What is your opinion on A.I. Music

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Atlantis84, May 5, 2023.

  1. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2020
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    I'm all for it. It's not about replacing anything for me but using AI as a tool to get from point A to point B more efficiently and effectively. It's already assisting us in so many plugins with more to come. I say bring it on.

    Better tools = better music making experience for me = better music for my listeners.

    As with any new technology, adapters and adopters will rise to the top, whereas, naysayers and deniers will be left in the dust.
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  2. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2020
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    How is this any different than what a lot of people are already doing with loops or construction kits? Nobody is going to care who or what sequenced a synth or any other midi instrument if it sounds good. Remember what Duke Ellington said: If it sounds good, it is good.
  3. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    well i been on this earth for a long time and when people find out thats not you and u was acting like you a musician the whole time i was just saying what will happen if people find out thats not you doing it lol but overall if they dont know and it sounds good then nobody cares but if they find out yeah its another story ....now for me i dont care but im telling you how the world move if they find out kanye west made none of his beats they not going to respect him like that or if they find out that the Weekned was having somebody else sing for him trust me i know how people are the vibes is going to change and they not going to respect him like they used to and his income is going to show for it too lol thats how people are ...they already be attacking people that don't write they own lyrics its going to be worst with people that don't make they own music im not speaking from me having a issue with people using A.I or not using it .....im speaking from me living on earth and looking at people and seeing how they react to things
  4. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Intelligence is being bred out of humans with their eyes constantly glued to small screens to tell them how to think, buy and behave.
    Maybe artificial intelligence will give me someone intelligent to make music with that doesn't have various issues (ego, messed up personal life, substance abuse or just mental health issues).
    As a sound engineer, those were always issues with the bands I worked with.
    So I learned to play all instruments myself and fired the band :bleh:
    I'll take the machine over talentless, pretentious losers any day.
    Especially "singers" :rofl:
    Frank Zappa ditched his band for a Synclavier many years ago for the same reason.
    Frank was always ahead of his time:guru:
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
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  5. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Wanna be producers and musicians will use it more and more, to make more and more sub-par garbage music, not to mention the ever growing free distribution platforms, nothing wrong with that, but the problem comes when there is more sub-par music, platform will make money regardless even if the music sucks, but not the one who made it. AI Music is not there yet, it will only work when we have a control over what is been done, if not there will be no soul to it, it will only be random harmonized quantized sounds, with no swing.

    While on the other hand Music feat. strippers, snowflakes, and idiots whose mothers were on drugs during pregnancy or the ones whose medical plan didn't include abortion or simply the ones whose mothers have dropped their child intentionally on their head when they were young, garner much more public attention through social media by doing stupid little stunts like eating poop and flinging it on to the normal human beings. Doesnt really matter if they use AI for their music its gonna suck anyway. Like most of the "Poop" music today are just recycled old material, and well above 70% of them sounds like constipation noises.

    Meanwhile Musicians/music from talented, well working, note worthy, well written, small budget but well produced music becomes a hidden gem if lucky or just sink to the bottom. We are nearly halfway there already.
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  6. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    i made this thread to show people the differences in us ...........at the end of the day we love music so no matter how u create at just be good at it but i do have to warn u if people find out that u not making your music and depending something to do it for u i cant promise u the same thing i said i dont have a problem but the other people do and they be liek wtf
    i agree with you but u have to convince other people to think the same if u want them to forgive you for finding out that u didn't make your own music lol these are real life things u will face is what im saying in this thread.... this why i created this thread to see where people minds are at just because me and u think that what about all the other people that buy your music and take it very seriously and put years in to musicianship and was thinking u was creating it yourself lol and u lying too them saying that u are creating it yourself ? lol dishonesty right ?
    aint talking about finding loops in your daw thats not the subject .....beause a lot of well known artist do that im talking about u letting A.I. create your whole project all the way form piano and drums and bass to everything and if people find out u just clicking buttons to make your project and depending on ev luck with the respect and income u want to have from that
    at play everything yourself lol u funny ......well shit more money for you tho maybe u will be another Prince if u learn to play more instruments lol
  7. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    another thing people think that because they musician that A.I. is not going to make as money as them in the future i would say keep thinking that u know how many ignorant people and the world that dont care they really don't u got 50/50 some that care and some don't it will be a weird little era with music and its coming up as i speak watch ........they dont care about soul being into music the other 50 percent dont care thats what im saying all of yall saying some real shit but im saying that the people that don't care is going to be the source of income for A.I. and these are the people that actually know that the person know nothing about music and only pushed buttons and got lucky and created a hit its going to get that bad watch what i tell ya lol........u can have a guy that don't know anything about music get a hit on the radio from pushing random buttons and it ended up sounding good lol then he uses the A.I. voice after that and he tell yall thats his voice and yall believe him lol
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  8. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Ah, that's the purist producer mindset. I don't agree with it but I can respect that.

    A small minority of people might have issue with who did what but the vast majority just don't care and just want to hear good music that they can connect to or shake their booty to. If people actually did care about who did what, there would be no Backstreet Boys, Nsync, Blackpink, BTS, Tatu, Justin Bieber, Dua Lipa, or just about any other famous pop act that is mostly a pretty face. There would be no Splice or Sounds.com. Kanye utilizes a lot of samples and doesn't usually master his own tracks. The Weeknd doesn't usually produce his own music without Illangelo or some other producer and doesn't mix or master his own tracks either. The AI track between Drake and The Weeknd went viral with over 250,000 Spotify streams and 10 million views on TikTok even though most people knew it was AI and fake as all hell. The reality is most people don't care about who did what and just want to hear good music.
  9. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    My sister took piano lessons for three years.
    One day, I got bored and sat down at the piano my parents bought for her.
    In five minutes I was playing better than her.
    It's called talent.
    I guess you're not acquainted with it.
    I find I can pick out a tune on any instrument in five minutes.
    I play keyboards, guitar, bass, drums, program, engineer and even sing.
    Some of us don't have your limits.
    Please forgive us.
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
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  10. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    some talent is just at birth thats real
  11. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    yea i understand what you saying
  12. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I think it will improve musicians capability or at least will require much more study, skills, capabilities for one be considered a musician. Ok, AI can make trap beats or EDM ballads but the sound quality will ever be degradaded or at least worse than what a human being can do. AI can create Drake rap lines, but i doubt it can replicate a Coltrane or Hendrix live performance or a mix by Serban and Manny. I think the ones that should be worried are the ones that are making a formula based music because they have the same or less capabilities than a machine (through learning aesthetics, chords, timbres etc). Only the ones that have put real efford to not sound like a machine will be considered musicians by doing things a machine would never do.
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  13. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    A tool for those with no talent and those who don't care what they are listening to...

    A tool controlled by a few in order to maximize profit...

    Another form of slavery!
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  14. juliaprado8801

    juliaprado8801 Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2022
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    for me the music industry means nothing.. top records companies too.. etc etc.. even concerts with dj.. or a robot and all the humans applauding etc etc.. and all those grammy awards etc.. all of it is crap.. means nothing. yeah it could pretty much happen.. humans are made of mud.. you can put anything inside their brains by showing them documentaries "well" made etc etc.. repetition.. and they will do it.. we can do it all.. anything is possible with the masses ... just invest 100 us million dollars in propaganda and you will have a army of followers.. a.i. karaoke.. or dancing bands.. etc.. anything is possible.. make money out of it? that too.. humans can pay a lot of money for nothing.. as usual.. nothing new under the sun.. it has been like this foerever.
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  15. juliaprado8801

    juliaprado8801 Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2022
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    A:I: crap is the new topic for all the media networks they talk about it all the time.. so.. yeah humans will follow it like usual..
    humans want something new to play with .. a new toy.. they always want more and more.. even if it is the same covered with a different brand.. no need to get to a conclusion.. they drop the Topic and we will follow and repeat.. not me.. i've seen this "NEW" random .. things.. over the years.. decades.. it's always the same.. they decide your 4 walls .. BUT.. some of us.. can see it very clear... if you open logic pro and make a drum track that A.I. -- if you dream at night that is A.I. too.. if you are looking for money that is A.I. too.. it is just a "NEW" name..
    normally if you really want to master something.. it takes a lot of time and sacrifice and effort.. no matter if it's called ai or social disorder.. or.. a new age thing.. "artificial" just a name.. means nothing it has been there forever.. nothing new..
  16. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I like the new possibilities in regards to remixing. Like having Biggie rap Boyz-N-Tha-Hood by Eazy-E:

    I've looked into the tools to do it and managed to install them. But I need to train language models, so I can let LL Cool J rap "I'm your Pusher" by Ice-T and I let Ice-T sing " I need love" by LL :D I have still have to look into it how that works but it looks like a fun experiment.

    In regards to AI generated music as in: writing melodies and chords, I am not interested in that, really. Otherwise I could stop making music altogether.

    But we (as a society) are going to have really serious problems in the near future as far as deep fakes and authenticity of authorship/copyrite are concerned.
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  17. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    You want 1000 songs with lyrics like Taylor Swift - done
    Album cover for your 1000 songs - done
    Strings arrangements for your melody - done
    A project of a bridge or a building - done
    Analyze the results of your medical tests - done

    All is gonna be left to us is input data and AI will do the rest...
    How much do you think they are going to pay us to do this?

    It is going to exterminate poverty and we all going to have money and time to do everything (?) we want...:rofl:

    Our new hero...


    What a work week...

    13 children (+ 7 with previous wife...) I guess in the future they are going to jerk off with a picture of a server...
    Hey - AI - Copy that sucker!

    Last edited: May 6, 2023
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  18. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    AI is here to stay no doubt about that. will it affect our lives (music included)? you bet. will it be huge? sure.
    AI will take a big piece of the music "Industry" cake and in so many ways.
    i've read about an AI that can create videos for you from an old photo of a person. in few years you will be able to watch videos of your beloved deceased. in like 50 years or less maybe, you will not be able to know who is real or who is a robot. if not in 50 maybe in 100...
    nowadays you search tons of crap to find a song you like. maybe the AI will take that away by composing for you, instantly, something you will like. maybe the "Industry" will use AI to "create" artist and bands that are hard to do now, and more undercontrol. imagine a Hologram band performing a "live concert" at wich everyone hears what he likes...
    the possibilities are endless...
    my children will experience a diffrent world than mine...

    I urge everyone to listen to the song: in the year 2525 by the one hit wonder, Zager and evans and read the lyrics please.
    everything has been imagined...

  19. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'm going to be a bit random here but with purpose.

    I had to sit through a movie last night that "everybody thought was great". It is called Black Adam and it might have been one of the worst films that I have ever seen.

    My favorite Zappa quote of all time...
    “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

    If you ever played against a pool shark, they let you think that you can beat them by not showing their strength, by letting you win and manipulate you into thinking that you are in control of the situation until it's too late and you loose all that you have.

    AI in the long term is not your friend.

    Car mechanics no longer mechanic. They plug a terminal into the automobile's computer and are told what is wrong with car and change the part which is faulty. They do not and cannot diagnose nor can they repair. They have no skills other than being able to weld a wrench and tightening a bolt and soon that part of the job will be able to be performed by AI.

    Edit: If you don't know what the Milgram experiment at Yale was, look it up.

    Last edited: May 6, 2023
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  20. Hugues roy

    Hugues roy Member

    Dec 20, 2021
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    It would be interesting to ask the artificial intelligence what it thinks of it.