Studio One Version 6.1.0 Released

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by webhead, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
    Likes Received:
    New Features and Improvements:
    ● [Pro EQ³] Solo mode for shelf filters should be high/lowpass
    ● [Project Page] Album mode for loudness normalization
    ● [Project Page] Project templates
    ● [Show Page] Lyrics display in Performance View
    ● [Smart Templates] Added error handling for unsupported video formats
    ● [Start Page] Video file support for Drop Zone
    ● [Start Page] When deleted, shared songs are not removed from the list
    ● [Vocoder] Improved Noise algorithm and control
    ● Change Macro Toolbar pages via command
    ● Custom colors for tracks and channels
    ● Extended options for loop marker display
    ● FaderPort 8 + 16 support for new pan modes
    ● Import lyrics with notes from MIDI file
    ● Live notifications for Sphere collaborators
    ● MIDI file import improvements
    ● Moving Lyric Events should follow "Ripple Edit" option
    ● Scratch Pad lyrics now independent from Arrangement lyrics
    ● Show full lyrics on hover
    ● Single step Undo for Macros
    ● Support for 32-bit FLAC files
    ● Sync point for Audio Events and Instrument Parts
    ● Timecode display inside video player
    ● Updated Studio One Remote app (1.7)
    • Support for new pan modes
    • Lyrics display
    • New look and feel
    New commands:
    ● Event – Set Sync Point to Cursor
    ● Event – Set Sync Point to Mouse Cursor
    ● Event – Toggle Sync Point
    ● Event – Set Color of selected Events
    ● Track – Set Color of selected Tracks
    ● Track – Set Color of selected Channels
    ● View – Next Macro Page
    ● View – Previous Macro Page
    ● View – Select Macro Page
    ● Transport – Toggle Loop Display
    ● Help – Usage Data Settings

    The following issues have been fixed:
    ● “Bounce range to audio” bounces entire Event
    ● [Browser] Shortcuts do not work because of active search
    ● [Impact XT] Labels missing on drop-down menus
    ● [macOS] Certain audio interface settings (float/integer) are not transferred from the OS
    ● [Mixer] "Assign in ascending order" for outputs may select unwanted channel types
    ● [Mixer] In maximized main window, send slots disappear when dragging mixer divider upwards
    ● [Mixer] Send divider will appear in unwanted positions when adding channels while the mixer is hidden
    ● [Mixer] "Add Insert to Selected Channel" doesn't work for all channel types
    ● [Note Editor] Vertical zoom doesn’t work when applied by key commands
    ● [Pro EQ³] Side-chain spectrum not shown when re-opening a song
    ● [Project Page] "Transform to rendered Audio" is available despite absence of plug-ins
    ● [Score Editor] Certain notes of songs created in Studio One 5 are not displayed when the song end marker has been moved
    ● [Smart Templates] “Play Now – Piano” doesn't load instrument samples in Studio One Artist
    ● [Smart Templates] “New…” dialog drop zone layout changes between templates
    ● [Smart Templates] “New…” dialog expand state is not stored correctly
    ● [Video] Potential glitches in exported video when export range is original video length
    ● Graphical glitch when importing certain picture formats to artist profile
    ● C-2 note is not displayed in every editor in certain cases
    ● Compressor knee value box is missing
    ● When using a touch display, context menu won't open on long-press touch
    ● Crash when disabling Instrument Track with plug-in that has side-chain input enabled
    ● Crash when using Japanese (Kana) for key commands
    ● Customization panel has a wrong list order of elements
    ● Duplicating ranges of automation on folders ignores preferences and duplicates events
    ● Inspector show/hide button of the Pattern Editor is not visible on small screens
    ● “New File” dialog won’t show up instantly when called under certain conditions
    ● Moving a track by drag and drop may take more than 30 seconds
    ● Moving an audio event section to another part of the same event places it in the back
    ● Performance Monitor checkbox doesn't move while scrolling horizontally
    ● Porta Cassette crashes when bus is set to Mono
    ● Sound Variations don't follow note sizing
    ● Vocoder / Ampire knobs get stuck on first mouse move
    ● VST3 plug-in user interface state is not properly recalled in certain cases
    ● VT1 Compressor bypass function is inverted
    • Like Like x 5
    • Useful Useful x 2
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  3. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hey thanks for the heads up! Off to install new update and check it out :winker:
  4. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Would be help to have the product in the thread title. Otherwise the question is, version 6.10 what?
  5. dymek39635

    dymek39635 Newbie

    Dec 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Where is CLAP Support?
  6. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
    Likes Received:
    the color customization is nice probably the only thing i need out of this update not a bad update at all looking forward for the next
  7. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    La Belle Province
    I wished the Mixer Channel Overview could be resizable. Maybe in a future update.
    Thanks @webhead for sharing the news !!
  8. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
    Likes Received:
    near you
    id wish a feature and I'm sure they can implement, that if you have an old project with vst2, and you no longer have the vst2 plugin installed because you passed on vst3 or clap, to recognize that version ...i dont know how that function its called