Arturia Rev LX-24 or NI Softube RC 24 ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by GokhanH33, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. GokhanH33

    GokhanH33 Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2016
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  3. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    When you tried them, what did *you* think? Why don't you post your findings as a jumping off point to discuss them..? I'd be interested in what you think (I haven't tried the Arturia one.)
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  4. Jayster

    Jayster Producer

    Mar 22, 2018
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    There is no "better" - both are great reverbs but sound slightly different. Have both of them ready when mixing and pick which ever you like best for that specific sound in that specific moment - quite simple. It all about the additional vibe and emotion that a reverb brings to the sound of the mix, that's all that matters.
  5. Bill Heitbrink

    Bill Heitbrink Newbie

    Apr 1, 2023
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    Arturia one is better I think.
  6. TheRiddler303

    TheRiddler303 Kapellmeister

    Jul 24, 2020
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    UAD 224 was very nice. used it a lot and sounded better then NI's. won't be able anymore to test it against the arturia. They did a great job on Intensity, so very curious to try the 224 now.
  7. Hybridstudios

    Hybridstudios Kapellmeister

    Aug 11, 2015
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    uad and arturia sound better than the NI
    but to be fair, the lexicon pcm bundle sounds better and more true to the hardware.
    ive been using the uad 224 since 2011, started using the lexicon pcm around 2015 and it still stays on current mixes
    now relab 480 isnt a joke, has a more lush sound thats going to require side chaining or compressing and eqing but can definitely get you there

    they're all just tools, use to the best of your ability and dont be scared to eq, compress, add effects to the reverb, hell even imaging...
  8. twarch

    twarch Newbie

    Nov 14, 2018
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    Arturia for sure, I don't like NI effects.
  9. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Played with the "Hall" algo on the NI RC24, Lexicon PCM LexHall, Lexicon LXP Hall, Slate Verbsuite Classic FG224, Arturia LX-24, and Valhalla VintageVerb earlier. Just some thoughts, comparison of some of the presets I always use for starting point.

    1. NI RC24 - Large Hall algo is a little dense, mid heavy, upfront and modern sounding, the reverb is not subtle at all, even on the Dark setting you can clearly hear the early reflection and everything. Suitable for modern production in your face, Pop, EDM etc IMO. Not bad at all.

    2. Lexicon PCM LexHall & Lexicon LXP Hall - sounds similar, and the presets settings are identical (the numbers too) to the one in the hardware version of Lexicon PCM 91, they all are the same code anyway. The best Hall reverb among the others. Fat, tight, just right.

    3. Slate Versuite Classic FG-224 (convolution verb not algo) - the "worst" when compared to others, the impulses are too short and sounds unnatural in a way when you compared it to others in the list. It's not bad on its own and can be useful in a lot of different way but can't stand up together with others mentioned here when doing the 224 Hall type of reverb IMO. Plus you can't tweak anything. Extending the decay make it sounds smearing in a way.

    4. Arturia LX-24 - liking the "Classic 224 Hall" preset. It's light, midrange feel scooped not muddying the track, bottom end reduced a bit from typical Lexicon type Hall, natural sounding with smooth tails and feel a little pushed behind but strangely still posses some sort of clarity on the high end. Blending nicely with the track. It's nice sounding but it's different from others tonal balance wise but has that Lexicon reverb tail character.

    5. Valhalla VintageVerb - there is this Hall presets that were made inspired by the 224 (or rather Lexicon PCM, not sure) unit called "Bright Hall". It is nice and can be a good alternative to manage CPU. It sounds similar to the NI version though a bit darker, you can easily adjust the EQ cutoff anyway. There also 300 Large, 300 Medium & 300 Small Hall that were inspired by the Lexicon 300 units, they are good but a little too dark for my taste, good to add depth and character to tracks if used moderately.

    I wouldn't say any of the above bad in any way because all of them has their own sound and could be useful when you use it right. To answer OP question between the RC24 and LX-24, I would say I like the LX-24 sound but I most probably use the RC 24 more for modern production and I've been using them a lot before. RC 24 is identical to the Softube TSAR reverb 224 preset since it was built by same dev. LX-24 maybe can be useful for synth pad to extend the tail a bit when you want something subtle and natural also for female vocals. It sounds nice and good but I don't use that type of reverb much as I rarely work with "nice sounding" music.

    Not that it matters but the Hall reverbs that is in my template right now (it changes frequently) are the M7 Mechanics Hall and Worchester Hall presets for instruments, H3000 Canyon IR for drums (CLA inspired, add certain noise to side and it enhanced the hihats, cymbals in Room, Ambience Mic nicely) in Liquidsonics Reverberate and the Lexicon PCM LexRandomHall, LexHall and LXP Hall for vocals and guitar. If I need to add quick reverb on the tracks, it is always Valhalla VintageVerb.

    EDIT :
    Just want to add that the Relab Sonsig Rev A also has 224 reverb emulation mode and has that "Bright Hall" preset which is quite pleasing but your CPU might not like it.

    The Valhalla reverb developer once said, the best sounding reverb algo for him isn't the one that can sound long lush endless big etc, but the one that can still sounding natural even at its shortest decay time. He said that in one of the his plugin demo video at Valhalla's Youtube channel, I can't quite remember which one. Most of the Arturia LX-24 reverb mode all sounding great at minimum decay especially the "Percussion Plate A" algo, it's so tight sounding. I've made some Drum Air/Ambience presets with it and love it.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
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  10. GokhanH33

    GokhanH33 Ultrasonic

    Feb 17, 2016
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    I tried Arturia and liked it. Better than the NI.
  11. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    RC24 and RC48 Reverbs were developed and programmed by Softube…
  12. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    I'm seriously in love with the LX-24
  13. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    True to what hardware? It's true to the PCM96 (the PCM plugins are the exact same algorithms), but the PCM96 is a few generations on from the 70s 224 in tech and sound quality. The PCMs in no way sound like the 224 - they are beautiful algorithms, clean and pristine and in some ways are imo the pinnacle of the Lexicon sound - but they are 25 years on from what the ol' 224 could do.

    So I agree, the PCM's are a "better" set of general purpose reverbs, but if you're specifically looking to emulate the old 224 sound, they are not a better tool for that than a dedicated 224 emulation...

    It's not a 224 emulation, it's just a quality setting that rolls off roughly to where the 224 did, and does some similar grungy tail artifacts. Sonsig is great, and loosely inspired by the 224, but it's not, and wasn't intended to be, a 224 emulation.
  14. emax2

    emax2 Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2011
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    For me its the Arturia Rev LX-24. It just sounds great and is part of their FX3 bundle
  15. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    my bad, what I meant was "mode" but I said emulation instead where it could mean the whole reverb algo. It's probably just bit rate/crushing and filtering. They mentioned it in the manual. Thanks.

  16. Tranzig

    Tranzig Newbie

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Personaly, i use I bought it and i really like it. I tried Arturia but i would say, it's a question of preferences. I am more confortable with Relab. Both sounds good even the NI RC-24. They sounds great. But i prefer Relab essentials