Problem installing Nembrini Audio Plugins: SOLVED!

Discussion in 'Linux' started by paul_audioz, Apr 29, 2023.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    oh, WINE has VCs only up to 2019? That might be the problem then. Too many companies rushing "progress" in the name of having newer and "better"... that's why I love Debian - it is chilled and slow, freakin stone cold impervious to updates, just like me. :)

    Keep us posted! I think you're doing great to resolving it yourself. However, if Nembrini plugins demand VC++ 2022 to be installed explicitly, there's nothing you can do for now until WINE developers decide to upgrade the available VCs. Maybe newer WINE is available for your distro?

    edit: here you can find the latest version of WINE if your distro supports it:
    I would try with the latest stable first, then staging version. It should work with one of them.
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
  2. paul_audioz

    paul_audioz Kapellmeister

    Feb 21, 2023
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    I use MX21 (Debian based) and it comes with Wine v6.22 in my Package Manager. It is updated automatically whenever there is an update available.
    I merely checked which libraries were available to update my Wine with and noticed that 2019 was the latest version in my v6.22.

    In your link I discovered that Wine meanwhile has already made it to v8.....
    And although v7 and v8 are available as flatpacks, I am a little afraid to update my main system outside the normal MX21 updates. I can not foresee what will happen to my system. Therefor a test system is the right way to proceed. Because, how fast Timeshift works, you still loose some things. Not data, I have that backed up separately. But I noticed I lost my portable Kontakt and the solution to add libraries. Of course, I had documented that, but still, at my age you tend to forget a lot of things even if they happened just yesterday.....:unsure:
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yesterday? When was that? :rofl: I tend to forget what just happened. You're doing great! :wink:

    It's great that you have Timeshift installed, but if you want to avoid the risk to your OS 100% it would be best to use Virtualbox or QEMU virtual OS. However, you would have to install a fresh MX OS in it, so it takes a bit of time to set everything up. It's a handy thing to have a VM. I have Win8 and Debian testing version set up in QEMU for playing with it, well - testing shit.

    Oh, you have WINE 6.22. I have 5.03 in Debian... :( I should try to update, too. 6.22 is a very good version of it and nicely compatible with LinVST and Yabridge both. It works with a ton of plugins. But not with Nembrini, obviously. :sad: That's good to know. So thanks! It's pretty much a developer error imho and a good example of rushing ahead too fast. Maybe even people running Windows 10 have problems with them... I personally haven't tried yet on my W10 laptop.

    btw. what Nembrini plugins are you trying to install? there are many of them. Maybe I can install them in my W8 VM and send you plugin files, if they're not too complicated to install manually.
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
  4. paul_audioz

    paul_audioz Kapellmeister

    Feb 21, 2023
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    Yeah, about Virtualbox......that is one of those things I have no clue about: I installed it, and it turns out it automatically installs a 32 bit version on my 64 bit machine. I could not find any solution, so Virtualbox is unfortunately a nogo for me.
    It could possibly be caused by the fact that I run my MX21 from an external SSD. In a couple of years my next PC will be a native Linux machine, so I will try to install Virtualbox in that one. Next project will be installing Windows 10 in Virtualbox and test if that will work.

    Until now I can pretty much install a lot of windows plugins. When I am able to install, the plugin usually runs fine. Sometimes however the GUI is corrupted and the plugin is kinda useless. But very sometimes the installers abnormally terminates, like with these Nembrini Audio plugins. Since there were a lot of good reviews about Nembrini, I just wanted to test one or two of my own, especially the distortion. You know, digital distortion is usually exact what the word distortion means: it sounds distorted unpleasant. Where analogue distortion usually delivers a warm and pleasant sound. So I was curious if Nembrini was able to deliver this pleasant sounding distortion.
    When you are able to extract the installer and send me the VST of VTS3 to test, I would be very glad to try!

    Yabridge runs flawlessly on my MX21. I follow the discussion of Pipewire with great interest, but my tests with AV Linux and Manjaro were not so good: playing a Kontakt library like The Giant, 4 Gb, runs into problems in Reaper (terminating) when playing a lot of keys. In MX21 under ALSO the same library runs smoothly even when holding all wild played notes using my sustain pedal. Which in fact was a good thing for me, because now I can make music with my main system without booting into a different distribution. And my main system is capable of running all things I need for work and other related things.

    Which makes me wonder: why do so many people buy windoos when they only email and browse the internet? I understand when you have a certain hobby, it is quite challenging to get things running in Linux. But the majority of windoos users only use simple things which can be done by Linux way better: no restart after updates, no data-stealing, no reset of your settings to the m$ default settings after updates etc.

    But that is, of course, a completely different discussion....:cheers:
  5. paul_audioz

    paul_audioz Kapellmeister

    Feb 21, 2023
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    Good news!

    I managed to install it. In fact it was quite simple. I discovered my error was due to missing vcrun6 and mfc42. Installed them via Play On Linux (which was not quite smart after all since I now have an extra Wine environment!) and then the setup ran and installed the Nembrini plugin without problems. I added this new directory to Yabridge and then Reaper discovered them and it works.

    I did a bit testing, and I was not quite enthusiastic about the distortion sound of it. Still a lot digital sounding to my ears. But I am a little tired of searching and solving, so probably tomorrow with fresh ears (and brain!) will be different. At least, that's what I hope....

    Thank you all for helping and I hope this quest can help somebody else.

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