Kontakt portable vst doesn't work on FL Studio

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by alright, Mar 8, 2023.

  1. alright

    alright Newbie

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I've downloaded Kontakt Portable and when I tried to scan the VST, FL wouldn't recognise it, so I executed the installer that comes with Kontakt to create a shortcut in the Common files/VST3 folder. And with that shortcut FL is able to recognise Kontakt but it just tells me that the plugin is missing. Is there any solution?

    Captura de pantalla (45).png Captura de pantalla (44).png

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  2. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    I don't use FL, but I'm sure it's the same as any other DAW.. I'm not sure why you created a shortcut.. to point to where all of Kontakt 7 portable is? (I use Reaper, which allows you to set up multiple VST folders, so I'm not sure how FL works)

    I think based on this doc here, it looks like you can add multiple VST folder locations, so that's what I'd be doing. You just need to tell it where two files are (the VST2 dll and the VST3 .vst3). There are a lot of other DLLs in the Kontakt Portable folder, so I'd add new search paths, and ensure to point right directly to the folder where the VST2 is, as well as where the VST3 is.

    These files are stored in (wherever you put it)\Kontakt 7\x64\VST and (wherever you put it)\Kontakt 7\x64\VST3 , so ensure those are added to your search path for VSTs in FL, and get rid of the shortcut (as that might cause more problems).

    Sorry, again, I use Reaper, not FL, but I think things probably work in a similar way with FL, so I hope this helps.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2023
  3. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    BTW, here's also the install instructions that came with Kontakt Portable, run through a translator to english, if it helps:
    contact portable
    Year/Date of Issue: 3.02.2023
    Version: 7.1.6
    Developer: Native Instruments
    Developer site: native-instruments.com
    Format: STANDALONE, VST3i, AAX*
    Bit depth: 64bit
    System requirements: OS: Windows 8+, CPU: SSE4, GPU: Open GL 2.1+, Direct 3D 11.1+
    Treatment is not required - a fully functional version (Full), as well as:
    1. Activation of protected libraries is not required, the ability to register (add to bookmarks) in batch mode.
    2. Ability to edit patches of protected libraries.
    3. Possibility of resaving with samples patches of protected libraries.
    4. Ability to edit password-protected scripts.
    Features of the portable (PORTABLE) version:
    1. Installation, including additional software (Service Center, Native Access, MS VS C++ runtime), is not required.
    2. All settings are stored in the program's portable folder (the Windows registry and other system stores are not used, administrator rights are not required. (Super)administrator rights are required if the program's portable folder is placed in a protected system storage (for example, in Program Files) - this location for portable programs is unnatural and not recommended.
    3. Integrated Library Manager, which provides full control over protected libraries, and also allows you to register unprotected (self-made) libraries without generating nicnt files.
    4. Ability to work simultaneously with the installed version of the Contact without conflicts and with different settings.
    Kontakt PORTABLE is not compatible with NKS (Native Kontrol Standard):
    1. Instruments of NKS-compatible libraries added to Kontakt PORTABLE will not appear on the screen of an NKS hardware device (Komplete Kontrol or Maschine).
    Accordingly, they cannot be selected, previewed and downloaded directly from the device's browser, but only through the interface of the Contact itself.
    2. The controls of an NKS-compatible library instrument loaded into the Kontakt PORTABLE are not automatically bound to the controllers of an NKS device,
    only manually in the standard way for external MIDI devices (MIDI Learn).
    How to install Kontakt 7 PORTABLE:
    1. Create an empty folder. The name of the folder itself and the path to it MUST NOT CONTAIN CYRILLIC. The folder MUST BE WRITTEN.
    2. Run the installer (KontaktPortable_v716.exe)
    3. Press the Browse... button and select the created empty folder
    4. Press the Extract button
    How to update Kontakt 7.x.x PORTABLE to Kontakt 7.1.6 Portable:
    1. Run the installer (KontaktPortable_v716.exe)
    2. Press the Browse... button and select the folder containing the Kontakt 7.x.x PORTABLE files:
    Drive letter:\
    |____Kontakt7Portable <----- select this folder
    |_________________Contact 7
    3. Press the Extract button
    4. When the Confirm file replace window appears, confirm the replacement of files (Click Yes to All)
    How to transfer settings and libraries from Kontakt 6 PORTABLE to Kontakt 7 PORTABLE:
    0. Close all copies of Kontakt 7 PORTABLE, including the VST/AAX plugin.
    1. Copy the UserData folder from the Kontakt 6 Portable root folder to the Kontakt 7 Portable root folder.
    2. Open the copied UserData folder in Explorer, find the Kontakt subfolder there and rename it to Kontakt 7.
    How to add Kontakt 7 PORTABLE VST3 to a host (DAW):
    Method 1.
    Open your host settings and add the Kontakt7Portable\Kontakt 7\x64\VST3\ folder as an additional plugin scan folder. Please refer to your DAW manual for details.
    This method is suitable for hosts that do not limit themselves to scanning VST3 plugins only in the standard location (Cockos Reaper, Magix Samplitude,...)
    Method 2.
    Run Kontakt7Portable\Install.exe
    On the component selection page, select "Add VST3 Plugin to DAW" to create a link to the Portable Contact's VST3 Plugin in the standard VST3 Plugin scan folder.
    How to add Kontakt 7 PORTABLE to ProTools:
    Run Kontakt7Portable\Install.exe and select "Add AAX to ProTools" (on the component selection page).
  4. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    Which Portable version are you using?
    I too am on FL 20 and using Kontakt Portable v6. 7 by VK Danilov and It is working perfectly fine.

    I think it's got to do something with the VST plugin directory inside the Kontakt Portable folder.

    Please click the shortct in common VST3 folder to verify if the shortcut really takes you to the Kontakt VST 3 plugin inside the portable folder or if the VST3 is missing. I think vst2 will work perfectly well. I also had the same problem. But after the clicking the install link the VST3 shortcut is created and FL detected the vst3.
  5. alright

    alright Newbie

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I tried adding the search path straight to the Kontakt/x64/VST folder (Where the Kontakt 7.vst3 is originally) but FL Studio wouldn't find it or recognise it, basically it doesn't come up. That's why I executed the installer that came with Kontakt to create a shortcut from Common Files/VST to the Kontakt VST folder, and now it appears but it doesn't work.
  6. alright

    alright Newbie

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I'm using Kontakt Portable 7.1.6 from Pluginxl.com. The shortcut really takes you to the Kontakt 7.vst3 and it's working fine. The pack didn't came with a vst2, just the this vst3.
  7. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Hmm, maybe you should download it from "the sister site". If you don't know what that is, someone can PM the link to you. I just checked, and version 7.1.6, vkDanilov release has the VST2 dll in the VST folder.. and the .vst3 is actually in a VST3 folder. specifically, it's in .\Kontakt 7\x64\VST (VST2 .dll) and .\Kontakt 7\x64\VST3 (VST3 .vst3).

    It might be a good idea to wipe what you have and try the one from the sister site, as the stuff on the sister site is legit and you can be assured will be completely clean. Version 7.1.8 is actually up there now too.

    That all said, I didn't realize you used the Install.exe to create the shortcut.. that should work (and in that case you wouldn't have to add another search folder, if the shortcut works with FL).. but maybe there's something wrong with the version you have.
  8. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    I am using Kontakt downloaded from sister site. Yes my version have both VST3 and VST2 in separate folders along with AAX if I correctly remember

    One more thing sometimes VST3 doesn't show up it appropriate Microsoft C++ runtime is not installed. Please check that. And you should not probably place the portable folder inside your :c/program files too
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2023
  9. alright

    alright Newbie

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Well I'm guessing my version of Kontakt is just messed up but anyway, how can I check that my Microsoft C++ runtime is installed?
  10. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    Add a 'plugin search path' in FL.
    Depending on which version of Portable and where you put it, it will be something like:
    C:/Program Files/Kontakt Portable 7/Kontakt 7/x64/VST3
    In that folder, the DAW will see your Kontakt plugin.
  11. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    OP did you used to have another version of Kontakt before this that is reading old cache and other old files thats canceling out your current version? Maybe clearing out kontakt registry + similar stuff after a fresh unsintall then reinstall might help?
    Or have you done this?
    Can't he just go to that location, find his .dll or .vst3 then copy it over to his VST folder? If, that is the issue of course.
  12. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    You can check it from the Start menu, control panel, which shows all the programs installed on your computer
    You should have probably the latest version installed
  13. alright

    alright Newbie

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Yeah I've had a bunch of different versions because none of them worked, and I deleted all files regarding them before installing this new version but maybe I didn't delete the cache, can I delete the cache with this version already installed or should I delete it then delete the cache and then reinstall it?

    I've tried copying the vst into the vst folder but it didn't work. I also tried moving the entire Kontakt to the vst folder and that actually worked and I could open it up on FL Studio but the structure of Kontakt got messed up and it wasn't able to find the library manager so in the end I still couldn't use it
  14. alright

    alright Newbie

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I've already tried that, the VST wouldn't even appear on FL Studio
  15. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    What OS and machine you use?
  16. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    You write VST and VST3 interchangeably.
    Which are you in fact using?
  17. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    I have 7 different Kontakt Portable installations, both Kontakt 6 and 7, (with different types of libraries in each) and they all turn up in my DAWs using this procedure. And a regular Kontakt as well.
  18. alright

    alright Newbie

    Mar 8, 2023
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    VST3, the pack only comes with a VST3 and no VST.
  19. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    Strange. The original vkDanilov upload from sister site has both VST and VST3. And AAX.