Kontakt Cracked Vs Legitmate Explanation

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Using Cracked Kontakt vs Legitmate Kontakt

    Easy way to read this is go to the words in Green. Those are your simple answers. The rest is explanation for those who care.

    To start, I wont say i didnt post a topic asking this same question when i first came here back in early/mid 2012 under a different name. That is why i am posting this as well as to free up some mod time and some users questions. This question has been asked a lot. Atleast once a week it comes up on the feed.


    Kontakt Extension Names Meaning:

    .NDX - Kontakt Index File
    .ndx are generated when analyzing samples to create AET layers. (Authentic Expression Technology)

    .NICNT - Kontakt Activation File
    Stores Activation & info for the sample library.

    .NKI - Kontakt Instrument File
    An .nki holds one Instrument, it contains samples info of an instrument or other sounds that were pre-recorded for use in the sampler.

    .NKM - Kontakt Multi File
    An .NKM holds & Saves multiple instruments and their presets, which allows the instruments to be saved together.

    .NKB - Kontakt Instrument Bank
    A bank file is just a container for multiple instruments(Best with keyswitches Instruments), which allows multiple instruments/samples to be assign MIDI channels and program changes.

    .NKP - Kontakt Preset File

    Kontakt Presets File, Contains, Effects, Filters, Modulators and such for use on Samples in Kontakt.

    .NKR - Kontakt Rresource File
    Resource Container file, it holds graphics, scripts, and IR samples.

    .NCW - Kontakt Lossless Compression Audio File

    Saves an imported wave audio file using compression methods so the file uses less disk space.
    NCW files are stored using lossless compression, so there is no loss in sound quality. Additionally, the files can be converted back to the original .WAV files without loss in quality.

    .NKX - Kontakt Protected Monolith
    Kontakt Player files: These Kontakt monolith container files consist of the digital audio sample data combined with associated patch details, and these pieces of data can also be separately stored in multiple files to allow users with easier options for using their audio samples with other audio sample editing and development applications.

    .NKC - Kontakt Cache File

    The .nkc file contains information about .NKX/.NKI audio samples for KONTAKT samples library. (Has a list on which position each file within a monolith starts)

    Thank You INTRONINJA for more File Extension Info


    To put Kontakt in simple terms it is a program that checks its registration (through service center) and the registration of .nicnt files. Those filetypes add libraries to your Tab on the left side. When you click 'ADD LIBRARY' and click on a folder with a .nicnt file it will load up said Kontakt library and add it to your Library Tab. BUT, What that does is it checks to see if that .nicnt file is registered through Service Center application.

    If it is not registered IT WILL NOT LOAD.

    This is due to a check that is performed and returns to kontakt saying it is not registered. There is NO WAY AROUND THIS when using a legitimate version of Kontakt and a unregistered library. Using only the .nki of a given library still wont stop it. It will put the library in demo mode and it will stop working after a while. I even just tested this to make sure it didnt work.

    As of now there is no way of using unregistered libraries on a legitimate Kontakt.


    With a cracked Kontakt, there is no registration check performed. This means that you have MXMX.nicnt, you add the Library to your Tab via 'ADD LIBRARY' and this will add it usually without error. You can use the library with no fear of demoing. BUT, Any library you add to your Library Tab via .nicnt file will be added to a registry in your system and be added to your Service Center. Dont worry it will not give out your info, it wont try to register them either.

    Even if you register a Native Instruments product and you have all these Libraries on your Service Center it wont come back with errors UNLESS you try to enter and register a library which is not legitimate.

    I own Komplete Ultimate and have updated products, registered new ones, and more whilst there was unregistered libraries in Service Center.

    For OSX, unregistered libraries get saved in a registry as .xml files in /library/application support/native instruments/service center and a .plist file in ~/library/preferences. Dont delete them, just leave them. If you delete them you will be sad.

    I have used legitimate and cracked Kontakt at the same exact time. It doesnt cause any problems. But it still will not change the fact that you cannot open unregistered libraries on a legitimate Kontakt. You can also open registered libraries on a cracked Kontakt with no troubles.

    You DO NOT need a cracked Service Center application and there is no such thing as a cracked Kontakt library.

    Some of these links below will have the questions answered above. I have tested everything i have said above and it is true for me on my system. Everyone is an individual case but this should clear up some of the malarkey.

    There is also probably about 30 other links to these same questions but 11 is good enough.

    Best Wishes to all in Every Endeavor

    In Regards to Registering a cracked version of Kontakt:

    My thoughts: keep them seperate. DO NOT REGISTER a cracked copy of Kontakt.

    Reason being:

    1. If you register a cracked copy then an update comes out, you cant update as it would break the crack. If you keep them separate you can update the legit and keep the old cracked. Better safe than sorry.

    2. It may change things about the registration. The whole point is that the cracked version DOES NOT check for registration. So registering it would almost defeat its reason of function.


    If you get a Error such as 'No Library Found' or asking for you to find '.ncw/.nkr/.nki/.nkc/.nkx/.nicnt' THEN:

    Best guess is you moved a file or folder and lost the link. OR you have a bad .nicnt file which gives you an infinite "Find '(NAME).nicnt'", you click the .nicnt it asks for but it doesnt work. But thats the .nicnt makers fault, not the users.


    You actually do not have a Kontakt Library. You silly fish. If there is no .nkx or .nicnt there is no library. That is a soundbank meant to be put into QuickLoad


    This part of Kontakt is used for everything that isnt a library. Even a library can be loaded in quickload using the proper .nki/.nkm files (in their proper section). NKI is Kontakt Instrument. NKM is Kontakt Multi-Instrument. Load them into the proper Quickload section or they wont appear. There is also a Bank section, but nothing ive ever encountered except Loopmasters has a Bank.

    If you quickload a unregistered LIBRARY in a LEGIT Kontakt it will demo mode.

    As most things in Quickload not being a library they wont need to be registered. They can be used on legit or cracked Kontakt.

    If there is a library you like that DOES NOT have a .nicnt file, a lot of members here will MAKE you an .nicnt and .png. This way you can add that library to your library tab

    Here is a list of some users that do .nicnt/.png work (if you wish to be removed or added from the list, just PM me):

    + more

    Bunch of links referencing these questions:

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  3. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    How To Install A Cracked Version Of Kontakt On A Mac With A Legit Kontakt Version Installed

    Install your legit Kontakt Version First....

    Download a cracked Kontakt 5.3.0(or up) r2r installer for MAC(no links Here)
    Extract it,

    Extract the following with 7zip or keka:

    Extract NIKTT530U_Crack.7z
    Delete the com.native-instruments.Kontakt 5.plist
    Change all the Kontakt files to:(or whatever you like)
    Kontakt 5K.app
    Kontakt 5K.component
    Kontakt 5K.dpm
    Kontakt 5K.vst
    (You may have to use batChmod to set permissions & to clear ACLs)

    Now copy them to their respected locations:

    Kontakt 5k.app
    Macintosh HD /Applications/Native Instruments/Kontakt 5/ or just your desktop for easy access

    Kontakt 5k.component
    Macintosh HD /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/

    Kontakt 5k.vst
    Macintosh HD /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/

    Kontakt 5k.dpm
    Macintosh HD /Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins/

    Fire up Standalone, make sure every-thing's good (use batCmod if needed)
    Fire up your DAW and add the new Plugins which ever one you use, make sure every-thing's good

    Delete the folders you extracted, backup the installer rar and continue on with your day.

    Your Done. :wink:
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  4. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Im not sure about that. It may work but if someone has a working legit version and a working cracked version i would keep them separate.

    Reason being:

    1. If you register a cracked copy then an update comes out, you cant update as it would break the crack. If you keep them separate you can update the legit and keep the old cracked. Better safe than sorry.

    2. It may change things about the registration. The whole point is that the cracked version DOES NOT check for registration. So registering it would almost defeat its reason of function.

    On top of that, if NI sees that your copy of Kontakt isnt checking registration but you registered it, they may find that a bit odd. Maybe even patch up any exploits.

    My thoughts: keep them seperate. DO NOT REGISTER a cracked copy of Kontakt.

    You can make your own choices though. This just is more logical to me.
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  5. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    With all your amazing wallpapers and master folders i dont see how YOU could encounter that issue. I know some people have had it, i personally have not. Only way i see it is moving around files and folders that shouldnt be moved and it loses its link to the library. im OSX so our file systems are done differently and i havent had any issues with anything like that so itd be hard to answer anyones troubles with that.

    If you get a Error such as 'No Library Found' or asking for you to find '.ncw/.nkr/.nki/.nkc/.nkx/.nicnt' THEN:

    Best guess is you moved a file or folder and lost the link. OR you have a bad .nicnt file which gives you an infinite "Find '(NAME).nicnt'", you click the .nicnt it asks for but it doesnt work. But thats the .nicnt makers fault, not the users.


    You actually do not have a Kontakt Library. You silly fish. (see below) If there is no .nkx or .nicnt there is no library. That is a soundbank meant to be put into QuickLoad.

  6. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    OMFG :rofl:
  7. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Shoot I'll turn a soundbank into a library LOL
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  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    pinned in this section! thanks OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef :wink:
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef has come to save us from the endless loop of Kontakt questions. What will you folks do with all that extra free time you now have? :dunno: Thanks again for putting this together man, can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I wanted to do the same myself but there was so much to do I didn't have the time. You rock. :bow:
  10. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Any time. When in need, Get Moonbeefy.
  11. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    May I Add

    Kontakt Extension Names Meaning:

    .NDX - Kontakt Index File
    .ndx are generated when analyzing samples to create AET layers. (Authentic Expression Technology)

    .NICNT - Kontakt Activation File
    Stores Activation & info for the sample library.

    .NKI - Kontakt Instrument File
    An .nki holds one Instrument, it contains samples info of an instrument or other sounds that were pre-recorded for use in the sampler.

    .NKM - Kontakt Multi File
    An .NKM holds & Saves multiple instruments and their presets, which allows the instruments to be saved together.

    .NKB - Kontakt Instrument Bank
    A bank file is just a container for multiple instruments(Best with keyswitches Instruments), which allows multiple instruments/samples to be assign MIDI channels and program changes.

    .NKP - Kontakt Preset File
    Kontakt Presets File, Contains, Effects, Filters, Modulators and such for use on Samples in Kontakt.

    .NKR - Kontakt Resource File
    Resource Container file, it holds graphics, scripts, and IR samples.

    .NCW - Kontakt Lossless Compression Audio File
    Saves an imported wave audio file using compression methods so the file uses less disk space.
    NCW files are stored using lossless compression, so there is no loss in sound quality. Additionally, the files can be converted back to the original .WAV files without loss in quality.

    .NKX - Kontakt Protected Monolith
    Kontakt Player files: These Kontakt monolith container files consist of the digital audio sample data combined with associated patch details, and these pieces of data can also be separately stored in multiple files to allow users with easier options for using their audio samples with other audio sample editing and development applications.

    .NKC - Kontakt Cache File
    The .nkc file contains information about .NKX/.NKI audio samples for KONTAKT samples library. (Has a list on which position each file within a monolith starts)
  12. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I will add (edit) that into the main post. Thanks Intro!
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    at lowrider, problem is you cant install 2 Kontakt5's, both will read the same regkey and upgrade/downgrade the current one.
    you can only install different version like Kontakt 4 and Kontakt 5 for example.

    why you want to install 2 kontakt5 versions?

    dont think it has anything to do with windows 8 or any other windows version. both have the same architecture, only some minor changes improvements.
  14. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    This is false for Mac OSX users, But may be true for Windows users.

    I currently have and use a Cracked and Legit Kontakt on the same machine, same drive, same stack. Difference may be how OSX does it, which is what i run and based this tutorial/info off of.

    If you are using a NI Kontakt 5.X installer of which is cracked and you already have a legit 5.X on your drive, most likely it would overwrite one and only one would run (asking for downgrade, upgrade, etc). That is correct. BUT, depending on your system all you need is just the cracked or K'd application. Which is the program you run. You shouldnt even need an installer just the Kontakt5(k'd).exe. Thats all you should need to run the cracked version on windows (but again, im not on windows so i may have it wrong).

    I have 5.3 cracked Kontakt and 5.3 legit Kontakt. I can run both at the same time and there are no issues. Again, i am OSX, so that may be the determining factor.

    Windows may go about things differently.
  15. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    That's all super positive! I have searched and found your thread, but was wondering how to go about installing them so they don't clash. I essentially want the same setup as you (almost).

    I am attempting to install a scene Reaktor, Kontakt and Battery 4 alongside legit rest of Komplete 8. What I am doing at present is installing the scene releases and then installing Komplete 8, unchecking Kontakt and Reaktor from the install process.

    Should that work seamlessly?
  16. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I would install Komplete 8 fully. everything. THEN any cracked apps. And DO NOT overwrite your legit apps.

    Then if you can find the cracked APP (dont ask for links) of Reaktor 5.8 and Kontakt 5.2/5.3, use those. there should be NO installing. I got a Reaktor APP and Kontakt APP and just put them both in my NI folder under Applications and just adjusted the name so it wouldnt overwrite the legit version. No .pkg or install needed. Drag and drop kind of deal. And then bam. they work. except for a minor permissions reset on the APP itself for both. simple simple done. If you dont know how to do perm resets, just search the forum. Its simple as sausage.

    If you are installing battery 4 cracked, just do it. No way around that as Komplete 8 doesnt have battery 4, only battery 3. Only 9 and 9 ultimate have it.
  17. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Do you have the cracked Kontakt 5.3 as a different 'app' then the legit one? If you just put it as 'Kontakt 5', how could you tell which is cracked and which isnt?

    Or, if your doing it from a DAW then maybe your plugins are the legit one and not the cracked ones.

    Not too sure as your on a different system then i am. Introninja (aka Kontakt Guru) should be able to assist with some of the differences. As far as i know there is a 'Double Y' program or something named like that. Its a Custom Library installer. Its for windows only and i believe it makes libraries and 'faux registrations' to allow the library to work and stop the 'encrypted' annoyance. But im not sure, again, different OS.
  18. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    @Lucvg Start a new thread and i will help you there, let's not clog up this thread since it's unrelated. Cheers
  19. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Thank you. When it comes to cracked vs legitimate stuff i can assist, but it seems you (Lucvg) have more trouble in the OS rather than a cracked vs legit issue.
  20. boinky

    boinky Newbie

    May 30, 2013
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    Hi guys,

    First of all, I'm sorry if this issue has been discussed already several times. I looked around here but I couldn't find anything close to a solution.

    I recently bought Komplete 8 Ultimate and a few libraries. The problem; now every cracked library I load into the legit Kontakt wants to be activated. Every instrument runs in "Demo Mode".

    Somebody here said that the legit Kontakt always looks first for some registration. So, is there seriously no way around that? Until I have the money to buy all the other libraries (which I'd love to but won't be for like another 10 years :( ) I did buy komplete 8 for nothing?!!?!?? :(

    Any help would be appreciated.


    P.S.: Please don't tell me I have to reinstall my whole system with the cracked kontakt... Pleaaaaaaseeeeee........ :rofl:
  21. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    This is what i wrote in the windows help thread
    To use a legit kontakt and a cracked kontakt you have to install the legit kontakt first, then don't install the second cracked kontakt just open the data folder ,open the other data folder, then open the offline folder open each number folder now look for two things:

    1.Find all the kontakt 5.exe and choose the one with the bigger size(if you want to use the 64bit version) and Name it Kontakt 5C.exe now move it to your desktop(use this to add cracked libraries) in standalone

    2.find the Kontakt 5.dll also the one with the bigger size(if there's anymore) and name it Kontakt 5C.dll and move to your VSTPlugins folder and add it in your DAW(use the smaller one if you have a 32-bit DAW or use the 64bit version with a bridge)

    Now make sure whenever using cracked libraries to use to use Kontakt5C for both VST & Standalone and paid libraries with the legit kontakt (but we know that's common sense RIGHT!!)
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