MixbusTV (David Gnozzi) buying fake views

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dj_jon, Jun 11, 2023.

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  1. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    could be
  2. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    14 would be creepy. 18 is a grown woman. Old enough to vote, old enough to die for her country, old enough to fuck creepy old men to advance her career if she so chooses.

    Go and get angry about something that matters. This isn't that.
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  3. alexbart

    alexbart Producer

    Mar 17, 2013
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    The million views with low likes could be also related to the way the video has been promoted, so that the viewers of the mixbustv channel clicked on that link and only somebody liked it. Usually fake views includes also fake likes.
    The mixbustv channel is based on paid promotions, so it's that kind of information to push the viewers on some specific product and to be taken carefully, also David is not open minded and he becomes unkind to those who point out solutions different from his own, not the stuff i would put my time on.
  4. dj_jon

    dj_jon Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2023
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    I'm just trying to have a discussion, this is the "Lounge" after all.

    Also wanted to bring it up because nobody else has. I like exposing the fakes, because I am the Truth.
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  5. dj_jon

    dj_jon Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2023
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    If you think my post was creepy, just watch videos of David and his girlfriend interacting...
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  6. dj_jon

    dj_jon Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2023
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    I'm angry about him buying fake views.
    The grooming his girlfriend thing was just a sidenote.
  7. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    But, by going about "making it" it in a completely fake way, in the end you've not "made" anything. You gained some percentage points or some numbers by buying them. Buying numbers does not necessarily equate to "making it" since numbers do NOT equal actual fans who buy copies of your stuff or go to your gigs. They are just numbers.

    As far as a "democracy" goes, there hasn't been a true democracy in the u.s. for decades. When corporations and rich benefactors can buy politicians and then pay them to write legislation that favors corporate bottom lines and political agendas that is not a democracy - it's a corporatocracy.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
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  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'd rather see him have fake Youtube stats and hitting his punk rock girlfriend, than homers for the Red Sox.
  9. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    By 18yo gf means the goth chick? idk havent been to the channel for a long time, may be that dude has a new 18yo gf now, however i feel happy for the dude, I mean shes 18, thats aces in my book.
    Every one wants something, maybe his gf wanted views, so he bought her. I just youtube dude who cares, YT is just a marketing platform, dont take it too seriously, youtube has gone into the BS zone long time ago, maybe ppl didnt realize it. Any thing useful u find over there has become very rare.
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  10. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Not that there ever was anything useful even...
  11. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    OMG :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
    Nice to meet you , The Truth:hahaha::hahaha::hahaha:

    I don't know this guy's videos. Besides that his haircut gives me the creeps...
  12. DGMX

    DGMX Member

    Jun 11, 2023
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    Hello folks, this is David. Thank you to the OP for opening the thread, as they say haters will make you famous.
    I'm gonna address a couple, or more things here, with the BIG premise that my personal life is nobody's business and if someone, anyone has anything to say personally, I'm down to do it in person any time. You know my name, I don't know yours, funny how this is always the case.
    Let's start by fixing some things: my FIANCEE, is 21 not 18. I also didn't go after her, it was the other way around really, I opposed to our relationship at first for several reasons which are none of your business again. This is to say, no I didn't promise anything to get anything. That's probably what the OP does or try to do I guess, please don't project. My relationship with her is *sacred* let that sink in an watch your next line because it's one thing to talk about music and online bs is a very different thing if you even come close to disrespect her. That my boy will not fly I promise you.
    Now dear dj_jon your obviously have no idea what grooming means, but you throw that word around one more time I'm gonna sue you for defamation and libel and I can assure you I will win.
    Let's go now to the "fake views"
    I understand you're probably a wannabe, failing musician who has NO idea how to properly promote a product, a single, a release. Any idea of what PR is, how is done and probably absolutely nothing about the real music business, I'm guessing you produce, mix, master promote, clean the floor etcc
    Here's a couple of questions: when you look at stats on the videos do you have ANY comparison with a previously UNKNOWN artist? How many likes vs views or comment or stats? No you don't. You're probably comparing this with videos of established artists with an ongoing fan base. This is a new artist, my advice? Watch and maybe you'll learn something, and I ain't even gonna charge you for that.
    Now let me show you a couple of things since you want receipts:
    Let's start with these:

    Since we're flashing things, she's also modeling for at least 6 clothing brands and actually published model and we don't even look for modeling gigs. Just google it, I don't feel like doing it for ya.

    These are just a few of the almost 100 publications she's featured on. Where are yours? Did I pay for all that? I'm doing good but I'm not that rich. I know how to promote a single tho' unlike you obviously.
    On top of this, her two remix contest were back'd up by over 40 companies in the pro audio world, for which BTW I gave away an excess of 30 THOUSANDS DOLLARS in prizes TO PEOPLE, most likely to people like you.

    Now on the "views". Obviously you know nothing about youtube. At the time her 1st single was out, her channel was BRAND new, you want to try and buying hundreds of thousands of views on a new channel with two (or one) video and see what happens? Everyone knows anything about youtube will tell you: your channel will be immediately shut down, permanently. And you will say "how did you do it then?" well that my friend, you'll never know but you can keep watching.
    And if you're mad now, wait for the next single and EP where we have some pretty big names collaborating with her. And everything is subjective but I promise you, those people don't do that just because, they only do that if the artists is something special, something you probably couldn't recognize if it hits you in the face with a bat.

    People "drop" singles every week, because that's how you do it right? Yet how is it going? where are your views? where are your articles and interviews and your publications or your red carpets? Because you can also google that, you'll also find some cool Getty images to be jelly about. Again, you'd be better off watching and learning.
    And let me also add this: do you really thing if I was buying views I'd stop at 1M? Why? You simply do not understand.
    And again, let me reiterate, YT would shut you down in one split second.
    And if I was to buy views, why not buying them for my channel? And once again watch it with the rest because if you make it personal I'm gonna make it personal.

    I'm a nice guy, my channel has hundreds of FREE videos for you all to learn, and no YT for me doesn't even pay my electric bill but fortunately, I make my living with my mixes and masters. But for how nice I am there is one very clear line not to be crossed and I think I made it very clear what that is. And if it's not clear MrLyannMusic I have no complex of any sort. I met my FIANCEE on the job because she is an amazing artist, we fell in love and yes you bet, I will do anything for her because I'm very much in love with her and so is she. I don't need to do ANYTHING tho' to "keep her around" I wish you will find something like we have, and maybe you'll be less jealous of other people, more happy and stop playing dollar store psychology trying to figure people out, people you don't know, know nothing about and are not in your life but like I said, please keep talking about us.

    Anyways, good talk!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
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  13. overusesreverb

    overusesreverb Member

    Feb 20, 2021
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    idk. dude had some really good "no bs" content in the beginning but like many folks after a while they become a youtuber first and engineer second. Same thing happened to that white sea guy. Im all for folks like Eric Valentine who have walked the walk and are creating content to give back in the later stages of their career. They have a respectable body of work to stand on already and arnt just trying to sell me another softube plugin.
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  14. coolbeanz

    coolbeanz Platinum Record

    Jan 13, 2012
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    WHELP! so much for 'The Truth' :disco:
  15. overusesreverb

    overusesreverb Member

    Feb 20, 2021
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    homie I got bad news for you. If youre truly confident you arnt buying views your pr people are most definitely taking you to the cleaners then which wouldn't be all that surprising. Very familiar with these blogs and know that theres a lot of "pr people" that use them as some demonstration of value when in reality their clickthrough rate is abysmal and the practice as a whole is extremely outdated. No ones going to blogs anymore man

    personally, youve lost me over the years with your content but as a working professional in this industry im probably not your target demo anyways. I think OP bringing your significant other into this conversation was uncalled for but thats the internet. No hate to you, I hope you have a good rest of your sunday, but I do encourage you to take a step back and reflect on how you approach bringing value to the space with your content.
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  16. Lieglein

    Lieglein Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2018
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    I like your openness. :shalom:

    But how does youtube pay so little? I thought people with technical content receive a lot more money in relation.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
  17. ScorpionRei

    ScorpionRei Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    So much hate here, a lot of mom's basement frustrated dudes. And then they wonder why they do not succeed in the scene. Making toxic assumptions about things they have no idea about, and just spreading it on the internet. Imagine being stuck in a studio with people like this, too much bad energy. Actually not a studio in their case, but mom's basement. :rofl:
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  18. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    This is starting to sound like a really bad soap opera about a bunch of butt-hurt wannabe's trying to justify their existence by bringing down someone else. buh bye...
  19. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Thank you for clarifying, i appreciate you taking the time to answer some of the misconsuptions, honestly i do not care about your private life or who you decide to spend time with as i do not know you in person it's none of my busniess i just shared some of thing i read on some private facebook groups, anyways i'll take this chance to thank you for your earlier work on youtube as i have been a fan, but honestly things have changed, maybe it's the way of things who knows, so i'd like to take the chance to ask you to try to go back to the "old ways" if you'd like where you share some secret tips and tricks and historical informations concerning the hows and whys that leads to sharing some of stuff that we don't get to see on other "free to access" content. hope you got my point!

    good day to you.
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  20. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    personally I'm worried he's a vampire

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