Kilohearts plugin folder names?

Discussion in 'Software' started by pizza boy, Mar 13, 2023.

  1. pizza boy

    pizza boy Guest

    :snuffy: How annoying. I cant for the life of me figure out the names of all the plugin folders in my Kilohearts Program Data folder.

    Does anyone have a master list of all the abbreviated=full names?
  3. pizza boy

    pizza boy Guest

    Thats weird, apparently I somehow created duplicate threads :dunno:
  4. DiRG3

    DiRG3 Producer

    Aug 14, 2022
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    Why is it that you need to know the abbreviations? I might be able to help, i'm a bit of a Kilohearts junkie. lmfao. If you're looking to add presets, you can do that in your Documents/Kilohearts/InsertPluginNameHere folder, all the stuff in ProgramData is just factory presets for the various KHS plugins.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2023
  5. pizza boy

    pizza boy Guest

    I am happy to have amused you. I do that sometimes.

    Well, for one, it annoys me to no end and I just wanna know the damn names, even if for nothing more than personal satisfaction :disco:

    Secondly, I thought preset packs would go there, but I guess I was wrong and even though I don't see any folders, I need to create folders in User/Documents area? I must be missing something. I recently bought Phase Plant and Snap Heap preset packs, these all go there?

    I really like the sound of Phase Plant, Snap Heap and some of the utility plugins such as Gate and Transient, I haven't tried the others yet. Which ones are really good?
  6. DiRG3

    DiRG3 Producer

    Aug 14, 2022
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    If it's a bank for Phase Plant you can simply drag and drop the bank into the Phase Plant vst window and it'll import it straight away, if that doesn't work, go into said user/documents/kilohearts/presets/Phase Plant/User Presets and create folders in there and place your desired presets in there, you'll be able to access the presets all nice and neat that way too. You'd do the same thing with Snap Heap, but just swap Phase Plant for Snap Heap in the directory above and you can follow the exact same steps there too. I love all of them tbh, a lot of them are very bread and butter but the real crazy stuff happens when you start putting them all together. For weird sound design i always find myself using Dual Delay, Formant Filter, Ensemble, etc. You can even run Snapheap nested inside of Snapheap nested inside of Multipass if you wanted to, the sky really is the limit! Well, that and your CPU. lmao
  7. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    You must create a user preset before a folder will be created for the plugin.
    The names for the Factory preset folders can be a bit cryptic, but they are not in code or anything. They are just very short abbreviations.
    The folders that are created in your Documents\Kilohearts\.. folder are named normally.

    I added a column into my spreadsheet for the Factory folder names, just for your reference, but I don't think I'll ever need to look in there.
    There are some plugins with no factory presets, so there is no folder.
    For those, I created a user preset to verify the extension and put that in the list in [brackets] instead.
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  8. pizza boy

    pizza boy Guest

    Some are obvious, and others not so much. I mean, Kmic = Snap Heap ??? :facepalm: