tinnitus, no cure?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, May 4, 2020.

  1. test123

    test123 Newbie

    Jul 8, 2013
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  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Like an explosion that I wasn't prepared for, when I came down with Covid in January of last year I immediately had fucking tinnitus. Recently I've had it screaming at me though thankfully for a very short duration of time.

    It became so bad that I blew my head off with a shotgun but it didn't work as the blast of the gun took the tone in my ears to a whole new level and now my head is just laying here separated from my shoulders and on the ground with me unable to do much but suffer this crazy-making high pitched noise. The only reason that I can communicate now on the forum is thanks to my buddy Elon who got his engineers to create a brain to computer interface that seems to be working well enough at least for me to post this. However, if anyone is near the Basel area I could use a little help with a bothersome itch on my chin. My tongue isn't long enough to scratch it and it's driving me crazy.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
  3. emax2

    emax2 Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2011
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    The best thing to do is avoid loud noises. If you are in band that does not use I.E.M. Get yourself some custom fitted earplugs. Its the same process as getting fitted for an I.E.M. Once you have Tinnitus it takes a long time for the ear to recover from it
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Total silence can help a lot! avoid loud noise, headphone, any stress for the ears.
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  5. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Now I don't know whether to laugh or cry. So I laugh :rofl:

    But fun aside.
    No tinnitus is like the other and no remedy works for everyone.
    I would try - before the use of pharmaceuticals - first with relaxation exercises and other 'soft' mmeasures.
    And as @ArticStorm says: No loud noise, no headphones, no loud music for a few days.

    in my case, the exercises that the U.S. Army recommends for helping soldiers fall asleep ( https://www.forces.net/military-life/fall-asleep-2-minutes-help-military-sleep-method ) works very well. I did it several times per day over some days.

    A combination of stress avoidance and relaxation exercises as above have helped me. I have had relapses, but the last episode was about a year ago. (keeping fingers crossed).
    For me it is important - because the fear that the tinnitus will come back triggers tinnitus - that I now know how to bring it under control.

    I just think about our hearing organ as a Drama Queen and one has to calm her down. :mates:
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
  6. Academia

    Academia Producer

    Mar 8, 2020
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    I suffered from tinnitus for at least 25 years. When I was living in Paris there was a support group at the Salpêtrière hospital, but it was more like a support ring than a proper treatment. Since then, my hearing loss is more and more evident because of tinnitus. I tried to find a suitable treatment in Brussels, where I live now, but so far I failed miserably. I guess my only option was so far to learn how to live with tinnitus. I am now trying to lose weight as I read somewhere that it can help a bit.
  7. JohnEncore

    JohnEncore Kapellmeister

    Feb 12, 2016
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    almost forgot mine, until I read this thread ...
  8. Lukas Bastías

    Lukas Bastías Newbie

    Sep 11, 2017
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    Hello, tinnitus is a symptom rather than a disease itself.
    I would start by finding out the root disease and visiting a specialist doctor.
    My mother have tinnitus from a vascular problem.

    The fact that it is a physical problem and not a psychological one makes mitigation more difficult. When the tinnitus is stronger, I would recommend sessions of listening to sounds like ocean waves or the rustling of leaves [all free on youtube] this could help "masking" the tinnitus.

    Every "holy remedy" if not backed by a neutral clinic study is just snake oil
  9. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Tinnitus can arise from all sorts of pathways. infections, blood clots, issues with circulation, but funnily enough, Zinc seems to work quite consistently in all these pathologies in at least lessening it. if you are just dealing with a Zinc deficiency though, it can completely reverse it. i think Zinc probably works quite well for tinnitus because it lowers stress hormones and most issues with hearing are all because of reactive oxygen species on a cellular level. i don't think Zinc is a free radical scavenger, but it seems to have some unique effect on hearing related issues.

    Try eat a few servings of meat a day, or some oysters if you can get hold of em. aim for about 30-40mg of Zinc a day. Zinc has been shown to be chronically low in people with hearing related issues across the board, so it seems like the body uses more of it to compensate for something hence my suggestion being waaay above the RDA. do not try and get this amount from supplements though!!! you'll cause quite a cascade of hormonal issues potentially. stick to food

    Magnesium also lowers NMDA which is a excitatory neurochemical that has been shown to be elevated in people with tinnitus due to their being signals sent to the aural synapses even when there is no sound present, so dietary Magnesium is something else you want to look into e.g pumpkin seeds and 70-80% dark chocolate contain a lot of Magnesium, as well as polyphenols which have some antioxidant properties
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  10. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    It doesn't ever "recover"you just become desensitised to it if your tinnitus arises from noise induced hearing loss, that tinnitus is because of the dead hair follicles that account for that spectrum of sound, but them still sending signals to the brain. it's like a feedback loop that never closes basically. there is absolutely no reversing that, other than some extremely novel and not readily available stem cell therapy using cochlear stem cells from zebra fish? i think who can regenerate hearing on a whim.

    The most you can do in that case is to work on lowering stuff like adrenaline, NMDA etc which will exacerbate the situation. anything that has GABAergic potential will lower NMDA e.g L-Theanine, Magnolia Bark, etc, but this is by no means a fix. it just reduces the stimulus which will increase hearing sensitivity, and possibly lessen the severity of the tinnitus which might make it more tolerable
  11. EAR

    EAR Newbie

    Apr 13, 2023
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    Try menyanthes trifoliata extract or infusion 3 times/day, it was the only thing that helped for a lot of people i know... other options are goji, eleutherococcus, vinca pervinca, jiaogulan, tulsi...
  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Yes, I think so too. A variety of disorders can cause or contribute to tinnitus.
    {Similar to how "consumption" used to be considered a disease, even though a variety of diseases could be the cause, from cancer to infections like tuberculosis}
    That is why there is no simple one-fits-all solution to tinnitus.
  13. ampworks

    ampworks Producer

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Had it years, this really worked for me, you have to blow gently, but with a constraint firm pressure, and you hear squeaking, BE CARFULL, you can hurt your hears , i do it one side at a time, its a bit like blowing razzberries on your arm as a kid to make rude noises, this video explains, it. I noticed a change right away been doing it once a day for a few weeks.

  14. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Sorry to say tinnitus will never go away. I have a high frequency noise in my right ear. I have learned to live with it. Having podcast on when I'm going to sleep for example. Complete silence always make the sound more noticeable at least in my case. Also I have learned to always protect my ears when doing something with high decibel audio level.
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