.99% doesn't equal 100%. In practical terms there is usually a big difference between something and nothing. In this particular case the difference/error is over 1000 likes. 1000 people is a lot. In some cases, having 1000 devoted followers/fans is enough to make a living.

    So you need to decide what mathematics means to you. Is it a stretch or not. Simultaneously holding conflicting opinions/beliefs is called cognitive dissonance.

    Also, claiming that every viewer on youtube who doesn't hit like automatically dislikes the content is, to put it mildly, rather unintelligent.

    You finally might be onto something.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
  18. boomoperators

    boomoperators Kapellmeister

    Mar 16, 2021
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    You can delete my comment all you want, it's that thread which should be deleted.

    Sorry for speaking the harsh truth I guess
    I guess mods need those clicks after all
  19. George Santos

    George Santos Kapellmeister

    May 16, 2023
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    With reddit down, I guess this is the new place for idle gossip and procrastination
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  20. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    this is just plain and simple jealousy. he marketed the songs very extensively, the remix contests were put in place to market them, he showed the many blog posts that were written. he pushed her in a lot of the videos he's produced since meeting her. he's just good at what he's doing, both musically, and in terms of marketing. he is also a man who is very strong about who he is and what he likes, he's ripped and he doesn't keep silent when something bothers him. he displays his personality very visibly and standy by it. this combined with his stellar skills makes for a man who is very attractive to women. it's ok for an 18 or 21 year old to date a 40 or 50 year old, that's her right and her choice and you have no right to interfere. if you take issue with it then sue him and fail in court. also, that this thread evoked such an emotional response from so many people just shows how powerful and influential of a man he really is and just how sought after he is. spend your time bettering yourself, you could have taken crucial steps to becoming a man who is attractive to women in the time you wasted crying in this forum about his masculinity and success, and if you keep carrying this miserable mindset with you you'll never reach a level where you could ever respect yourself and be respected by others.
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