Anyone got any Ableton rack recommendations?

Discussion in 'Live' started by Bunford, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Anyone got any good Ableton rack recommendations? Especially looking for some interesting effects and drum rack recommendations, even better if they are aimed towards techno and tech house :wink:
  3. Neflum

    Neflum Ultrasonic

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Techno Noise rythm rack: A Rack to create all kinds of techno backround noises, from hihat type patterns to drones or lead melodies.
    (check out All You Need Is Live on youtube for a demo and links in his descriptions) - I created my own rack as well by following the video.

    From the same guy above:

    Industrial Techno Kick
    - a rack that does kick rumbles, it has multiple presets for different types of rumbles and each preset has a lot of parameters mapped for tuning/sound design
    Motion SFX - a rack that creates motion, has several presets as well as several parameters mapped.
    Beat repeat - a simple one button rack to do beat repeats , can automate it for easy kick rolls or something.

    Create a hihat rack with this video:

    - I made a rack with 1 hihat I really like and used his tricks with vocoder, lfo, I mapped a bunch of the vocoder parameters for easy access and tuning (like formant,attack,release,depth). I mapped the spread from Simpler (usually keep it below 10%) and I also added an auto pan and some saturation at the end to spice shit uup.
    - By mapping the LFO to the Vocoders RELEASE, you can create all sorts of hihat patterns that sound like closed to open hats (just dont go too crazy with the LFO amount, between like 0-30% usually works great)

    Snare maker Rack:

    his rack only cost 7 bucks and has pretty big range of tones that can be made easily with it.

    Bonus Vocal rack:
    - Any 1073 pre-amp (I am using Lindell 80 Channel but with everything turned off so I am only using the pre-amp section)
    - Any CL1B compressor ( I am using Softube CL1B mk II) 2:1 ratio, attack/release set to manual and are pretty fast (mines default at 3)
    - Any Tubetech type EQ (I am using Softube Tube-Tech PE 1C) Low band is set to 100hz and High band is at 4khz but these change depending on vocals. Usually just boosting the lows and/or adding some air after compression
    - Soothe 2 with a vocal harshness cleaning preset : This usually stays off since this rack is more for recording vocals and can be cleaned up afterwards, but sometimes you get those vocals that just have too much sibilance on the way in but you dont want to apply an EQ on the high frequencies and lose all that energy, So I use the mix knob on soothe and tame the highs.
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  4. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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