Cubaase 7 on cracked cubase 5

Discussion in 'PC' started by vibes, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. vibes

    vibes Newbie

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Going build my new PC soon. I currently have cracked a cubase 5 installed and I have an original cubase 7 with me not installed yet

    Here's the deal, I have installed many vsts and plugins on cubase 5 and it will be a pain tying to install all of them all over again.

    I plan to ghost my system OS to the a new drive on the new build, so cubase 5 will still be there as well.....or do u think I should just install cubase 7 clean?

    Is there anything I should b4 installing cubase 7 over a cracked cubase? heard some horror stories that they cant use cubase 5 anymore and also the vsts and plugins that is within it.

    What is the best way to go about this?
  2. derp

    derp Newbie

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Uninstall Cubase 5...leave the vst plugins. Make sure the crack is uninstalled as well and deleted. Install Original Cubase 7 on to-be old build as well as the new build. Then Ghost it...

    You don't need Cubase 5 to keep your vst plugins...if the plugins are internal, they will be available with updated quality on 7. All external VST's will stay in VST directory...

    If you still find that you don't have a few things and features you used to have, then it's an exception everyone needs to make who plans on moving on to a new system.

    This I learned from trying out multiple different DAWs and realising that alot of DAWs didn't have what I liked about my original DAW, and no other DAW had any better feature or catered for what my original DAW lacked...
  3. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    With the legit cubase 7 dongle, you can run all previous cubases legit too. So you can update the cracked cubase to the latest 5.5.2 and it will work legit.
  4. vibes

    vibes Newbie

    Nov 28, 2013
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    So to put it simply,

    1) Uninstall cubase 5 completely on the old/ current PC

    2) Install Cubase 7

    3) Then ghost it to the drive of the new PC

    So most if not all vsti and plugins should function as before? Like you said, just gotta make do with that possible risk..Thanks!

    I think when I have cubase 7 ...I wont be needing any of the cubase 5 cracked versions, unless there's any specific benefits to it which I don't see any..

    having one cubase 7 in the system is enough to deal with....
  5. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    I kept old versions for maximum compatibility with projects.
  6. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    I have installed cubase 7 trial over cubase 5 cracked and it does not clash; cubase 6 used to overwrite the air synsoemu file and by that disable cubase 5, but steinberg has obviously moved on. vsts have nothing to do with cubase version, only matters where they are so new cubase will scan them automatically or not; if vsts don't show up in any daw, add their path to the vst plugins path list and update the list.
    >>So you can update the cracked cubase to the latest 5.5.2 and it will work legit.<< -- Don't try this; the update does not work.
  7. vibes

    vibes Newbie

    Nov 28, 2013
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    So you are sure about this? would the trial cubase 7 work differently from the full version cubase 7?......might be the full version of c7 that disable c5 even if the trial don't or am I just thinking too much?....hmm...
  8. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    I did not have a chance to try the full version with a dongle. But, it is my presumption that steinberg moved on and does not care about cubase 5 and team air. Like I said cubase 6 trial elements used to overwrite the air protection on cubase 5, and cubase 7 trial elements doesn't do that; these are proven facts. So you wage your options; anyhow vsts, cracked or not, have nothing to do with all this; you don't have to worry about them in any way.
  9. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    One digress from me, though. I really fail to see any need to upgrade to 7? I was actually very satisfied with Cubase 2 SX when I used it. WTF? Why is it so important these days to have the latest version of anything? What if Steinberg suddenly seized to exist? Will you stop using Cubase? Anyway, the new version is more buggy than the older one, which is always true with newer software. You should all be looking for the latest and the most stable software for your particular set up. That's it. I could get away with the MIDI features of Cubase since the Atari days and the mixer has always been a fuckup with Cubase until v7 when they finally realised that Reaper got it better. ;) So I'm with Reaper for the rest of my life. Everybody seems to rip off the Reaper these days, especially Steinberg... from mixing and routing features to streaming audio and DSP features over the ethernet and Internet. And everybody is praising Steinberg for doing a great job... instead of just using the Reaper. People are funny, but mostly stupid and so sad.

    I've been using my laptop for extra DSP since about 2007... with Reaper. It works beautifully when you're mixing and don't care about the audio latency. You still can't do it with Cubase, but I expect that they will do it in v8 perhaps? It is stupid to have all these computers just lying around, unusable, eh? If you're using Cubase or any other DAW, other than Reaper, of course.
  10. Laiseka

    Laiseka Newbie

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Hey everybody,

    I have a question about the same subject above by vibes.Maybe and hopefully someone can help me.
    I'am with the same problem here, only my upgrade is to cubase 7,5 artist 64 bits. I'am now running Cubase 5, just like @vibes. From 32 bits cubase to 64 bits cubase I need to install the vst-plugins again, isn't it?
    And by this fresh install of cubase 7,5 in this case, do I need to register all my libraries of Kontakt again??I bought Kontakt 5 and now I'am working with kontakt 4. The fresh install of cubase 7,5 is on the same computer, but I can't running both versions of cubase, I've read above by rhythm-system
    Not every vst is gonna run in 64 bit, but some by spectrasonics are. Do I need to install the STEAM folder again by switching from 32 bit to 64 bit.
    The last question I can ask spectrasonics of course.
    Maybe someone can help me or explain me what's wise in this 32to64bit switchingproces??
    Hopefully someone knows.
  11. Laiseka

    Laiseka Newbie

    Jun 2, 2014
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    No one with advice in this matter?

    Close this tread please,if no one is willing to help or give a little advice.
  12. PouyaDH

    PouyaDH Noisemaker

    Apr 14, 2014
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    City of Angels. nobody's an angel here, tho ;)
    you get pissed fast over a thread no on has been around it for 2 months.
    Yes, every 64b DAW needs 64b VSTs, UNLESS YOU HAVE A VST BRIDGE. I believe Cubase has a built in VST bridge of some sort. (Element has). It makes your 32b VSTs useable in your 64b DAW. But it's always safe to install as many VSTs as you can in 64b, and leave a few to be used by VST Bridge (Cuz it consumes CPUUUUU, even so little).