Bing Image Creator Good Enough For Your Next EP/Album Cover Art ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stevie Dude, Apr 4, 2023.


Is it good ?

  1. Good enough for me. It will only get better.

    17 vote(s)
  2. I think it is a good starting point, to generate ideas.

    16 vote(s)
  3. I need a real human touch, so I hire the people at Fiverr.

    1 vote(s)
  4. Nah, I rather do it on my own even though I suck at it, DIY or die.

    3 vote(s)
  5. I rather pay some artists I like to do it for me.

    6 vote(s)
  6. I'm proficient graphic designer, I can manage on my own.

    2 vote(s)
  1. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I don't feel the need to be fair to everyone who makes any kind of art and recognize that the incredible vast majority is really trash. It has nothing to do with popularity or swollen bank accounts from sales and swag, so much of that sucks too. People fuck expensive human looking dolls and get something out of that but it doesn't equate to something honest and real. Heroin is amazing until it's not. I don't have to like a certain piece of music or a painting to see that it is masterful and great but I can grok it's artistic worth. A machine is not an artist and never can be. A machine can mimick but can never have a soul, cannot impregnate a human female or carry a child attached to it's mother's blood supply. Art is born of the womb.
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  2. pizza boy

    pizza boy Guest

    Some results I get are cool, but man those appendages, fingers especially, are hilariously whack most of the time. Faces are bunk too. No words come out legible. The image format is basic and size is too small (I havent seen any way to change settings like this, is there a way?). Yeah, I think it still has a looong way to go.

    The same applies to ITB vs hardware. Lots of stuff is damn near spot on, but lots still isn't and there are lots of amazing obscure hardware gems yet to be ported over. It is blatantly obvious if you sit in a room and try these side by side. To people who cant do that, close enough works, I guess.

    As for AI in music, apart from maybe a random background soundscape or an odd percussion or something, I have yet to find any AI random function in any plugin that consistently creates anything usable or I cant make better myself. I mean sure, if I sit there long enough and hit random or whatever over and over, something will eventually sound decent, but by then I coulda made it myself ten times over. And why would anyone wanna take the fun and excitement out of being creative? Making music is like a video game at times, but theres a whole lot more deeper impact and satisfaction from experiencing an idea, inspiration, creativity, seeing it through to completion and watching others enjoy the results gives me great pleasure. AI takes a lot of that away, depriving me of creative outlet, feeling and emotion. Anyway.

    Its the same with this Bing image thing, sit there long enough eventually something is cool. It took me around 2 hours of mucking around last night to get one image that is passable. The rest were a mixed bag of good and bad, all had noticeable flaws. Or maybe im just a perfectionistic OCD bastard :bash:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2023
  3. pizza boy

    pizza boy Guest

  4. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Pro - It's a free assistant that can quickly create from your inputs.

    Cons - You will never own the rights to anything AI created. So no publishing or digital rights collections rights as they are derived from the PA (writers) copyright. No SR copyrights (sound recording) possible and any images can freely be copied and used by anyone.

    Basically anything AI created is owned by everyone.

    You will own nothing and be happy about it.
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