Some VSTS looking Blurrier and Bigger than they should.

Discussion in 'PC' started by Julio Lara, Mar 10, 2023.

  1. Julio Lara

    Julio Lara Newbie

    Mar 10, 2023
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    Hey Guys, i need help with an issue with my plugins Scaling & resolution. Some of them tend to look bigger and blurrier than they should. I use FL and Ableton, so ive experienced these situations:
    1.Vsts look great in FL and some of them look awful in Ableton.
    2. Some Vsts look awful in both Daws.
    Ive realized that is an issue asociated with this computer and its drivers, cause last year i used the same plugins and the same daws, and looked amazing. Im currently producing on an ASUS ROG Zephyrus g14. Thing is a beast. I love it. But i havent managed to solve this problem, and its starting to bother me. If someone know how to fix this, i would be beyond grateful!

    Plus, i know that theres a scaling feature inside every plugin, but that shxt makes them smaller, but they keep blurry and cheap.

    Attached Files:

  3. skand

    skand Newbie

    Mar 11, 2023
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    Entire win98 os was about 40mb size. So vsts contain smth besides code. What can it be? Hidden inztructions for spies of globalism as some people say exctracted by private decompilers
  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Sometimes the solution is to disable the "HighDpi Aware" or similar option if they have one.
    The problem is most likely your laptop screen is HighDPI (high resolution compared to screen size) so plugins would look small or perhaps too big.

    Perhaps somewhere in the zillions options of the nVidia card you can improve this, but I'm not familiar with them.
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The only thing about the scenario that would "throw me for a loop" is that you report some look great in FL. If it was a simple matter of resolutions, you might expect both to look wrong.

    What version/release of Ableton do you have installed? Which is more important to you? Because I would consider trying to solve the issues independently since you are getting mixed results. You will almost always find better assistance with your problem narrowed down to one of them first.

    That is a nice gaming laptop, and I'd expect good visual/graphics performance from it before even sound,etc. This is the machine's card/infos? NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 - 512GB SSD. Model:GA401QH-211.ZG14BL. SKU:6466255. Can you throw it out and buy a Mac? :yes:

    Narrow down the variables in your request. Post a thread with solely your Ableton problem. I am sure the community will assist you much better than a Mac/Logic user.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2023
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