Reason Instrument Releases

Discussion in 'Software' started by noeone, Sep 1, 2022.

  1. noeone

    noeone Newbie

    Jun 22, 2022
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    Does anyone know if Reason instrument & module releases will work in genuine, licensed versions of Reason 12, or are the modules protected as well?

    Looking at the NFOs of some DECiBEL releases, they all say they they need R2R's Reason release and the CacheBuilder tool to make them work. Just wondering if that's needed to bypass protection on the modules themselves, or to just get the R2R version of Reason to recognize the modules?



    Jun 21, 2019
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    i dont know but i hope we see more rack extensions soon especially reason drum sequencer player i have a few players i can share but i dont know how to make them run in reason 12 r2r version
  4. DarkonValor

    DarkonValor Member

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Best Answer
    R2R releases won't work with licensed Reason version. You need the R2R release and RE cache builder to use them. So far, not a single Player outside of the stock ones has been released, so I wouldn't put my hopes up.
    FWIW reasonstudios just had a sale with all their stuff at 50% off. I bought all the REs I was missing (for my licensed version). Again, they won't work with R2R's release though.
  5. jojofun

    jojofun Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Yes, I'm waiting/hoping for the players as well.
  6. xsd.knight

    xsd.knight Newbie

    May 3, 2023
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    I'd like to know, if it would work the other way round: Buy a legit Reason+ subscription and let them legit players and legit REs run in R2R's Reason 12 suite... That would be at least a step forward. :wink:
    Last edited: May 18, 2023
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  7. DarkonValor

    DarkonValor Member

    Dec 22, 2012
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    As mentioned before, it will not work. Legit purchased REs will ONLY work with legit Reason (plus or perpetual). R2R released REs will ONLY work with R2R Reason (after applying Re cache).
    We haven’t seen any RE releases in about a year, so my best guess is that “they” are done with those releases. Meanwhile, I’ve always had a legit perpetual license, so I’m still up to date with the latest reasonstudios releases. Personally i think it’s worth every penny (not R+ though lol)
  8. xsd.knight

    xsd.knight Newbie

    May 3, 2023
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    Yes, nobody doubts that it's worth the money, provided one can afford it. But let me ask you a question, please. If I buy the Reason Suite, REs like the

    - Umpf Club Drums and Drum Sequencer Bundle (109 €),
    - Bassline Generator (74 €),
    - Pattern Mutator (74 €),
    - Chord Sequencer (74 €),
    - Quad Note Generator (74 €)

    afaik aren't included, right?. The Reason Suite costs 499, and adding those REs we are at 904 €.

    Now let's compare this price to 19,99€ monthly for a Reason+ subscription, which includes ALL of the original Reason Rack Extensions. And if you buy a year's subscription for 189€ e.g. @ Thomann's you get it even cheaper: for 15,74€ / month. :yes:
    When you own legit Reason 11 and you want to upgrade to v12 you get charged 199€ - and now consider, that even any program upgrades are included in the subscription price for Reason+.

    So why are you saying Reason+ isn't worth every penny? :dunno:
    Maybe you're right, but please let me understand your point of view... :wink:
    Last edited: May 18, 2023
  9. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    how much did you invest to feel comfortable .ie what kind of tools (RE/Addons) do you find are a must?
    Love it as a plugin but didnt dive deep into it as a daw.

    ups, just saw xsd question
  10. DarkonValor

    DarkonValor Member

    Dec 22, 2012
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    I bought the Suite version a couple years ago before they discontinued it with version 12. AFAIK you can't actually buy the suite anymore.
    I've invested a good chunk of money into reason and REs over the years. To save a bit of money, I wait until they have sales (usually a couple times a year).
    One of the benefits of Reason is that it's very light on system resources compared to some other VSTs. My mobile rig is a MacBook Pro (Intel), bootcamped with Windows 10 for running those apps I can't get on macOS. Point is, Reason is rather lightweight with resources (I use it on the macOS partition with Logic). And since Reason is so versatile, it's really the ONLY plugin I need besides the stock ones from Logic. Once I've tracked and recorded, I "do more" on my main production PCs.
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  11. xsd.knight

    xsd.knight Newbie

    May 3, 2023
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    Yes, you can:

    Why did you say the Reason Suite is worth every penny it costs while Reason+ isn't? :dunno: What's wrong with Reason+ from your point of view? :dunno:
    Last edited: May 19, 2023
  12. DarkonValor

    DarkonValor Member

    Dec 22, 2012
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    ummm...just about everything that's wrong with every subscription model. Starting with monthly payments, then the fact that you lose everything if you cancel the sub. And then of course the mindset of many companies nowadays that care more about finances than putting artists first (don't kid yourself, YOU are NOT first when it comes to these business models).

    However, as long as I have an option to buy perpetual licenses, I will support those companies. For example, Waves just recently tried to screw pretty much every customer they had by trying to go subscription only, until they realized what a bad idea that was (after a massive backlash).
  13. xsd.knight

    xsd.knight Newbie

    May 3, 2023
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    True so far, but that makes sense only if you purpose to stay with exactly that sw and not upgrade soon. But if you purpose to buy several extensions and to upgrade regularly, too, and then think of the money you save purchasing the subscription its a couple of years paying the sub to get to the costs of owning Reason including all of the og REs AND then the upgrades which come every 2 years if I'm right... The accumulated subscription costs will come to the level you had to spend to buy Reason maybe after 7-10 years or more, depending on how many REs and soundpacks you are going to purchase owning the sw... After that period of time the subscription costs are about the double, that's right. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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