CPU maxing out in Studio One but nowhere near full utilization

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by howmanybuses, Feb 4, 2023.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I even get this on a Ryzen 9 5950X 16C/32T system with 128GB RAM and PCIe4 NVMe hard drives where the audio pops sometimes. This happens on even small mastering projects with 4-8 audio tracks and only 1-4 effect plugins per track. However, it normally happens when putting multiple instances (2-4) of CPU intensive plugins on the same track, such as Soothe2 or plugins with max oversampling (x8 - x16). The performance meter tells you which core/thread each plugin is using when you open it up and on mine, it seems even within the performance meter the plugins are only using 20% of a core and no other Plugin using the same core, so it's a bit odd that Studio One 6.1.1 is showing it as maxing out and causing dropouts. It does this at 96kHz even with 2048 buffer. But does improve with less kHz obviously (I master using 96kHz and produce using 48kHz). And this is after having applied all the normal optimisations and disabling of paps and services and so on (in Windows 11).

    However, I may try to dual boot when I get a chance and use something like what @The Pirate suggests above to see if any difference and improvement.
  2. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    What I stated on that thread IS A solution. An Oprekin build WILL solve the issue. I spent almost 300 hours tinkering with Studio One and W10, and NOTHING I did was able to fix the CPU spikes on a beast PC. Install Oprekin LITE and the problem will be solved.

    Edit: Lite Plus will cause some headaches for DAW users
    Last edited: May 31, 2023
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    1.) Manual

    Oversample calculates the reduction filter in a higher frequency resolution. Higher values offer better frequency resolution for the processor to distinguish resonances. This can be necessary when working with low frequencies. Higher oversample settings give you smoother results when using high sharpness values.

    Resolution adjusts the resonance detection’s refresh rate and filter updates, resulting in a smoother response in the time domain. Using resolution in high or ultra can be beneficial with material that has lots of transients or complex waveforms, such as drums, busses, harpsichord, or grand piano. Using resolution on eco roughly halves the CPU usage. However, this can introduce artifacts if the material’s frequency content varies a lot over time.
    Source: https://oeksound.com/manuals/soothe2/

    2.) User
    Ppl have this problem all the time; your CPU is clocked out. Lots of plugins do oversampling when u render, but not during playback hence the extreme CPU usage only while bouncing or rendering. Try freezing/bouncing as many tracks as you can then do this one separately after.

    Soothe 2 is a resource hog, so it should only be used in the mastering stage with a higher latency used for mastering so you won't have drop outs, I believe there is a lesser resource live version of Soothe 2 to use, also you can just copy the settings to an EQ and remove Soothe 2 from the track to stop the audio drop outs.

    TL;DR don't use mastering Plugins during arrangement stage, and increase your audio buffer during mastering to avoid drop outs. Hope this helps.
    Source: www.reddit.com/r/Bitwig/comments/11936z2/soothe2_possible_bug_would_like_to_hear_others/
  4. Anubhav Ukil

    Anubhav Ukil Producer

    Nov 22, 2019
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    Also, apart from all these, just a small thing I wanted to say. Consider it my 2 cents.
    I believe I am an S1 poweruser. I have spent and invested huge time in it, I created catered and specific Macros, Keyboard shortcuts and what not (The specific custom DIY keyboards, my DIY Slate Raven, Lemur) for S1 exclusively and now it is nearly impossible for me to back out. S1 is like a dying cancer-patient wife to me.
    But, S1 is pretty buggy. A lot of normal behavior it has can also be considered bugs by a lot of Pros. S1 developers are heavily biased towards having new features compared to rectifying Bugs without not creating other bugs while rectifying previous bugs. A lot of the things in S1 is pretty counterintuitive. Again, I use S1 only. Reaper is the only stable DAW I know but sadly, it has a pretty boring appearance and hence very few people use it. I wish I had started using Reaper when I had the time.

    I may have gone off topic, but just thought of letting this feeling and thought out, in a hope that it may help someone.
  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    We are off-topic but WTF? What are these people using? A 456 Pentium? @Bunford 's problem is not because of Soothe, it is the mating of Studio One and Windows. Indeed, I am willing to bet anything that anyone with those spikes in Studio One can use another DAW without those random spikes.
  6. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Bitwig, that issue is specific to it, can't really recall, but Bitwig starts to act up when there's too much latency added by plugins, seems like there's a limit to it, Soothe is just criminal in that sense and maybe things changed when last time I used it, but I remember being so frustrated that I even released a demo of that song just to get over with it, it affected every bounce delaying audio, erased that thing and I'm happy with DSEQ since than.
  7. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Incorrect assumption. The same happens in Cubase 12.0.60 and Nuendo 12.0.60 too. Not tried it in Live though, mainly because I love to use Live for production but hate it for mixing and mastering.
  8. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    The OP is referring to random spikes in Studio One. That issue is well known, and have nothing to do with Soothe. Since you stated you were having the same issue I assumed, albeit incorrectly, that your problem was the same as the OP's and the one I had. With that said, if you are getting those random spikes with every DAW, then it is time to revise settings or try a different Windows built and see if you can get rid of those. As to Soothe, are you using the legit version? Have you tinkered with the Open GL? Soothe is resource intensive but with your system's specs it should not be as bad as it is.
  9. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @BEAT16 You can dislike my comment all you want but the bottom line is that we get a lot of copy and paste advice on this site that do nothing but repeat what someone else has claimed on another site, and fails to address the specific problem posited by a member here. For example, you copied and pasted this from Reddit:

    Yet, you omitted the part in which a member tells the OP that his specific problem WAS a bug that was fixed in a newer version!! That is the problem with "internet parrot experts" They do not speak based on their own experience. Indeed, they don't even ask for details which should be the first step in troubleshooting. They simply repeat what someone else's claimed. You don't know what version that Reddit's member is using or @Bunford is using. You don't even know if they area legitimate users of Soothe. They could be stuck on R2R's version 1.1.3. We now are on version 1.3.1. Look at the change log since that version:

    Released on November 21st 2022
    • new stereo tutorial
    • new preset from Jaycen Joshua
    • improved stability when running multiple instances
    • various minor bug fixes
    Released on May 2nd 2022
    • new
      • macOS: native Apple Silicon support
      • presets (from us, Henkka and Luis Barrera Jr.)
    • changed
      • Windows: removed 32-bit versions
      • minor improvements to the built-in tutorials
    • fixed
      • certain parameters didn’t change in specific cases when browsing presets
      • Pro Tools: preset changes weren’t reflected in the preview buffer or in automation with latch mode on
      • minor visual inconsistency with the delta switch when toggling the band listen mode
      • canttutthis error on very specific machine setups
      • various smaller fixes
    Released on November 8th 2021
    • option to lock quality parameters and delta when changing presets
    • improve Avid control surface mappings
    • improve idle performance in Bitwig
    • fix glitch when rendering regions in Reaper
    Released on July 14th 2021
    • Windows only: fixed a crash on certain old Intel processors (i7-3xxx)
    Released on May 27th 2021
    • greatly optimized processing performance on modern CPUs
    • Big Sur compatibility
    • bug fixes:
      • Logic 10.6.2: soothe2 no longer contributes to crashing some Logic projects containing several different iLok-protected plug-ins
      • EQ nodes jumped to their previous positions after changing presets under certain conditions
      • Windows + Pro Tools: on some setups projects that had a large amount of soothe2 instances might freeze the DAW’s interface

      Now, go ahead and dislike this comment too. Just remember that disliking, and disagreeing are 2 different things.
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  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Greetings dear @The Pirate and thank you for your comment and expertise. You write one should use another DAW and Studio One would not be a qualitatiev high quality DAW and the spikes are due to Studio One. I see that quite differently and think he should replace Soothe 2 with another CPU efficient plugin. For the badmouthing of Studio One and WTF /Offtopic saying of you there was a Dislike from me.

    The Ultimate Guide to Optimize your Windows PC for the Stage
    PreSonus - Optimizing Your Computer for Audio - Windows 10
  11. Anubhav Ukil

    Anubhav Ukil Producer

    Nov 22, 2019
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    I am sorry.
    I use Studio One for a living. I can't convince how much I have discovered Studio One and how S1 has basically become a part of me that I can't change. But I would still say it is flashy, developers are chasing flashy things, exactly like how a lot of men these days chase Flashy glorified Tiktok, Insta and OF influencers but isntead they should chase women with values. Same here as well. I would say the same for S1 developers. They want to bring flashy new user experiences and what not. Most of the times, due to they rush a lot to bring something, we get a lot of bugs, because things break when you try to bring something new without giving a lot of testing. When you add new components, coding wise, to an established program, you need to double check huge amount of scenarios; if you don't it becomes a bug. A complex thingworks like our bodies. Every new thing you put in, there will be effects and side effects; there will be subsequent interactions if you put more than one things and you need to make sure that you are doing something to stop that interactions.

    There are bugs that are there for atleast 2 MAJOR VERSIONS. What does that tell you? S1 just want new customers.

    First of all, Windows is a complex system filled with what not. Then most of us cheapskates use pirated ones. Then we use pirated or non pirated DAWs with a lot of pirated plugins and other softwares that improve our productivity. At this moment, it becomes impossible to find out what caused the actual error.
    You see some Youtube parrot's video about how to make your PC faster and you turn off bunch of system services without actually understanding it and then things will be broken if a new dll or software relies on that service to do something else than the intended purpose (for example, a plugin's intended purpose is to process audio. but it also check licence periodically; The code is obfuscated so to actually process audio, it has to decrypt itself first; Then the plugin may or may not call home. It may react to your host files. There will be some latency if your host file is huge and those latency, even in Nano seconds, can fuck up something else entirely; The possibilities of getting fucked up is infinite and even more so when you tweak the system WITHOUT KNOWING A SHIT just because a Youtuber parrot said so.
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  12. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    This—this all day. :shalom:

    Meth Red Get'em Meme.jpg
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  13. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    This is nonsense unless you are working with only 1 track in your DAW.
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  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Would be interesting to narrow down the CPU spikes root problem since, at least, in Oprekin's modded Win10 doesn't happen. I trust @The Pirate with this stuff.
    I'm on Win10 22H2 Ghostspectre SuperLite but haven't tested Studio One in a while. Mannn I'd do some test but... laziness wins
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  15. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Again, you took what I wrote out of context. For starters, this thread is about RANDOM spikes in Studio One. Indeed, this is what the OP wrote:

    Clearly, this thread's topic is not about Soothe, therefore, when @Bunford stated that he was having those spikes I assumed that it was also a Studio One related issue. That is why I suggested to try another DAW. That is the easiest way to find out whether it is a system problem vs a DAW problem. I never said, as you implied, dump Studio One. Again, the problem described by the OP is well known within the Studio One community, and Presonus has failed again and again to properly addressed it. The random spikes are NOT inclusive to Soothe. Indeed, some of the Presonus' own plugins also cause the spikes!
    Contrary to what you thought, I am a Studio One legit user. I have, therefore, a right to badmouth it. I invested in it. When that problem started to occur the very first thing I did was to try the same plugins on another DAW. That saved me time on tweaking my system because with other DAWs, the spikes were not taking place. What I did instead was perform fresh install of an Oprekin W10 22h2 LITE build which solved the problem. Don't blame Soothe. Blame Microfuck and Presonus coders. (By the way, I don't have a single "cracked" plugin or DAW in my studio system)
  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Thanks @The Pirate for your detailed explanations.

    In my opinion, it's due to several things at the same time: Windows - plugins - DAW and hardware.
    Windows that is getting more and more crowded with more and more programs and innovations.
    Software and hardware that is not mature and buggy.

    Add to that the insane speed to get to market without the product really being ready to beat other market players.
    Then finally the user who is overwhelmed and adjusts or estimates the wrong things.

    I have only 3 solutions.

    1) Install only products that are stable and upgraded.
    2.) Press the stop button and think carefully, do I need Window 11? or rather a stable and more mature Windows 10.
    3.) I have downgraded - I now use Studio One 4 and Windows 7.
    4.) Buy only products from companies that are really suitable for music.

    "Optimizing Your Computer for Audio"

    1. Deactivate C-States, P-States, T-States (depending on the BIOS) or set C-States to C0 / 1.
    This means that the CPU cannot go into sleep states.
    2. Deactivate the enhanced halt state (C1E).
    3. Leave EIST and Turbo Mode activated.
    4. I just mean that you shouldn't install any additional tools for driver updates, BIOS updates, fan control, WLAN management, etc. etc. The manufacturers also provide a bunch of rubbish tools that are best not installed.
    5. So I install the mainboard drivers myself, handpicked, and note which ones run well.
    6. With O&O win10 shutup (I have a Win10 test installation on a different SSD) I deactivated things
    7. Windows 3rd party drivers should not be updated by Microsoft.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2023
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Please read this article in peace to the end:
    Managing CPU usage in Studio One and overcoming high CPU problems on your system.

    The goal should be a stable system, which runs smoothly and works in such a way that you have fun with it. How do you achieve that? The update trap: With every update of Windows or Studio One new errors creep in and so it goes on and on. Fix - new bugs - fix and so on. A big band wrote, when they go on tour, they turn off the update function in Windows before.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2023
  18. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    THAT is not going to fix the random spikes problems in Studio One!! How many times do you need to be told the same thing?
    For starters, that article goes back to the days of Studio One 4. Yes, Indeed, they have a different guide for Studio One 5, and even though I never saw one for Studio One 6 I would not surprise me if there is one of the same Presonus koolaid crap.
    Secondly, none of those, almost generic articles, solve the random spikes problems that users are experiencing in Studio One 6 with Windows 10 or 11. NONE. I can trace these articles back to Focusrite.
    There is a coding problem within Studio One 6 that Presonus has blatantly ignored. Instead of trying to fix this issue, Presonus has been too busy with Sphere trying to milk more money out of its existent customer base, and new ones that are enticed by its ads.
    When you tell a long time users of Studio One that a freaking Presonus PC optimization article will fix the random spikes issue, you sound like a customer rep reading a script. To be clear, you call customer support for any company that develops DAWs and VSTs, and they all tell you the same shit: did you install the latest Windows update? Then, they go on to tell you the same thing that is found in all those articles. Do this, do that, blah, blah, blah. Take UAD as an example.They sold some Apollo 8xp without a firmware update that made those thunderbolt units to be recognized by Windows OS. People were receiving emails telling them to install latest updates. When I discovered what the issue was nad requested that they issue a bulletin and recall those units, they send me a $50 voucher and did not even post the solution. Presonus does the same shit.
    You talk about a stable system using Windows OEM? Good luck with that. The only way to try to achieve such a thing is to get a custom build Windows OS by someone with enough experience in both Windows and DAWs. Like I been saying for days, if you are having random spikes in Studio One 6 a viable fix is Oprekin W10 LITE 22H2 or one of his custom builds for DAWs.
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  19. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Come on vro! Are you another internet parrot expert just talking nonsense? Explain that incredulous statement you made to our community because you may be up to something we don't know. And we love to learn.
    Shit, you may have the key to computational advancement unknown to us. Maybe you are a time traveler from the future... or from the past. To be more exact, are you from way back1970 and you are using the Intel 4004? I can't way for your explanation so I can take my Intel i9 13900ks and throw it in the trash can.
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    1. i understand you. However, I am trying to help Studio One users get a more stable system. Probably PreSonus will have to see their sales plummet before they address and solve the CPU spike issue.

    2. I have been doing presets myself for 12 years with Windows 7/10 with Studio One with almost no problems. My website: http://ohlenbostelhelge.magix.net/public/

    I have rarely had problems with Windows. 1 problem came with an update - there I had timeouts. I then undid the update and 1 month later the problem was fixed.

    3 Thanks for the " Oprekin W10 LITE 22H2 " tip and your experience. I saved the link.
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    Studio One - CPU Spikes Fix
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