Modulate Tempo of Single Track?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Electropocalypse, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Electropocalypse

    Electropocalypse Newbie

    Mar 20, 2023
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    I'm wondering if you guys have any tips for a newbie.

    This is a tough one because I'm currently using LMMS, though I do have some dynamic instruments like Vital, Dexed, Synth1, Tal Noisemaker and (of course) ZASFX.

    In each of these instruments all parameters can be accessed and modulated in the DAW by clicking the wrench icon on an instrument (this displays a ton of knobs).

    The effect I'm looking to create is I think the same as a step sequencer with a modulated rate. Or perhaps an arpeggiator? (So confusing...)

    Additionally, it would be really neat to learn how to have an LFO effect on the filter cutoff to create this effect. (Example in song linked below).

    The only way I know how to achieve this is drawing in a modulation track (which is doable but tedious).

    Thank you all so much for your time and I apologize for the broad and convoluted question.

    Song I mentioned;
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
  2. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'll re-read your post after listening. Is there any particular part of the track/timestamp? Just based on your description of the effects combination and tedious detail work you suspect, you have described Shaperbox. And/or a few things from Logic. (Step FX, Modulator,Enveloper, etc) :)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
  3. Electropocalypse

    Electropocalypse Newbie

    Mar 20, 2023
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    Yeah my explaining isn't very clear there, my bad. ^_^'

    The effect I'm looking for is at 40 seconds in (I think it's just FM).

    Still, modulating that to become really fast and then slow in quick succession (as heard further in the song) is where I'm stuck. I could draw each modulation but I'd rather modulate some kind of LFO linked to volume/frequency (if that makes sense). I don't know if this is possible with freeware but it seems one can achieve this easily using Ableton.

    Perhaps there's some way to do it using Audacity or another free DAW? Or maybe an effect plugin?

    Thank you for your feedback. :)
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    yes, I edited my big comments but I still haven't heard the clip, it shows 404. Ableton and Bitwig have nearly unlimited modulation opportunities. The same with Logic.

    The time element is where Shaperbox excels compared to something like UVI Shade. When you hear unbelievable amount of work product with modulations, lfo, time element, filtering, and wonder if they really did all that work; it's Shaperbox or something very similar to it.

    I do not know LMSS at all. I see where all these things look possible in your DAW, but they also look like the normal amount of work. Shaperbox is probably the best tool to cover all the ground you have mentioned and removes a ton of the manual labor of making automations. Without all the effects upon the audio compared with Shade. Google for an equivalent of it for your operating system/daw. They are both audio FX. There are also Midi FX plugins. It's up to you where you do all of it, mostly just preference of Workflow.
  5. Electropocalypse

    Electropocalypse Newbie

    Mar 20, 2023
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    Great info! I will explore and learn about these plugins more.

    I found one way to do it.

    1.) In Vital drag LFO1 to volume or frequency of oscilator(s).
    2.) Click the wrench icon and drag LFO1 tempo into automation track.

    The interesting and cool thing here in LMMS is although LFO tempo goes in steps (1/8, 1/4, etc) the knob LMMS sees in the wrench icon moves smoothly without jumping, creating that sliding effect I want.

    Even better, Vital supports loading samples. Man that thing really is a beast.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This is the stock Logic Modulator plugin. It is a Midi FX you insert before the synthesizer plugin, and it can intercept and modify a very boring Midi sequence into something totally unique before it hits your synth. I much rather use MFX plugins whenever possible. Plugins like this cut out a lot of work you would have to do just automating your synth. It is a big timesaver because if you want to even change a synth out entirely, you don't loose all the work besides the patch.

    Your DAW probably has an equivalent. Video says unavailable.

    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
  7. Electropocalypse

    Electropocalypse Newbie

    Mar 20, 2023
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    Very cool plugin! For sure, LMMS lacks anything like this.

    The video I linked is the song Strom Aus Fantasie by Pzychobitch.

    I wanted to open and close a LP filter and modulate the speed in which it opens and closes.

    Here's what I successfully managed to create using Vital (10 secs):

    (Note - you have to click play a couple times to load it).
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    that sound is very common style for dubstep. I would "connect" the mod wheel of a keyboard, to the Rate of the Modulator to the maximum speed you want it to go up to, and then just use the Mod wheel to smoothly send CC messages to the Modulator. All the way up will be 100% of your Rate parameter, and it will be variable speed anywhere below that.

    Your sample sounds like you are getting in the ballpark already. To where you can cover these sounds, but put your own spin on them. I would approach your filter automation separately and just make an Automation Lane for Filter Cutoff parameter values. Then your Modulator isn't married to your filter. Unless your Modulator plugin has a filter too, like Logic; I'd still rather be able to edit them independently from one another. personal preference.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
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