Screened by Service Center

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by beber, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. beber

    beber Newbie

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Mac 10.9.1 (Mavericks)


    Sorry for my english, not my language. If somebody can help me?
    I checked all the topics and nobody talks about that, i mean screened by service center...
    Just bought the maschine mk2 and was so excited like a child twith a new toy that i tried to install the soft maschine 2.0 so NI installed automaticaly the service center. The problem is i already had before a non legit kontakt 5.3.0 and few kontakt bank so i was very naive and stupid but when service center scanned my HD to activate maschine, he detected and did the list of all my soft... offering me to buy it.
    I stopped everything, internet included and tried my kontakt banks and everything still work perfectly fine.
    I well understood that no problem if you install legit soft and after non legit soft but what will happen if i connect again service center and just activate maschine with my serial and ignore others soft? Can it works better with an offline activation? Can i have problems with NI, what are the consequences? Do i have to unistall and reinstall everything even if i's too late cause i am already 'detected'? I have to admit that am little paralyzed and don't know the next step cause i feel that i am already been caught... and i will still have to install legit komplete selection (massive, prism) and maschine 2.0 library so it's gonna be same problem.

    Thanks a lot in advance
  3. i1studios

    i1studios Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    You can activate the Maschine software without disturbing your 'other' ni titles.
    When you open the service center, delete the serials of the 'other' ni titles before activating legit titles
  4. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    ^what he said. Plus, it wont 'deactivate' your non-legit kontakt. kontakt being cracked is set up to NOT check service center. Never had a problem.
  5. beber

    beber Newbie

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Long story with Service center but everything seems to work perfectly fine !!
    Thanks a lot to both of you, you really helped me confirming that i could continue my activation like i wanted to do.
    Long live Audio... and long live Sex :wink:
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