No sound from Omnisphere 2 or Xpand 2 In Piano Roll

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by Maverick, May 12, 2023.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Newbie

    Apr 23, 2020
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    I installed Omnisphere 2.6 Complete from sister site and everything went smooth. However I'm not gettting sound output in the piano roll when I copy a midi chord pattern from a working vst ( ie.eletrax ) into the Omnisphere 2 channel . If I change the vst to something else the piano roll plays. FL studio 20.8.4.

    I have updated my soundsource to 2.6.1c , My patches to 2.6.3c and software to 2.6.4c

    Am I missing something or doing something wrong? I have the same issue with xpand 2. The notes light up in the piano roll but no sound and if I click the keys individual it plays.

    I don't know what to do from here
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I would first rule out all of FL's current project settings by opening a new project and trying the same thing that doesn't work in the "malfunctioning" one. See what that does and then go back to your real project. Look at the Velocity values of the Midi notes in piano roll to make sure they aren't very low values.

    i would forget Xpand2 for now. but you can safely guess the problem is not in Omnisphere. You can always factory reset Omnisphere's preferences later as a last resort. That is in the Utility menu of Omnisphere. Just pick a nice, basic, sound preset in Omnisphere to test with.
    On the front panel of Omnisphere, you can also set the Octave up or down (+/- 2 octaves).

    I would not use any imported midi files, and I would not use chords to try to solve your problem. To me, it sounds like the midi data is possibly being transposed out of the key range that Omnisphere can audibly play (like c9+ dog whistle, or c-4 clicking). Draw some data in to the piano roll manually, using the piano keys in the piano roll to check that they should be working first. Then during playback, transpose the channel up and down 12 semitones at a time to see if your C0 in your piano roll is actually triggering C0 in Omnisphere.

    Something else you can try, is to duplicate the midi track. Manually copy the MIDI note data from the first track, and then paste it into the duplicate midi track that you just created.

    Every once in a great while I will have this happen in Logic and it does the exact same thing. Only manually copying the midi notes into a new midi channel fixes it. It shouldn't even work, but it does.
    Last edited: May 12, 2023
  4. Maverick

    Maverick Newbie

    Apr 23, 2020
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    I have tried a new project with a stock sound in the piano and it seems to work there with just Omnisphere open. In my current project I copied the chords from FL Keys and pasted them into the Omnisphere instance I opened.

    I'm in G5. The velocity is at 85. I just find it weird that nothing is muted. The keys in piano roll play the note when clicked but when played. It just lights up but no sound when left to play back a midi. It shows it's playing in the channel rack but nothing is being heard.

    I'm sure this isn't a vst like sample tank that requires a midi out channel to work. I'm puzzled if this a FL studio issue or something else. Because every other vst I replace Omnisphere with plays
  5. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    I don't know about Omnisphere, but that is old issue with Xpand2. Apparently copying midi to the track with multitimbral VSTi like Xpand2 triggers no sound. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just doesn't.
  6. Maverick

    Maverick Newbie

    Apr 23, 2020
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    So now this is new. I can't copy and paste midi and get it to play (in my project), but if I open piano roll itself on the Omnisphere channel and manually draw the notes in it works.

    What the heck ?

    Edit : i opened omnisphere in a different project and the piano roll now works. I don't know what to think. Because I didn't mute anything in the project that's giving issues.
    Last edited: May 12, 2023
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    the problematic project can have CC automation data like Velocity (or otherwise) which causes no sound. So it is not as obvious as just Mute. This is why I suggested a new project and not copying the data. Project file corruption can happen sometimes, but it's somewhat unlikely.

    But if the same data is sent to other VST plugins, it will do the same thing with other synths too.

    Did you have this copy of Omnisphere working before? If the release of Omnisphere is not fully working, or installed incorrectly; it could do strange things, too. In Logic, this is just a little bug in my un-updated version, but the first time I saw it was really confusing. FL could still be the problem, but I kinda doubt it. It's probably Omnisphere, because installation can be tricky (and is a long process). I would rather reinstall FL (before Omnisphere) since it is so much faster of an installation.
    Last edited: May 12, 2023
  8. Maverick

    Maverick Newbie

    Apr 23, 2020
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    I'm back to square one again I saved the midi files and started a new project and same crap happened again.

    I followed The Pirate instructions on installation of Omni. But this thing is pissing me off big time. How can it work on one project but not the other?

    It must be a bug in fl studio itself.
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You'd like to think that, but it's only happening with Omnisphere and working with other synths in the same channels and project.

    I have not used FL in years and my Omnisphere is legit. Lots of people report installation problems with Omnisphere, but usually with it not saving presets/patches kinds of things. I would definitely try a different release of FL if one is available. You have already ruled out most possible "user errors" and your DAW software is more likely to cause things like this. It's why I mentioned doing different ways of copying the midi, using other data, duplicate channels, etc.
  10. Maverick

    Maverick Newbie

    Apr 23, 2020
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    I give up man... I reinstalled FL Studio just now. The preview sound works in Omnisphere. But when I paste the midi in piano roll and press play it's dead silent but shows it playing in the channel rack.

    Nothing shows on the vst meter at the bottom where Gain and Part Level is.. I'm using the default sound.

    Unfortunately I may need to reinstall Omnisphere but I know this is a complete PITA because of the errors it can cause reinstalling if everything is not removed. And there's no Uninstaller in the file I got from sister site.
  11. Maverick

    Maverick Newbie

    Apr 23, 2020
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    I looks like a omnisphere problem. I installed a different version of FL and opened a instance of omnisphere and the same thing happened.

    Preview gives sound. Individual keys play sound but the midi pattern won't play when copied and pasted. It will work if drawn in manually but I can't be doing that for every instance of omni and the projects. Looks like it's a remove and reinstall unfortunately or wait to buy a legit copy...

    I've been out of music 4 years due to illness and now I'm trying to get back and disappointment
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Use Revo Uninstaller and it should get rid of all the residual junk files so you can reinstall Windows applications cleanly.
  13. Maverick

    Maverick Newbie

    Apr 23, 2020
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    Hey Clone So I got omni removed and reinstalled to the original 2.6 from sister site and the problem is still existing. I'm at a lost of just using other plugins until I can buy the legit thing. I don't want to raise my blood pressure higher than it is already. Every other vst works with copy and paste except these two.

    I don't know if this is a issue of library/software updates. But I've seen quite a few people complaining about the latest update and authorization .Ill wait.

    Thanks for your help..
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