Ample Guitars drag & drop issue -> Time bomb?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Wolfang, Mar 9, 2023.

  1. Wolfang

    Wolfang Producer

    Apr 17, 2019
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    I just found some Ample Guitars' drag & drag function doesn't work. It works fine with strummer, but riffer has the issue.
    Not all guitars, but specific guitars have this issue. Metal Eclipse, Vintage Cherry, Bass P and Bass Upright.
    When I tried to drag the midi pattern from riffer to a track in Studio One, a curfew sign showed up, but in Reaper, a pop-up window showed up and said "Could not import 1 of 1 items!".
    Is there anybody who faced this issue?


    Update: I noticed that some patterns work, but most of them don't. It sounds weird, but really happens. So, it seems like the issue is caused by the guitars, but the midi patterns. I guess it's because of the permission of My Documents folder as I migrated whole folder from the old laptop to the new one. It still works fine with the old laptop. The main difference is CPU. The old one has intel and the new one has AMD. Probably, does it cause the issue?
    Any solutions?

    Last edited: Mar 9, 2023
  3. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    I tested it in Cakewalk, all works fine.
    I tested both Vintage Cherry and Eclipse, ver 3.6.0.
    Dragged several midi sequences to DAW from them, from both Strummer and Riffer.
  4. Wolfang

    Wolfang Producer

    Apr 17, 2019
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    Since I uninstalled and re-installed all Ample guitars, I found there are many more issues. Ample Guitars can't recognize sample folder even though I pointed them manually. Plus, none of the setting can be saved. Whatever you do, it rolls back to the default values.
    I guess Windows update messed up as I recently updated and didn't realize it can ruin everything like this. Dang!

    Update: You can change & save the values with only Rectangles. It was ok with any host before. Now, all the patterns can't be drag & drop including strummer patterns. Plus, the tab section is missing.
    I guess it's a time bomb of Ample Sound?

    Last edited: Mar 9, 2023
  5. Wolfang

    Wolfang Producer

    Apr 17, 2019
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    Best Answer
    I just figured it out. I leave this for the ones who may be struggling for this issue in the future.
    Since I updated Windows, the ransomeware protection is actived. That's why Ample Guitars weren't able to read the data from My Documents folder.
    Why the tab was missing is still mysterious. The reason is gpx file is missing for AME, Ukulele and AMH. The installation process is the same as other guitars, but they were missing somehow. Fortunately, I had a backup file, so I was able to roll it back.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
  6. Dr. Floyd

    Dr. Floyd Member

    Mar 5, 2023
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    I had issues with AMPLE SOUND SOFTWARE as well (A Chinesse company in my knowledge) for the Chinese Instruments collection besides provide a single licence (For one computer or a USB moving licence, which I never tried) I had troubles with it as well as some strange behaviour with they Guitar emulations. This happen me since a year or so, and seems they have not made anything to make work fine what I understand are their bugs, if they have troubles with their installation/licencing software I can not imagine the errors made in their VST´s themselves. It was SOFTWARE I never like too much. If you like guitar VST´s Sample based (that is "Guitar-Romplers" ) perhaps MUSICLAB could be more efficient (RealRick, Real LPC, RealStrat, RealGuitar & RealEight Currently) or just a Sample Library for Kontakt (Pehaps the best option)
  7. Wolfang

    Wolfang Producer

    Apr 17, 2019
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    Well, every software has its own pros and cons, and has bugs. I also faced some difficulties with Real Guitar series. I recently realized that Ample guitars are the easiest and realistic virtual guitars on the market so far. Shreddage series are also good, but they are mostly suit for metal. I'm not sure about Chinese instruments as I don't have them. You can try to contact them.
  8. Dr. Floyd

    Dr. Floyd Member

    Mar 5, 2023
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    And the original guitars sampled are different as well, I get the Ample Sound because the Gibson SG. And we should consider that Gibson have made different SG Models and the sound is clearly not the same when you compare them (The older ones sound better to me, perhaps because, but not only the used wood and the influence of time on the wood itself) using the same needed additional gear to make them "fly". Both the Ample Sound SG and the Acoustic Taylor sound quite fine.

    Much appreciated the info about the Real Guitar software...
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