2 Midi keyboard in 2 different tracks in Logic Pro X

Discussion in 'Logic' started by AgA, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. AgA

    AgA Newbie

    Nov 6, 2013
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    is it possible to use 2 midi keyboard for example ( Axiom Pro and novation ) at 2 different tracks how must set up inputs ..??!
    in NI Kontakt 5 so easy :-
    1. open Kontakt
    2. Preferences
    3. Midi
    4. Input and select the port ( A or B or....... )
    so what about Logic Pro X .. :??????!
    thank you 4 answering
  3. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Thought you were Announcing New Logic X Pro 2 :rofl:
    But to answer your question! yes and no ! Maybe so :wow: not sure I don't think so though could be wrong
  4. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Yes you can and it's very easy to do.
    Put each of your midi controller on a different midi out channel.
    Ex : keyboard 1 on channel midi out 1 and keyboard 2 on channel 2.

    Now choose the track you want to control with keyboard 1, go the the inspector on the far left click on the arrow with the name of your track.
    There you will see that the Midi channel is probably set to "all".
    Select channel 1 and this track is now controller by keyboard 1.
    Do the same thing with keyboard 2 set it to channel 2 on the track that you want to control with it...and VoilĂ .

    You can play the two keyboards at the same time and each one is sending to a different track and instruments on different midi channels.
    I hope this helps...
  5. AgA

    AgA Newbie

    Nov 6, 2013
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    Thank uuu 4 quick answer ..
    but my mistake was to be shown Connection by USB ports
    must set up midi ports in Logic Pro X but Where is it,,??!!!!
    ports and channels setting in logic not found...!!!!!
  6. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I presume that your keyboards are connected via USB ports to your computer.

    First, go to the application Audio midi setup that is in the utilities\applications folder and launch it.
    Go the the midi window and are the icon from your two keyboards present in that window, if " yes " all is good.
    If not, you must download the midi drivers from M-Audio and Novation for the midi to work.

    When you have done that, go to Logic X.
    On the top left of the main window there is an icon with a big " i ", click on it.
    Now you are in the inspector window and that is where you choose the midi channel for that track.
    Follow my previous instruction from here and all will work.

    " Now choose the track you want to control with keyboard 1, go the the inspector on the far left click on the arrow with the name of your track.
    There you will see that the Midi channel is probably set to "all".
    Select channel 1 and this track is now controller by keyboard 1.
    Do the same thing with keyboard 2 set it to channel 2 on the track that you want to control with it...and VoilĂ .[/i]"
  7. AgA

    AgA Newbie

    Nov 6, 2013
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    i,m so so sorry ,, coz i take ur time ,,but still midi keyboard play same track whatever i,m thank uuu thats some pics about my setting

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Ok. follow me here

    I see that you are over complicating it, it's more simple than that.

    The ports that are showing in the Audio midi set up for the Axiom and SL have nothing to do with it, leave it as it is don't change anything.
    The icons for the Axiom and SL are in the midi window, good you are done there, all is well, close the audio midi set up window.
    As soon as the Icon for a USB keyboard is present in the Audio midi setup, Logic will receive the midi info from it.

    Your Axiom and SL must presently be set to output midi on "all midi channel" you have to choose a specific one for each keyboard.
    Now go to your Axiom keyboard and put it on midi channel out 1, there must be a way in the keyboard to put it on different midi channel out .
    Look in the Axiom manual for that and do the same thing for the SL and put it on Midi channel out 2.
    Now, the Axiom is sending midi on channel 1 and the SL on channel 2.

    Go back to LogicX, create 2 tracks.
    Put track 1 on midi channel 1 and track 2 on midi channel 2.
    Now, track 1 will play from the Axiom and track 2 will play from the SL.

    If you want to play from 2 keyboards simultaneously you have to choose the midi input channel for each track you create each time, otherwise it is set to all channels and will receive from both Keyboards at ounce.
    If you only use 1 master keyboard as I do, you don't have to choose a specific input midi channel and that is why in Logic it is put on " all channel " when you create a track by default.

    I don't think I can be clearer than that and I hope that it works for you now.

    I was happy to help...