Looking for Akai MPC 2.11 Desktop Software Legit for PC

Discussion in 'Software' started by StormChaser, Jun 12, 2023.

  1. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Does anyone know where I can download a legit version of the Akai MPC 2.11 Desktop Software for PC, Akai dont seem to supply previous versions on there site only the latest or anything in my account.

    The most recent Akai version is v2.12.0.24 however the VST MPC64.dll thats installed with this version is buggy as hell in FL Studio v21.0.3.3517 (Legit) and is hit and miss in Studio One 6 (Legit)

    I installed a previous version of the Akai MPC Software for PC v2.9.1 and the VST MPC64.dll thats installed with this version work absoloutely fine in FL Studio and Studio One 6 the only problem is all of my newer expansion packs dont work with this version of there software, so I was hoping if I can find v2.11 I might have a happy medium.

    Any help and advice would be most welcomed.

    Thank you in advance

  3. grounder

    grounder Kapellmeister

    Jul 14, 2019
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    Everywhere and nowhere
  4. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Hey Grounder

    Thank you so much that is a massive help I have just downloaded it.

    Is there a list of links anywhere of all the previous versions up to v2.12.0.24 so I could download them all just in case I need them?

    Knowing how difficult it is now getting the previous versions I will make sure I grab every version thats released before it disappears.

    thanks so much.
  5. grounder

    grounder Kapellmeister

    Jul 14, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Everywhere and nowhere
    NP. I had that still bookmarked because I needed it a few months back. It came from MPC forum but not sure which thread. Do a search and you will find it I'm sure. There was only v 2.11 posted however.

    This is what I found when I started search for older installers but most are MAC and of no help to you I suppose, but maybe others:

  6. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    I did find that link earlier but only a very old windows version on there as you said.

    I tried the, but it's just as buggy in FL Studio as the latest Akai v2.12.0.24.

    As soon as you load the VST plugin if you try and click on say the tempo on/off or count in buttons they don't change colour and from there is just down hill.

    Anything with a menu as soon as the menu disappears a buggy graphic of the menu text remains on the screen and the more you click, the more buggy graphics you add.

    Deleting anything on the song play list just turns it pink, and it stays as a pink box

    Then finally trying to delete the plugin from the instrument rack it doesn't do anything until you try it a couple of times and then FL Studio just bugs out and doesn't respond, forcing you to end the task or reboot the computer.

    It's very annoying at times this software lark, there is always something that doesn't work right and more and more these days we are the involuntary beta testers for these big corps even though we have shelled hundreds if not thousands of pounds / dollars for their software and hardware.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2023
  7. grounder

    grounder Kapellmeister

    Jul 14, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Everywhere and nowhere
    Hi StormChaser. I don't use MPC Desktop so unfortunately I can't compare or offer any suggestions. I needed the install package just to have a look at the C driver versions. I agree about the lark and Akai seems to be one of the the biggest offenders at least in my experience. They sold VIP a few years back. I received for free with my MPK so can't bitch too much.:) Had some issues, reported them as well as many others doing same. Not only no fixes, but 0 response from them as well. Then they just dropped it a short time later and on top of that, if you didn't save the installer,(s) you were SOOL because the links no were no longer on site or account in account.
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