Windows guy needing help with iMac...

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by chumbo, Mar 17, 2023.

  1. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    I need help getting the iMac in a factory reset state.

    I just recently acquired an iMac at a local auction house but I've been a Windows guy my whole life!
    I know absolutely nothing about Apple devices (never had an iPhone, iTab,...).

    From the serial n., I know it's an Intel 2020 model. Of course, it's locked with the previous owner's password and I totally respect the idea that personal files should remain personal and have of course no interest in gaining access to them.
    So all I want to do is erase everything and do a factory reset so I can start messing around with it and see how much I would love or hate this new MacOS environment when compared to Windows (especially since it's so often touted as a better OS for audio, video, graphics...).

    So I followed what some YT tutorials showed...Cmd+R on boot to get into Recovery Mode. However, it already looked different from many videos because I didn't have a menu at the top, no MacOS utilities window that popped up. Really not much I was able to do from that screen other than click an 'Erase HD...." button in the top left corner, which I did.

    It then reboots and goes into Internet Recovery mode and after asking for a language, I'm brought to a screen where it clearly has identified the iMac as belonging to the previous owner as it shows portions of his email address (e.g. bo*******@*******.com) and a box to enter a password...which I of course don't have!

    But there's a text which I can click which says something like "if you forgot your Apple ID...", so I clicked that and used the Apple ID I had created for myself and it took me through several steps where it first sent me a verification SMS to my phone, then one by email and I thought I was all set....NOT!

    I was back at that very same initial window asking for the password of the previous owner, again showing his email instead of mine!?

    What did I do wrong? How can I finally reset it completely as new so I can start using it?
    Thanks in advance!
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    it's been a minute for me on this. without looking. normally when you want to start fresh you format the hdd on a computer. that is your "erase disk" option. When it rebooted, you allowed it to boot normally. I think you need to go back into Recovery mode, and have a valid MacOS image on an external drive. This is how I would approach it anyway, especially since you already wiped the internal disk.

    By using a "Internet Recovery" it is going to go out to the cloud, and this sounds like how it fetched the previous owner details again. You want to prevent it from doing that; so that it uses your local copy on your External HDD. You might be able to get away with using a high capacity (so you have space) Flash/thumb drive to make bootable OS on USB.

    Install macOS From USB in Recovery Mode
    1. Shut down your Mac.
    2. Plug in the bootable USB.
    3. Start your Mac and hold down the “Option/Alt” key to place it in recovery mode.
    4. When your Mac displays the Startup Manager, click on the external drive USB that you plugged in.
    5. Select “Install macOS” and hit “Continue.”
    I have had to do all this once since 2017, and that was a dumb me + an Omnisphere install problem. you will have to be a little patient for the next few months and then it will be smooth sailing without Windows. :)

    Create bootable USB: It's a very common way to install Linux distributions.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023
  4. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Yes, that sounds like it might help. I'll give it a shot!
    Right now, I have to leave for a few hours but when I get back I'll get started on that.
    Remember, as I said, I know nothing about Macs so I'm might come back hollering for help! :wink:
    I've already downloaded a .dmg image of the MacOS, I have a trial version of TransMac on PC and when I get back I'll try to figure out the next steps...
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I forgot to ask if it is an intel or m1.

    the next steps are deciding on LuLu Firewall or Little Snitch. Get Codesigner 0.9.4, BatChmod, Permissions Reset 2, OSX Validate All AU's. KLU Kontakt Library Utility. Crossover or another Bottle like Wineskin Winery. I would go with Crossover. Some of this will depend on which MacOS version you end up being able to install. I would not go to Ventura, personally. I would try Catalina first as the machine is too new for Mojave. personal preference.

    I use a PC mouse (mx master 2) because I don't like apple's magic one at all in Logic. You can use them to control multiple computers with the Logitech Flow software; including the old pc :)
  6. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    It's an Intel (I wrote it in my first post). are grossly overestimating my knowledge here . As I said, I know nothing about Apple products, never owned one in my life so everything you wrote in your last message....makes no sense at all to me :disco:
    Lulu, Little Snitch, Codedesigner, Batchmod, idea what you are talking about!?
    Is all that really necessary just to get a working Mac I can access? You mention something about Kontakt...that comes after I can get it running properly, which is what I'm currently trying to figure out.
    Now that I'm back, I'll now explore what you suggested previously about installing a MacOS image without internet access.
    We'll see how that goes...keep you posted.
  7. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    No, it doesn't work unfortunately. I put the formatted USB flash drive with the MacOS image on it in the Mac and booted and now that the HD is erased, it always boots to the Internet Recovery page which looks for either an Ethernet or Wifi connection. There is no way of bypassing it (that I know of anyway).
    It completely ignores the connected device :unsure:.
    Seems hard to believe there is no way of doing a clean install appears to be so.
    I guess serious hacking skills are required here :-(
  8. the.moebius

    the.moebius Noisemaker

    Aug 11, 2020
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    It sounds like your iMac might have Activation Lock enabled, which is a security feature introduced with T2 chips that locks a computer to the original owner's Apple ID and is enabled when they enabled the Find My Mac feature. This might be why you still see the previous owner's Apple ID in the Internet Recovery screen.

    The easiest way to fix this is to contact the original owner and ask them to remove the device from the "Devices" listed on their Apple ID.

    However, most people purchasing a refurb won't have access to the previous owner's details, so you will likely need to contact Apple directly to fix this issue. If you're close to an Apple Store you might be able to take it in but it's more likely you will need contact Apple Support by phone or email. and they will send you an online form to complete in order to confirm that you are the new owner of the iMac. Unfortunately, this may take some time.

    You can find out more about Activation Lock at Activation Lock for Mac - Apple Support (though the instructions for disabling it are for the previous owner, not for you. You will still need to contact Apple Support. Try contacting someone via Activation Lock - Support (

    Here's a bit more about the problem:
    There are more technical options, though I have no experience of these methods and can't verify how successful a chosen process is. There's a Reddit thread that might be able to give you some insight or tips: [PSA] Removing Activation Lock for Macs with T2 chip. : apple (

    I know this sucks. I've come across this trying to reassign some computers at work and we've had to either contact previous employees or contact Apple Support directly in order to be able to reformat a Mac's hard drive.

    Good luck! I hope you get it sorted.
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  9. TheRiddler303

    TheRiddler303 Kapellmeister

    Jul 24, 2020
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    when you have an usb with MacOS on it, you need to boot from the usb again. Option key when starting the machine.
    if you just let it run on its own, you won't get into the installation process of a new OS.
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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  11. Barmaley (covid edition)

    Barmaley (covid edition) Producer

    Oct 26, 2020
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    May be not T2 ? ))

    Try this:

    1. Turn off the Mac

    2. Turn on the MAC and after the sound is heard, click the CMD+R key on the keyboard.

    3. A string of progress will appear under the apple icon, the computer is loaded into the Recovery Mode.

    4.In the line of the Apple menu, select the utilities > terminal.

    5. In the terminal window, enter
    and press the ↵ (Enter) key.

    6. If your computer has only one account, then the system will immediately offer you to create a new password. Enter it twice and click next.

    7. Restart the computer and go to 11 points.

    8. If your computer has more than one account, then the system will first ask you if you know the password from at least one administrator account.

    9. If there is no password, click forgot all the passwords?

    10.Change passwords from all accounts and click next.

    11. Press the restart button.

    12. When the computer is loading, use the new administrator password to enter.

    13. At the entrance to the account, a window will appear that the system cannot be unlocking Keychain Access (since you changed the password). Be sure to select a new Keychain Access, otherwise problems may arise in the computer.

    p.s. The password from the Keychain Access remains the same, therefore:
    Be sure to choose a new Keychain Access pasw.
  12. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Thanks the.moebius! Some useful information you posted there, I'll have a look. :wink:
    Yes, I can confirm it has the T2 security on it, as confirmed by looking up the serial n.
    Damn...what a hassle. Ok thanks to everyone for chiming in.
    There is a local shop that is offering to attempt to unlock it (says there's a 90% chance he can do it) but is charging 240€ for the job! :-(

    The thing is, I'm not even sure what is the configuration of the Mac as the serial lookup on Everymac doesn't give a unique spec sheet but says it could have at least 4 different configs ranging from a Core i5 to an i9!
    Same goes with RAM, SSD, Video...
    Notwithstanding some possible upgrades done by the previous owner as well.
    I'll see if I can find some teen hacker who can do it for less :unsure:
  13. chumbo

    chumbo Ultrasonic

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Does anyone have any experience with a website like ? (there are others providing similar services)
    Oddly, as scammy as it may sound, it appears to be pretty legit? Trustpilot gives it a rating score of 4.9/5 of thousands of reviews, there are videos on YT showing the software at work and since there are some unofficial Apple repair shops that offer a service to unlock the supposedly unlockable Macs...I'm guessing they are probably using that very software but charging the end-customer - e.g. me! - a big premium for their ignorance!

    Any feedback?
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