KNOCK plugin crashes Cubase Pro 12 [solved]

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by fafayqa, May 23, 2023.

  1. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Winona's bumpy chest
    I have like 15yrs old PC 6-core 3.2Ghz AMD + 16GB DDR + 3x SSD + firewire external soundcard T.C.Electronic desktop konnekt 6 (with their native ASIO drivers), Win10 x64 yet I am able running any modern VST plugin out there except this one...on the other hand, as for me it is only happening in C12 maybe I am angry at the wrong party here and should point it instead to Steinberg?

    Now I start to think most probably so...gee!
  2. def12

    def12 Producer

    Nov 6, 2021
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    Works here without problems (C12 recent legit)
  3. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Winona's bumpy chest
    Then I really do not understand anything at this point being completely it works perfect flowlessly inside standalone FLStudio DAW! :-(((((

    Can you tell what OS you have, like Win7, Win10, Win11?
    Last edited: May 25, 2023
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The plugin working correctly in FL lets you know the plugin is installed correctly, not corrupted, etc. But FL has always run nicely on machines with less than impressive specs, when compared with Cubase. It can also be less apt to crashing, in general. When I first asked if you had tried this in an empty project and also if just on the master bus or in other insert locations, was in reference to system resources.

    A generic google reply about C12 crashing: "If your Cubase keeps crashing for no apparent reason, it could be due to a lack of memory (RAM) on your machine or an excess of commands (CPU) being processed. Your computer likely crashed because you had too many plugins active, too many tracks playing, or too large of a project open." your Cubase keeps crashing,large of a project open.

    Did you buy this plugin? (or Cubase) That's about the only reason I would bother with it and spend this much time on it. It would be deleted in a New York New Year's Eve second, otherwise. I had previously tried and uninstalled Knock, anyway; without any of these problems. This is what a legit Cubase rabbit hole looks like: . I'd shitcan it and call it a wrap, long before doing the things in that support thread.
  5. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Winona's bumpy chest
    None of that applies to my case - I am a person with profi audio experience since summer 1998 + ex-programmer...thus every "automatic-right-out-of-my-mind" solutions I did immediately, that is why only after everything I decided to go ask here try my luck...

    I would - and most prolly will - throw it to garbage only if I hadn't test its sound already and I can tell right away that what it does to the sound is very very pleasant, mix of several normally separate plugins in one and yet it is somehow so greatly mixed together that achieve the same with those separate VSTs would be quite a feat. I tested it against some other similar "master" VSTs, like BX Masterdesk PRO, Master Plan 10 and none of them had the same pleasing effect on the output with still less CPU load compared to those two mentioned, thus I have very heavy heart to let it go just like that, tho I most prolly will, ah - what a world we live in, man!

    You know that saying that the most experienced person in a specific segment of life (like IT tehcnician, auto maker etc.) has the most terrible and oldest machine cos they are able doing great things even with old stuff...well, that is why I still have and use my old PC from 15yrs ago (in fact it was top notch in its time), haha.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I do understand it. The Mac Pro 5.1 I use for Logic is late 2010, instead of my mbp laptop which is 2017; because I prefer the stability with big projects. But I also reboot it once a month, without my DAW crashing over 1 plugin. If you accept limitations of older machine, it's no great loss when one plugin does not work. Especially when that one plugin can be replaced by 3 Fabfilter plugins in serial on the channel. (pro-q3, pro-c2, and saturn2) and end up with better result...
  7. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Been running 12.0.40 here for quite a while (almost a year+) with nary an issue... Not sure where you heard 12.0.40 specifically had "so many issues", but pretty much ALL Steinbug stuff has issues regardless of version numbers. v12.0.60 has another set of issues all unto its own...All that aside, I do know from working with Cubase/Nuendo for over 15+ years that plugins that are coded in various substandard ways (no matter how minuscule the issue) may fly on other workstation type apps but may not fly with steiny DAW's due to the fact that Steiny invented and holds the patents on VST tech. They fly by the absolute standard for VST. So if a VST plugin doesn't work right in a Steiny DAW it's usually the fault of the plugin OEM not the DAW itself. I am no RAH-RAH for steinberg but have used their stuff long enough to know there is truth in what I say.

    ELJUNTADERO2022 Producer

    Jun 10, 2022
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    I just found which i guess its the real solution:
    Just drop the vst files into the VST3 folder... alone.. inside no other folder. just throw them alone. now i can work at the max buffer size and change anything without worring.
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Good you got it working, but is this a common thing? On Mac, all our plugins get dumped into the /vst3 and /component directories the way you have added these to get them working without crashing. If you put them in a subdirectory below those, in another folder; Logic's plugin manager normally will not even "see them". It does nothing with VST format either way. But they either work or they don't. They do not crash or even work differently.

    ELJUNTADERO2022 Producer

    Jun 10, 2022
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    sincerely idk i got those at

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Plugins that knock
    and throw them on
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\

    im a windows user.. w11 x_x
    studio one 6
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