KNOCK plugin crashes Cubase Pro 12 [solved]

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by fafayqa, May 23, 2023.

  1. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Winona's bumpy chest
    Everytime I insert knock plugin on a track, my cubase crashes. Anyone else facing the same issue?

    PS- the plugin works completely fine with FL and Studio one
  3. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I assume you mean the Knock Clipper? Works fine in Cubase 12.0.60 for me.
  4. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Winona's bumpy chest
    No, KNOCK - their main VST plugin, Clipper is just a small part of the KNOCK made as small separate VST.

    KNOCK Clipper works fine for me too, I am talking about the main VST!
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Since it works in other VST hosts, the problem is likely something to do with Cubase. Have you tried loading it into a new empty project in Cubase? There are no preferences type settings in Knock you can change. Only HQ setting, which probably does not matter.

    I never automate a plugin like this one, so my workaround would just be to launch the waveform into your external Wav editor (like Wavelab), process it destructively with the plugin set how you want it, save the wave/reload into the DAW. Not an ideal solution for anything, but can get you out of a jam until you figure it out. Also, have you tried loading it into Blue Cat Audio Patchwork?

    But here is a different "workaround" you might want to check,too. Recent posts on the thread. Probably not ideal, either.

    ยท 43m ago

    I was able to narrow down the error, and found a temporary fix. Disable the "HDPI" mode in Cubase 12 Pro, and the ASIO-GUARD for the Knock plugin. Then the plugin works fine. "
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
  6. lou2012

    lou2012 Member

    May 3, 2020
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    I had the same issue with Knock in Studio One, it lasted for one session before it started to cause problems and crashes. I deleted it.
  7. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Winona's bumpy chest
    yes, I did exactly that almost immediately just to be sure it is the plugin and nothing else - Cubase Pro 12 crashed right away.

    I will try that work around, thanks for that, gonna try it right now!

    So, I just tested that supposed bug solution: does not work at all for me: Cubase Pro 12 crash exactly as before immediately right away after I insert the KNOCK plugin!

    Actually, it did not crash the very first time I made those changes with empty project, literally nothing just KNOCK inserted on MASTER OUT BUS. But ever since I tried to do it next time it is crashing instantly as before...
  8. BigM

    BigM Guest

    Works fine here, Cubase 12
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2023
  9. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
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    Winona's bumpy chest
    What OS you have? I am on Win 10 x64.
    Did you change C12 settings in any way or leave them as they were by default (that is: did you apply that "trick" of HiDPI + ASIO-Guard disabled for the kNOCK)?

    What version of C12 do ya have? I am on that 12.0.40 build 317.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
  10. BigM

    BigM Guest

    Win 11 x64
    Nope, Nothing changed.

    Maybe try a clean installation with revo uninstaller.
  11. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Winona's bumpy chest
    Actually, I just downloaded the newest R2R version (12.0.60) and will update my Cubase (I am quite experienced programmer, so I do not need any REVO-anything, haha: I made me all the soft I use incl. VSTs as simlinks - all is residing on my huge 2TB SSD outside the OS SSD, sooo...easy-peasy here). We'll see if that was the case as I knew 12.0.40 had hell of a lot problems but as it never occurred to me I had no reason to update, but now I will (fingers crossed).

    I hope it is not the case of Win11 instead, cos I won't go that way.
  12. thomas78

    thomas78 Kapellmeister

    Apr 15, 2020
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    and who catches the registry entries the installer dropped? detects those entries the plugin made while running?
  13. BigM

    BigM Guest

    Exactly, Not only reg-entries but most of the residual too. I'm a bit lazy to sweep through the registry and installation directories every time I uninstall something. It saves me some time.

    However, This specific plugin doesn't require any reg-cleaning, I found just a single leftover - "AppData/Roaming/Knock". But I had no issues with this plugin before, Even without a clean installation.
    I checked the plugin with generic ASIO driver too, No issues here. But if you need a better driver, Try FlexAsio, Works better than Steinberg's driver and ASIO4ALL.
  14. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Winona's bumpy chest
    I do/did - no problem (Steinberg products ALWAYS install under Steinberg root in regedit be it under HKCR, HKCU or HKLM + I always check after registry cleanup for any Steinberg connected possible residues so no worries here: had never ever any problems of reg-wise kind to this day)

    And NO, it still does not work not even with the latest Cubase Pro 12.0.60 R2R version, unfortunately, tho at least it stays opened GUI for a second or two and then crashes Cubase be it with the "hack" from above or not.

    I wonder, if it could be a problem of chosen AUDIO driver? Will try different one, cos at the moment I am using Steinberg's Generic Lower Latency ASIO as it is the only one giving me option to set latency WAY ABOVE 2048 which helps tremendously so I can run even projects with huge amount of plugins in realtime on my 15yrs old PC. :)))

    As I said, I am doing my own "non-installers" for several yrs now, so when I was talking about the residues although I was talking about registry it also means any HDD leftover folder/files. In fact, in my younger yrs I was a professional HW/SW IT technician, haha. ;-)

    + maybe you do not get what I meant when I said I am using Steinberg Generic Lower Latency ASIO driver: it is one of a few that enables you manually set the latency above the average maximum of 2048 enabling running very intensive CPU-wise projects even on a rather old PC like mine...thus if the one you are suggesting do not have such option it is of no use for me or anyone else with this kind of needs, if ya understand me. ;-)

    UPDATE/SOLUTION (at least for my case!!!)
    SO IT IS MOST DEFINITELY ISSUE OF STEINBERG GENERIC LOW LATENCY ASIO DRIVER when set buffersize anywhere above 11 (input latency 88ms, output latency 44ms): as soon as I set it above, lets say to buffersize 12 (input latency 96ms, output latency 48ms), save my project and reopen it, it immediatelly crashes Cubase 12. If I set the buffersize to 11 or below all works as expected with no crash!!!!!!!!!

    I realized this when I switched to my native ASIO drivers for my card and all worked, then I went back and Cubase crashed. So I look at the latency and all of a sudden it was clear to me: this plugin has problem with latency above 2048 yet only in combination with specific DAWs, like CUbase Pro 12, cos on FLStudio v20.9.2 with exactly the same driver all works absolutely fine...mindboggling.

    So now I have to find some another way how to make my huge projects work smoothly once again on this shity 2048 latency cos that's basically what it is: the maximum latency for most of the audiocards outthere, gee!
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    If this applies to other plugins than Knock, that's one thing. But if it is only Knock, there is no way I would put up with any of this for any one individual plugin.
  16. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Winona's bumpy chest
    Right, I am still deciding what exactly to do, maybe I could find another way around of changing rather CPU-intensive plugs for some sorts of their less intensive equivalents, I will see but as a busty woman of age (LOL) I am not sure at the moment... :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2023
  17. BigM

    BigM Guest

    The reason why I mentioned FlexASIO is the same (BTW I use this only when I use cubase without an audio interface).

    EDIT: You can actually set a higher buffer than 2048 in FlexASIO and it worked, However in ableton it doesn't show you the buffer size in preferences page when it's higher than 1024.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2023
  18. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    As I said, the Clipper and full versions work fine for me:

  19. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I do have issues in Cubase with some plugins though, where they don't load nor display, and then I get a Cubase error of an error log dump. The main one doing this for me is the McDSP plugins, despite them opening as normal in Ableton Live.
  20. fafayqa

    fafayqa Noisemaker

    May 19, 2023
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    Winona's bumpy chest
    So, now I really do think there is something seriously fugdap in the KNOCK plugin, like although I was finally able at least loading it yet with all the other plugs disabled temporarily it is introducing such an unbearable sound hickups, like extremely quick tremolo or vibrato rather, change of buffersize doe snot help, nor disabling ASIO Guard, Multi Processing etc.

    Thus I can say I am gonna delete this shait as I have no more nerves for this garbage (ya see: I need VSTs to works primarily in C12 which is my main DAW, FLStudio I use only as a VSTi inside C12 for virtual stuff)!!!

    Such a promising plug yet such a terrible programming on its part, bah...
  21. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I have a Ryzen 9 5950X 16C/32T CPU, 128GB RAM, and running NVMe drives with an Audient ID14 MkII interfaces, and use Audient's ASIO drivers within my DAWs. The plugin works without issue for me, and haven't had to do anything different to anything else I use?!
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