Looking for comfortable headphones with OK sound

Discussion in 'Studio' started by RobertoCavally, May 13, 2023.

  1. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    - For shorter listening periods (90% of the time listening on monitors) comfort is still my TOP priority
    - The most annoying thing for me is the headband center pinch. I think the heat build shouldn't be a problem.
    - Only mixing for demo purposes so they should better suit my needs as a composer/producer rather than a mixing engineer.
    - Closed back (or semi-open?)
    - Sonarworks etc supported
    - Mostly plugged in RME Baby Pro
    - Budget: up to 300 €/$/...

    Always used sort of a DJ style cans, currently using Ultrasone HFI-580. I like the cups to rotate/tilt. I also like to sometimes move one ear cup a tad off ear center or totally off (I know all this sounds crazy..)

    I read the Bunford's thread:

    ..some recomended Audio-Technica ATH-M70X. Judging just by the looks of them I like the format. Anyone tried them? The Sennheiser headband style seems comfy, but I wouldn't take the usual open back suspects (maybe the closed HD-300 Pro).

    To give an idea: recently I got these for my niece and nephew (just bought what they liked..) and quickly tried:

    Beyerdynamic DT 900 PRO X
    Like the sound, lightness, (I think they are sort of semi-open?)
    Don't like the "fixed" design, don't like the (new?) ear pad design

    Avantone Planar (Red) - Just not my type, terrible..

    Thanx for any suggestions. :bow:
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @RobertoCavally, i have the "!beyerdynamic DT-990 Pro headphones - 139 EUR " this myself at home and used for years.

    These are open - that means you don't get warm ears. The wearing comfort is the best I know.
    You should test it for 1 week. If you can order at thomann you have 30 days purchase price refund.
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This doesn't sound "crazy" at all; some of my favorite headphones for dj use are like this ,with swivel features such as the Pioneer HDJs. But they all always break at the swivels, eventually. I would look for comments about them breaking there, in any reviews you can find about whatever model/manufacturer you are considering. This might not be an issue for you with them, if used only in your studio setting.

    The M70X fit all your other criteria also. I would also look into the Sundara and HD6x's in your budget range. The Beyerdynamics are very comfortable, but keep in mind they are also 250 ohms. Depending on your audio interface, you could end up having to spend another 100$ or so on an amp to drive them correctly. There really is no substitution for actually auditioning them yourself, so definitely get them from a retailer with a good returns policy.
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hi @clone, I worked for years without a preamp. Also other users said like me that it does not need a preamp. It is loud enough and even has reserves. Try it yourself at home.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I don't need an amp with them either, using Motu 828ES. But the others I mentioned are all between 30-40 ohms. The M70x's are 35 ohms impedance. The Hifiman Sundara are 37 ohms. https://headphonesarena.com/headphones/compare-ath-m70x-vs-dt-990-pro

    Sometimes I use my headphones with a drum machine by itself and the 990s are not that great with it. If I was going to spend 300$ on headphones I even take into account feature details like AKG's detachable cable, etc. There are many things to compare and contrast between different products. :)
    Last edited: May 13, 2023
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  8. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    AKG K702 are most comfortable, especially if you wear glasses or so
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  9. aleksy

    aleksy Producer

    Dec 25, 2020
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    I think a pair of Yamaha HPH-MT8 could check your boxes well. Not as classic as beyerdynamic headphones but definitely worth a look.
    Closed-back, within budget, swiveling to a certain degree, I think they are pretty comfortable. Also foldable, and the cable is replaceable.
    I have been using them complementary to a pair of open-back AKG K702, I like them both.
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I use the MT7's often and they are "not very enjoyable" sounding, and they are even explained as such on the Sweetwater website review. (maybe after some complaints. lol). Never seen verbage like this on a site trying to sell the product...

    "Business or pleasure?
    Making great mixes means getting your hands dirty. That means hearing things that are sometimes unpleasant — room peaks, bass buildup, shrill sibilance, noisy guitar amps, and so on. As a result, the Yamaha HPH-MT7s are not Sweetwater's top recommendation for pleasure listening. But if you're looking to make solid mixes that translate from system to system, they should be high on your list."

    If your mix has anything wrong with it, the MT7s will absolutely let you know about it. The pad shape is more circular than the 8s, and they are not foldable. I really like them but I am reluctant to recommend them over the DT-990 Pro for regular listening.
    Last edited: May 13, 2023
  11. xsound

    xsound Member

    May 6, 2013
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    DT 770 Pro are comfy for hours of daily use, and really they are suitable for mixing stuff, in a way, like really you can skip the monitors.
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  12. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Thanx guys! :wink::bow: Just to reiterate some points:

    I am not mixing/mastering music as an engineer. Only "making music" and mixing for creative or demo purposes.
    I use monitors as much as possible and use headphones only to "check" things and when really needed.

    ATM I am indeed still leaning towards ATH-M70X. The only thing - the headband looks a bit slim and is shorter than on M50X (though the arc doesn't touch the head on sides, so it shouldn't matter). If anyone has experience with M70X and care to share it'd be great.
    These also look like what I'm after. I wonder how they compare to M70X..

    I bet these (esp AKGs) are comfortable, but they are not the "DJ-like format" (don't know how to put it) I am looking for. I had the idea to get a "complementary pair" of phones, like AKGs/Beyers plus a cheaper DJ-style ones, since the sum would be less than 300€..

    BTW, what's with beyerdynamic DT 700/900 PRO X vs 770/990 PROs, price only? Seems everyone prefer the latter ones.
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  13. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    I have the 900 pro x. I am a big beyerdynamic fanboy. I love the typical beyer sound. I use the 990s for more than a decade. The 900pro x do not have the typical beyerdynamic sound. And yes they are not openback like the 990s more semi open like the 880s.The sub lows and lows (new driver) remind me of the bayerdynamic 1990 pro ( way better lows than 990/880/770) but the 900 is missing the beyerdynamic high end boost people love or hate. They sound more like a sennheiser hd 600 with good (sub) bass and not a beyer headphone. They are worth it, if you like that flat, midrange, some call it dull and boring sound. I miss the hyped highs and will switch to a 1990.

    In terms of build quality and comfort ... the 900 are top notch for the price. Just like the "old" beyer headphones.
    Last edited: May 14, 2023
  14. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    Look at Presonus HD
    starts @25 bucks a closed & open one, a perfectly fine!
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  15. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    I was tight on money and needed quickly headphones for travelling and I bought these.
    ->Superlux HD-660 Pro 32 Ohms – Thomann Suomi
    I was so surprised about how good they actually sounded for that price 39€
    Very satisfied
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  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    This one is upper league for DJ's " Sennheiser HD-25 " 139 € sales rank 1 at thomann. The German company Sennheiser offers high end top class


    The HD 25 is a dynamic headphone with a closed design, i.e. ambient noise is shielded better than with the open design. Therefore, these robust headphones are particularly suitable for listening to music and speech in noisy environments, e.g. for monitoring PA systems, for use in outside broadcasting or for studio monitoring.

    - High sensitivity due to lightweight aluminum voice coil
    - Also suitable for very high sound pressure levels
    - Lightweight, comfortable fit due to expandable headband
    - Robust, detachable, single-sided cable
    - Rotatable earcup for listening with one ear

    Source: https://de-de.sennheiser.com/on-ear-dj-kopfhoerer-hd25

    Sennheiser HD25 Headphone Review & Comparisons: 25 Year Classic
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    These are still one of the top dj cans, but they are not ideal in a studio setting.

    @RobertoCavally When you mention DJ format, are the Audio Technica ATH-M50X what you mean by it? The swivel setup is basically a copy of the old Pioneer HDJ1000 (discontinued but awesome for djs also).

    The ATH-M70X are commonly reviewed as better sounding than ATH-M50X, but they are also around 100$ more than the 50s. They are closed back, foldable inward. I put the image of the blue ones so maybe you can see the swivel better than a black pair. The 70'Xs do not have the same design.

  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Dear @clone, the Sennheiser is ideal and one of the best-selling Dj headphones.
    I can not follow your reasoning. Why do you think he would not be ideal, a few arguments please! Thank you !
  19. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    I am sorry I probably caused a bit of confusion. To keep it simple:
    YES! (so to speak, in my book..) ATH-M50X are a "DJ format" headphones, but as we know a LOT of people mix with them.

    I was looking at ATH-M70X assuming they would be lighter (but I think there is only 5g difference..), less bulky, build better.. And since I can get them locally, I'd probably manage to get a good deal on them..

    @BEAT16, Sennheiser HD-25 are on-ear headphones, so not really an all-rounder. A classic. I wouldn't mind having a pair, but only as as 2nd or 3rd addition.. (IIRC they have the chord on the right - it would take me 10y to get used to that, lol)
  20. Pule

    Pule Producer

    Apr 29, 2016
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    Try AKG K371
  21. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    They are one of the best headphones to use as a DJ in a club/rave setting. But they are not over-ear. Also, the stereo image on them is quite narrow. A "small soundstage". They are not studio reference headphones. Detail Extraction doesn't matter as much, when you are a dj. You'd have 3 knobs as your EQ, not Pro-Q3.
    It would be like bringing your set of Ortofon Concordes and Butter Rugs to go play House music in a loud club. Sure they will work, but you should have brought the pair of Ortofons mounted to the Technics headshells (with the drilled pennies on top, of course) so they'd weigh more and not skip without flipping the tonearm weights backwards. They are the wrong thing for the specific task. :)

    But why ask me: https://www.head-fi.org/showcase/sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone.9546/reviews
    Last edited: May 16, 2023
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