Ibiza Says No

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by vsan, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. vsan

    vsan Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    The world


    If you love the Mediterranean sea, its coasts and beaches, its valuable wildlife; if you do not want to see oil platforms in the sea; if you don't want to find oil polluting the waters or messing the coast; if you do not want the death of cetaceans, turtles and seabirds, or disappearance of fishing, then this should interest you.

    The Spanish government has issued a law granting "Cairn Oil" co permission to search for oil off the coast of Ibiza in the middle of a marine preservation site within sight of Es Vedra and the coastline. It's a disaster on every level - will kill tourism and the economy of the island and potentially destroy the beaches and marine life, not to mention environmentally protected meadows of Poseidonia.

    The environment and economy of the Balearic Islands, Valencian Community and Catalonia in the western Mediterranean are seriously threatened by a number of oil projects.

    Now is in public information period the Environmental Impact Study of the first phase of Cairn Energy's oil project in the Gulf of Valencia, between Ibiza and Formentera and the coast of Valencia.

    The project is called "3D Seismic Acquisition Campaign in permits B, G, AM-1 and AM-2 in the Gulf of Valencia "and Cairn Energy promotes through its Spanish subsidiary Capricorn Spain Limited.

    This "seismic acquisition campaign" (or "acoustic soundings") aims to map the seabed to detect the geological formations capable of storing hydrocarbons, then to proceed to the perforation of oil found, continue commercial exploitation of the deposit. To obtain the information needed to make that map airguns that emit powerful sound waves of a huge sound level capable of penetrating up to 7,000 feet into the ocean floor are used. The noise emitted is about 10,000 to 100,000 times greater than the engine of a jet aircraft. Explosions are taken continuously over 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a total period of almost three months.

    There is broad scientific consensus that ensures that these waves will cause serious injury to marine life: fish, turtles, cetaceans .., adversely affecting their behavior and their ability to survive, and not only can cause irreversible physiological damage, but also their death. A significant decline in fish catches occurs over long periods of time. The environmental impact of the project is critical.

    All clubs of the island support this campaign and celebrities like Kate Moss, Sienna Miller, Paris Hilton, Jade Jagger, Naomi Campbell rapper Diddy, Carl Cox, Fat Boy Slim, DJ Pete Tong, Sebastian Ingrosso and many more have backed the campaign.

    We support this initiative and invite you not only to spread the word but also to speak out and sign a petition so that together we can preserve what is ours. To do so, the allegations must present official points Insular Councils or the headquarters of the Central Government. 3 Original signed to be accepted along with a photocopy of identity card or passport. They're getting hard but we will not surrender.

    More info at:

    Sign the petition here:
    http://tinyurl.com/qap7aeg (Ecologistas en Acción)
    http://tinyurl.com/nu62smt (Alianza Mar Blava)

    Beautiful video support Ibiza says no:

    Please, Ibiza needs you
  3. don_questo

    don_questo Noisemaker

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Lesser of two evils...
  4. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    planes,trains and automobiles are things needed to get to Ibiza. *yes*

    You can sign all the petitions you want it will not stop the machine,
    the only way to stop the machine is when the the Earths blood runs dry
    and then its back to the horse and cart, some call that the
    good old days.

    google minerals rights :wink:
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    These things are all the most beautiful and precious things we got left on earth. :(
    I hope we won't lose it. :(
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    People and our cretin exploitative based society are crap as big as the solar system. It is really sad to see corporations, especially oil corporations, do as they please and get away with it. In a better society that wouldn't be the case. Actually in a better society we wouldn't have transportation that runs on oil already. It's madness.

    Just imagine walking through the city and breathing fresh air instead of smog. That's reason enough for me to hate oil and cars. Not to mention that so many people get sick from various diseases because they breathe that smog and poison all day long and how many people and animals die from traffic accidents? I think people should use public transportation in the city anyway. Cars should be used to get from city to city only and even that is questionable. It would be better to travel by electric train. I can't understand this need to own a personal vehicle, each and every one of 7 billion people. That's a lot of personal vehicles... and lots of smog and oil needed to run them. It's just madness and all about it is just unsustainable. Something has to go. We have to change our ways and we have to get rid of all the corporations.
  7. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    That's right. They also think they do us a favour by destroing the nature to deliver us fuel and other shit, but they actually seek for their own cause of being rich and dying rich, without carrying about our descendants, because they will suffer and struggling the most to survive to all of this when it will get worsen over time. :snuffy:
  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    SAme problem here in Canary Islands!!

    We need your help. Please Sign the petition:

  9. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    am i the only one that laugh at the list

    A few of those "artist" are or were involve in heavy drug use. :rofl:
  10. Doctor Doubledrop

    Doctor Doubledrop Noisemaker

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Really good post my friends.. just signed the petitions vsan & olymoon.. :mates:
  11. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    is there any logical, causal, connection, between these things?
    would it, does it, mean that persons (in the present situation, going against the establishment), if, when, involved with heavy or whatever level of drug use, misuse, even abuse, may not express their valuable (also if perhaps not so valuable) opinions?
    would it, does it, degrade, devaluate, their support for the (however bad or good) cause?
    quite some strange world we do, indeed, live in...
    quite some strange world we can, indeed, laugh at, out loudly, perhaps with the added amusement of rolling on the floor...
    mine is... the laugh of the man from utopia... arriving in dystopia... :bow:
    mine is... the question of... them or us... :bow:

    signed... :bow:
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