Installing NI Software Advice

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Bunford, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Ok, my issue is that I have Komplete 8, legit version, with serial etc. I also have a Maschine Mk1 and therefore the Maschine 1.8.2 legit software. I would rather install that as legit stuff tends to be more stable.

    However, I also want to install some Kontakt libraries etc downloaded from AudioZ and play them through Kontakt. Now, I assume the legit Kontakt won't allow me to add non-legit libraries. Therefore, what is the best process and installation method to get it all to work?

    If I install Komplete 8 and Maschine to latest versions, block Service Center with LittleSnitch, install updates to Komplete 9 such as Battery 4 and then the 5.3.0 AudioZ version of Kontakt over my original, will it it work? If I did that, would I then be able to add the libraries to my Kontakt (using custom nicnt files, obviously) and Maschine expansion packs too?
  3. maka1986

    maka1986 Newbie

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Just make sure that you install Kontakt last. You can even register the k`d copy. No need to block the Service Center.
  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    You must use the R2R cracked Kontakt. If you use non-legit libs in legit Kontakt the libs show a "register" button from which you go to service center and won't play until you register them.

    Install R2R Kontakt with its service center, no need to block AFAIK but won't hurt. It loads all the libraries with the help of KLM (Windows) or the nicnt generator utility (or by hand).

    Kontakt it's hard to uninstall. But if you install a superior version over the installed one (say 5.3.0 R2R over legit 5.0.1 in your case) shouldn't be problematic.
  5. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    So, as I'm on Mac, does that mean I would be ok to install my Komplete 8 legit and Maschine legit, then replace my Kontakt with R2R version, it should all work fine?

    I mean all NI software, not just Kontakt.
  6. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1

    Do Not Register a Cracked Kontakt

    You do NOT need to block service center The cracked version doesnt check with service center, so blocking service center just blocks you from updating your legit apps. I have done everything i say in this post and my kontakt thread.

    Kontakt from komplete 8 is, that is the newest and current one which was updated for Maschine 2.0 integration a couple months ago. I would suggest editing your post to avoid confusing others, but thats up to you.

    Check my enormous kontakt post regarding this info. Its in my signature. Please search or check the DAW and Kontakt section stickies first. Alot of useful info that can be accessed easily.

    And the correct answer is... You dont have to 'install' anything over anything. You can install komplete 8 and maschine as they are legit and even update them with no issue and grab just the cracked App file for Kontakt5. Dont overwrite anything. Rename the cracked app to something like Kontakt5~ and keep both legit and cracked. I dont suggest 'replacing' anything. I own Maschine legit 1.8.2 and 2.0+, i own Komplete 8 Ultimate, plus other expansions and instruments etc. All legit. Except i use a cracked Kontakt 5.3 and a cracked Reaktor 5.8 along side the Legit versions. I am a mac user as well and you can use a legit version and a cracked version side by side and open at the same time with no problem.
  7. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    The setup you have is essentially what I'm aiming for, which is legit Komplete 8 and Maschine along with a scene Kontakt, Reaktor and Battery 4.

    However, can't get it to work. My Service Center keeps showing the scene stuff as being unauthorised and runs them in demo mode.

    Any chance you can talk me through how you installed them?

    EDIT: I think i may have cracked it (no pun intended!), but won't really know until i try and create something and see if it lasts without crashing etc.
  8. cruzmeyers

    cruzmeyers Newbie

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Confirming everything OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef has said to be correct. I own every NI product - Komplete: 6, 7, 8 Ultimate, 9 Ultimate, Kore 2, Maschine 1 and 2, all the expansion packs for Kore and Maschine and Traktor Pro 2... etc.

    I run the cracked version of Kontakt. During the Komplete install, you have the option to deselect any particular app or library from installing. I deselect the Kontakt software app from installing and install the cracked one after installing Komplete. Service Center works just fine and the only thing in the service center that shows as needing authorization is any non-komplete Kontakt library you have. Just ignore them. Everything else updates just fine and the Libraries will work just fine in the cracked Kontakt app. Organic's method of renaming the cracked version differently will work but I have never needed to use the legit version as I need to use those 3rd party unauthorized libraries. :wink:

    If Kontakt is running the Libraries in Demo then you are probably not using the cracked Kontakt version. Try uninstalling the Kontakt app, make sure you delete the AU and VST file as well. Library/Audio/Plugins you should see the folders for components and vsts. Then reinstall the cracked version.
  9. beber

    beber Newbie

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Sorry for my english, not my language. If somebody can help me, maybe OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef?
    I am on Mac, just bought the maschine mk2 and was so excited like a child that i tried to install the soft maschine 2.0 so NI installed automaticaly the service center. The problem is i already had before a cracked kontakt 5.3.0 and few kontakt bank so i was very naive and stupid but when service center scanned my HD to activate maschine, he detected and did the list of all my soft... offering me to buy it.
    I stopped everything, internet included and tried my kontakt (which never needs to install service center to work), banks and everything still work perfectly fine.
    I well understood that no problem if you install legit soft and after non legit soft but what will happen if i connect again service center and just activate maschine with my serial and ignore others soft? Can it works? Can i have problems with NI? Do i have to unistall and reinstall everything even if i's too late cause i am already 'detected'? I have to admit that am little bit worried...

    Thanks a lot in advance
  10. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    So, if i understand correctly, If I have legit Kontakt installed, temporarily move it from my respective AU/VST/etc folders, install K'd version, rename K'd version with something like a "~", then I can throw back my legit Kontakt, and they should both peacefully coexist on my osx system? Thanks for the advice, as this has been a bit of a conundrum for awhile as I have bought Komplete Ultimate etc, but want to try out some libraries that I cannot without the R2R K….. But I don't want to hose my legit version. I assume moving it (the K'd version)in and out during "service center" checks would be advisable as well…. or just do the updates from your NI account…
