My Nuendo get dropped with one thread throttled

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by tuantranaudio, May 10, 2023.

  1. tuantranaudio

    tuantranaudio Newbie

    Jul 11, 2017
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    Hi, I just got this when I apply polyphonic on my project. There was just one thread got throttled but it remains high although I released keys.
    On Nuendo 12.0.60, UR22mkII. Tried switching between default bios and tweaked "overclock" bios, tried many buffer settings from low to high, with/without Steinberg Power scheme, Asio guard settings from min to max; but nothing changes.

    Last edited: May 11, 2023
  3. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Windows? Mac?
    What sound card/device are you using? Have you set Nuendo to use the specific ASIO driver for this device? (under nuendo's 'studio setup' panel). When you say "when I apply polyphonic on my project", you omitted to mention which VST you're using.
  4. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    What is meant by "apply polyphonic"?
    What is your latency set to? Are you using ASIO driver? Are you using Kontakt? If you are using Kontakt, is multicore processing enabled? How many instruments are you playing at one time? Are these samples on SSD? Is this a new problem with this same hardware and software set up you have used successfully in previous projects? Do you have a reason why you aren't using ASIO Guard? If you would like help troubleshooting a problem that involves so many variables, you should provide more information.
  5. tuantranaudio

    tuantranaudio Newbie

    Jul 11, 2017
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    My interface is UR22mkII. Tried switching between default bios and tweaked "overclock" bios, tried many buffer settings from low to high, with/without Steinberg Power scheme, Asio guard settings from min to max. The "polyphonic" I mean I pressed many keys (approx 15 keys) and approx 25 vst intruments/Kontakt instances all at one time, the reason for this is to simulate a "real" one. Indeed, I'm building my own template, not a project. Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language.
    Multi processing enabled.
    I use Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO.
    Samples on Hard drive, not SSD. But all of them loaded into ram already I believe. You can see it through "Disk cache" is nearly 0.
    Last edited: May 11, 2023
  6. earthangel69

    earthangel69 Member

    May 17, 2019
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  7. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    I hope that bios tweak helps you. Make sure your HD isn't heavily fragmented, but more importantly, make sure you perform a batch resave for all your libraries, and to improve performance (at the cost of more memory usage), you can increase your preload buffer in Kontakt under Settings > Memory. FYI Kontakt is designed to stream from disk, so it is not going to load the entire patch into memory. You won't be able to play as many instruments at one time on HDD as you would be able to SSD as a result. It's just something to keep in mind, it has nothing to do with the CPU bug with Cubendo that you're probably experiencing.
  8. tuantranaudio

    tuantranaudio Newbie

    Jul 11, 2017
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    It's really sad to hear that. I don't want to switch to other cpus, I even intend to upgrade to gen 13th in the near future if needed but not amd ones. I chose Nuendo because it's considered a standard in film scoring/sound production, as well as many convenient features, especially, Dolby Atmos supported. I'm so confused.
  9. tuantranaudio

    tuantranaudio Newbie

    Jul 11, 2017
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    So there's must be something wrong with "Disk Cache" isn't it? I see it is always extreme low all the time.
  10. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    IMO Selecting 25 INSTRUMENT tracks with each their own instance of Kontakt and in record enable/monitoring will stress your Asio/cpu at an unrealistic high level. You most likely will never do this in a real life situation because who wants to make a piece of music where all 25 instruments play the exact same notes? Maybe a few tracks at a time but never that many.
    Even when scoring for orchestra using something like Divisimate it's very unlikely you'll play 25 very heavy library patches simultaneously.

    And even if you do it would make more sense to copy the same midi part to the other tracks after recording it on one?

    The main object is to be able to play back midi parts on as many (cpu heavy) instrument tracks simultaneously as you possibly can. So record some stuff and copy it over to all the other tracks and start playback and test with that.

    Anyway. Not sure how your bios looks exactly but it should look fairly similar? So try this as a basis to start with:

    -Load optimized defaults in bios.
    -Don't use overclock profiles (yet).
    -Select XMP profile for memory.
    -In cpu configuration -> turn off hyper threading.
    -In cpu powermanagement -> turn off CPU-C states and Speed Shift Technology. So just leave Turbo Mode and Speed Step enabled. This will still enable your cpu to scale down to lower frequencies when not using Nuendo. If you don't use it for any other stuff than music production you can also try to turn off Turbo and Speed Step so it will always run at maximum speed as set in the bios.

    Save bios (F10) and restart.

    Make sure your UR22mkII is set to a reasonable buffer size of around 128k but you can experiment how low you can go?

    Use Steinberg power scheme and asio guard set at normal.

    Try how that works?

    If it work OK you can try and see if overclocking gets you better results.
    Last edited: May 11, 2023
  11. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Don't use Kontakt, have no idea really what I'm talking about, but I can't sleep anyways, so yeah...

    I see only one core is maxed out, do you by any chance have only one instance of Kontakt and every channel assigned to it?

    I know Cubase can do this, so probably you just hammered that single instance of Kontakt that use that core...
  12. tuantranaudio

    tuantranaudio Newbie

    Jul 11, 2017
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    By this mean that there is a difference in cpu/asio usage between record/monitoring and play back?

    I did set all these settings already.

    I even set to 1024 samples with what I did record/monitoring simultaneously. But I will try the playback option and tell you soon.
  13. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    Yes definitely! And it depends on the instruments on a track used and inserted plugins. A single flute or hobo will take far less resources than a full orchestra patch with added inserts. You can test this yourself by first selecting one track and add one by one more by holding ctrl. You will see the performance meter rise with every track you add to your selection. Especially when you also play a few notes.

    When I look at your screenshot I can see that Hyper Threading is still active. You have 12 cores but I can see 20 logical processors active in Task manager. If set correctly you should only see the 12 cores.
    Last edited: May 11, 2023
  14. tuantranaudio

    tuantranaudio Newbie

    Jul 11, 2017
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    Only 2-3 channels assigned to one instance of Kontakt.

    The one causes that core maxed out and freeze is the patch named "Basses" of Cinestrings Core sample. There are 3 channels assigned to this instance of Kontakt showed as the image below.

  15. tuantranaudio

    tuantranaudio Newbie

    Jul 11, 2017
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    wow there's totally difference! How could I not know this basic before, omg!! Btw, can you explain to me more in details about this? what principles behind that?


    That sceenshot is the time when I switched the Hyper Threading on, just for testing.
  16. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    This is fairly standard with very large orchestral projects, so if you can't go lower than this, it's fine. Having super low latency is crucial for recording acoustic sources (vocals, a band), it is unnecessary for midi projects like yours.
  17. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    This is so not true, I do more with a chip way older than his, and I'm not the only one. One articulation per Kontakt instance.
  18. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    Well, I've spend a lot of years with Cubase/Nuendo and on the Steinberg forum and I've seen a lot of people not actually realizing what 'RTL latency' is and how it relates to their workflow?

    So there you have it! You should only select the tracks you want to record on simultaneously. In general that would be one at a time but sometimes when recording brass or woods it could be some more? For instance with Divisimate you can set up groups that generally play the same notes together in an orchestra like woodwinds and brass groups? But you would not very likely be doing this with strings, percussion and piano.

    If you want you can set the default behavior in Nuendo what happens when selecting a track in preferences. So when you select a track if it sets record enabled, monitoring or not.

    You can also experiment with different groups of instruments divided over several Kontakt instances? Like a 5 part string sessions in one instance of Kontakt on different midi channels? And woodwinds in another? You can still route them to different audio channels in Kontakt and Nuendo. And then also make different folders in Nuendo and devide them as you want.
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  19. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    Maybe play them back at the same time? But not have them 'ALL' selected and on 'record enabled' at the same time while playing them back!
  20. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    Not all of the tracks, I have over a thousand in my template, but yes 30+ instruments (so at least that many instances of Kontakt) playing at one time. Obviously all the instruments aren't playing throughout the whole piece at one time, but there are moments when there is a lot going on. When OP learns how to use his system with this sort of workflow, and its limitations (and gets some ssds), they will be able to do way more than I can on my older but well optimized system.
  21. RachProko

    RachProko Platinum Record

    Sep 25, 2022
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    You still didn't get my point! Only playing back the tracks is different than selecting all these tracks with 'Record Enabled' while playing them back. You won't be able to do that! But anyway, it's not important as the OP has got his solution to his issue.
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