20+ years of Audio Warez!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by T2000, Oct 23, 2021.


Collector vs Producer?

  1. I collect everything but produce very little?

  2. I combine collecting gear with producing

  3. I am effective at producing tracks and keep the gear to a minimum

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Nice reading all your interesting stories, folks. Mine is rather long and complicated (similar to a combination of couple of stories here) to post it right now, but I will when I get drunk and nostalgic or something. :rofl:

    Regarding warez and plugins, I don't use many, but I use the ones I find most helpful and fast to work with. Also, lots of software I use these days is open source. I feel like "been there, done that, now it's time for a different approach". There are extraordinary things people don't use much just due to wrong preconceptions about free software, like C-sound for example. Well, I say their bad and my gain. :) I don't test much plugins these days as I know what I need and want and I know what tools work for me. Testing is also bad for work if you lose too much time on it so I don't do that anymore.

    Regarding my studio, I like to have best of both D and A worlds available. I firmly believe in hybrid setups and that everything has its place in audio production. D is pristine, super-clean and reliable, A is not perfect but sounds smooth, has soul and life of its own. Recording always sounds best to me if done through A processors. I couldn't live without my A compressors, but I kinda could without my A mixer. It is very useful for mixing my hardware synths, though, cos I couldn't possibly be able to connect everything through only 8 A I/O on my StudioKonnekt48 and that's what I use it for - not because I believe in A summing. :wink: Although, I kinda do... :rofl:

    Cheers! Keep it coming! :wink:
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2023
  2. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    At the beginning i collected plugins, but i recognized that this was holding my musical Workflow back. I tested a Lot and then i found my Go-To Plugins and removed a lot of Stuff from my harddrives. (Was a very good move, because i started to get more productive). Nowadays i load whats interesting and if its good i keep it, otherwise it gets instantly removed. If i could never load anything from now on i would be fine with what i have and could produce till the end with it. The only thing i'm really missing is my Yamaha Motif XS :( I Don't understand why Yamaha is not releasing an offical Motif ES or XS Plugin that would be so nice.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2023
  3. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Total Disagree. R2R is better than most of the offical Programmers. And if you go to 3rd World Countries there is a Black Market in every Big City where every kind of Warez and fake Clothings are sold, also there are enough pirate Sites on the Web that resell Stuff they load from Sister Site (And scam people that don't know about the Warez World). Why would someone in Europe etc. nowadays pay for Warez if you can load it by yourself? (i recently watched an Documentary about the Bronx and there was a Guy selling new Movies & Series on an Table at an Street Corner.) And its the same nowadays good Software (Nebula,Cubase, Scaler2, UVI, EW and so on) and bad Software gets Cracked (Like Unison Drum Monkey :rofl:), but this was done to prevent people to get scammed by a shitty Company. In the 90's they charged you somewhere between 100-150 bucks for an Sample CD which often had Copyrighted Stuff on it (There are some Gems, but there was a lot more Bad Sample CD's.)
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2023
  4. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Some peole are born librarians but think they are artists. ;)
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  5. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Pyramix needs the hardware like Sadie doesn
    But there has been a few cracked Pyramix version during the years lates was released some 3-5 years ago i think?

    Sadie 6 by VR was released a few years ago but it was not cracked propertly

    But there was a good version that was released to a few people that worked fine it didnt have the high quality Cedar restauration plugins though.

    As for Saw Studio i guess it isnt that popular and the crackers always need a legit version so they can crack it and my guess is that none has given them a legit version
    I still have the Air 32 bit version installed on my Win7 studio PC but it is a pain to use as the GUI isn't configured for big monitors or high resolution as the standard monitor back when that version was released was maybe 13" or 14" and a 19" was conceder enormous :) and the resolution was maybe 1280x 720 or 800x600

    As For Fractal FX Reverb (If thats the "fas-fx" you meant?) i guess noone has bought the legit version and give it to R2R
    And frankly if it is the same reverb algorithm as they have in their hardware units it isnt better than Eventide or other high quality reverb plugins that is already released on sister site
    But it is good sounding reverb though.
  6. manikus

    manikus Newbie

    Nov 10, 2021
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    well, all those gems since 1998 till present are archieved successfully ;)
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  7. LightSound

    LightSound Ultrasonic

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Happy Birthday Audio Warez! :thanks: :grooves: :speaker:

    A thousand thanks for all these sound orgasms and long life still from Audio Warez! :guru: :mates: :wink:
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  8. emax2

    emax2 Ultrasonic

    Oct 22, 2011
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    For me it started in 1983 with a program called Copy II plus on my Apple IIe with the duo disc system. Copy II plus would make exact copies a copy protected disc. This would be the 5 and a quarter inch floppy disc not compact disc. There was was music software like passport master tracks and others. For me being a sophomore in high school i just used it to copy games from friends,
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  9. aeroflot

    aeroflot Kapellmeister

    Jul 4, 2011
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  10. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    25 years ago the only way most people could actually get warez was to either know someone in the scene or buy them from guys on market stalls. Plus the shit bandwidth folks had at home often meant downloading massive ISO images on dial-up was a non-starter for a lot of people even if they had some vague idea of how to get stuff via IRC or similar channels.

    The arrival of p2p and torrents massively changed the general public's ability to get hold of warez of all kinds = no need to buy them from market stalls any longer.
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  11. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I will say one thing to all members who provided all this years for us, ''Thank You For Everything''!/:beg:Happy B.
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  12. iCe!

    iCe! Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2018
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    ic some old farts here... :) me included
    In 1999 i discovered audiowarez and i was instantly addicted.
    I'm was a member of AudioParadize with 8-9 years of membership.
    Good friends and people.
    IRC and audiowarez all the dayz.
    Good times.

    I learned compters, networks, protocols, software programing (coding), and even machine language (assembler)

    Overall, I did keygens for 3 plugins ..for educational and reasearch purposes and some fun.

    I even won the race for the first keygen release for one of the plugin. I beat AiR.. lol. (AiR always had a the app cracked in their releases until i did the keygen. With the next release AiR also provided a keygen. coz' keygens are cooler <!> :)
    (the keygen was actually so stupid complicated and unnecessary.. the plugin was easier to crack. Anyways. Funny little story. So true... at least in my dreams. lol. Maybe was just a coincidence.. or nonsense.. or what

    Wild times.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2023
  13. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Just wanted to say thnx for every people who provided/suppplied us with cracked or free software and helped us when we got problems with installing using bugs etc. Just thnx. <3
  14. Synth Life

    Synth Life Noisemaker

    May 18, 2024
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    Why not make a VST that displays / accesses the databank for immediate and seamless transformational music production and inspirational experiences?
  15. Dvus I

    Dvus I Kapellmeister

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Europe MONT-ZION
    Happy Birthday Audio Warez !
    :guitarhero: :drummer::guitarhero: :speaker:
    :wink:Miles Thankx​
  16. Kingvrage

    Kingvrage Producer

    Mar 1, 2016
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    This has been quite the rabbit hole for me.
    Originally I just wanted one of those tascam disc recorders and then around 2005-2007 (I can't really remember) a friend pointed out my laptop and USB on my boss multi fx. I had a copy of sonor that came with it.
    He installed FL 6 and audacity on my laptop and there was no turning back after that.
    I was just a lurker and a torrent fiend for a number of years, unbeknownst to me I was still working in the past with long outdated software.
    I was having a blast though. Eventually as time went on I would be redirected to or find that the only reliable place was the sister site.
    I wound up here at the forum not long after and found myself having to relearn several things as well as finding out how much I had wrong or skipped over when using a DAW.
    The first DAW I got really serious with was Audition 3.

    I've gone through periods of hoarding but I eventually cut the fat. Once I find something that stays in my tool belt I make sure to go and support the dev. They gotta eat.

    I vaguely remember trying to find out more about an abandoned product just before landing here.

    I've made plenty of friends and learned more than I could have ever imagined along the way.

    You guys have gotten me through some of my toughest times.

    Thank you!

    It's been fun.
  17. vidalsh

    vidalsh Noisemaker

    Dec 28, 2011
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    Since 1998 with sonic foundry Acid, Rebirth. Radium, CobalT, H2O.
    I´m still remember AcidPlanet at young days.
  18. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Not necessarily. In those daze there wasn't the plethora of raw product around to crack. There just wasn't that much of it. And what there was, at least in the "native-daw" sense, was pure shit by todays standards. Most of the DIGITAL sound generation that was being done in the 80's/90's was being done by hardware devices (synclavier, EMU, Oberheim, ARP, Fairlight, Linndrum, etc). The native-daw, and software based DIGITAL sound generation capability at that time was tinker-toys by comparison. Everything was still being recorded to analog tape because it was the most efficient method available.

    The stuffz you list by example there were "considered" at the time to be on the edge (as in not mainstream). As one who tried sawstudio I have to say I hated it. "Pirates selling warez in the streets"? There were instances of software store fronts selling pirated copies of stuff "unknowingly", but it didn't last long before it all got shut down by the copyright police. And with all that the so-called software stores went up in a cloud of pixie dust. That kind of scam still goes on these days as well (although instances are fewer and farther between), but it's all online and to a much larger degree. You hear about them every so often when they get busted. Selling warez for profit (ANY KIND OF PROFIT) goes against the entire reason for its existence in the first place.

    I will agree that a disturbingly substantial portion of the releases the scene produces these days are just junk. Particularly the so-called "sample-packs". Droves of this redundant shit gets put out on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the great tools that we monetarily poor underling producers could really use are ignored (at least for the time being) or go [uncracked]. It is what it is. There's not much we can do about it other than suggest a different path.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2024
  19. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Hubris Hub was my first addiction.
  20. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
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    Yesterday I deleted Zeus knows how many tabs from the sister forum from my browser and realized I need to quit hoarding plugins and stuff if I'm not even making music anymore. It somehow keeps me connected to that time in my life where I created stuff. Saddest way to end the week xD