R2R download question

Discussion in 'Software' started by ICUDude, Mar 2, 2023.

  1. ICUDude

    ICUDude Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    Hi, I would like to get either Amplitube 5 or Bias Fx2. I found the latest releases on Audioz, both from R2R. I first tried downloading a couple from torrent sites but they all contained malware so now I'm a bit nervous. From what I read R2R are legit good guys. I just wanted to ask if anyone has ever had an issue with an R2R keygen and if Audio z is a good place to download from. I was also wondering if the keygens modify files or just produce a key. If key only I could run it in a sandbox or something.

  3. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Best Answer
    it is because R2R still can't making keygen with audio file inside keygen and playing this audio file. keygen unpacking player and audio in temp folder (as doing some malware) - that's why antiviruses block them.

    no. it is the BEST!

    if keygen don't have a button "patch" - it doesn't modify any files, but files may be already patched.
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  4. ICUDude

    ICUDude Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    Thanks for the answer. Anyone have any issues with either of these or would suggest one over the other?
  5. MdB

    MdB Guest

    R2R stuff provided @audioz is clean, you dont need a sandbox.
    Keep in mind that people repack R2R stuff with viruses, its not a R2R idea.
    Want to risk your security with random torrents ? I wouldnt
  6. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    +1 what Talula said.
    I usually remember to turn off active protection in Windows Defender.
    Sometimes I forget and the keygen "can't find" or fails to run.
    But it's no big deal because Defender doesn't delete the actual keygen or anything.
    I just turn Defender active protection off and run the keygen again.

    The only torrent site i ever use is RuT for stuff that is not available from sister site.

    I also use the 'archive' site listed on sister site (a u d i o + z) on the bottom left under "friendly sites'.
    That one has much of what's on sister site but has lots more stuff,too.
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  7. ICUDude

    ICUDude Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    Thanks for the replies. I did torrent it first but after finding the malware and reading a bit I re-downloaded Amplitube from sistersite a u d i o z .download. I'll work on it today.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023
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  9. ICUDude

    ICUDude Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    OK Thanks. I checked the download from AZ sistersite.

    Virus total came up with this for the keygen

    VT result

    And this for the install .exe

    VT result 2

    Has anyone installed one of these recently? Is it safe?
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2023
  11. ICUDude

    ICUDude Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    Thanks. just to be sure I got it from the correct site it's sistersite .download right?
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  13. greeeeeeeeen

    greeeeeeeeen Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    hello, i'm a newbie here, someone could provide me the link for sister site?
    I've been just upgraded my laptop to a MacBookAir M2, and i need some new fresh and old gold plugins :winker:
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  15. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    Mr. I U Dude I second Mr. Talula. All R2R Keygen are safe as long as you download directly from sister site. It's a matter of trust. I never saw anyone or any post ever mentioning R2R keygens as Virus. Many of the members are probably composers with years of experience and are industry members testing stuff from sister site for professional trial or evaluation. All in all I never heard anyone ever commenting Keygen as Virus.

    Moreover R2R explains protection and code language in their NFOs of their releases and how the keygens work.

    The Virus/Malware detection are false positives
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  17. ICUDude

    ICUDude Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    Thanks to you all again. I understand about trusted providers like R2R that do it right and for the right reasons and I really appreciate it. It's just been a long time since I've needed something and I was having a hard time finding reliable recommendations from good guys like you. Can't wait to try it out.
  18. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    I always run them in Sandboxie. Almost all of them do one of two things: Generate a key for you to copy/paste in.. or generate a license file for you to place somewhere. With the latter, you just generate it to the sandbox somewhere, and then copy it from there to non-sandboxed file explorer somewhere. These two types of keygens won't create any other files you have to worry about.

    There are cracks that run as an exe and they may modify a bunch of files and possibly the registry. I hate these. haha Really, that's where you should really be sure about the source, because it's harder to get it to work via a sandbox. You can still run them in a sandbox, and you could probably put some time/effort into figuring out what it modifies, but I don't tend to bother. Almost everything I download is off the sister site.

    I also run antivirus software. I used to go with the same motto as many others though that you don't need it if you always download from "reliable sources", but I've seen some reliable sources accidentally get a virus too. I have an exclusions folder set up for my antivirus, and most things I run in the sandbox I run from the exclusion folder.

    Anyways, to sum up: Keygens, you can always sandbox. Some crack utilities, it might be a bit more work to make it work with a sandbox, but I personally *never* run these unless they come from reliable sources: "the sister site" or a specific torrent site I trust.

    One last thing, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You can find 99.999% of what's released for cracked audio softs on either the sister site or audio news org (if you have a login). I use the latter only if I can't find it on the sister site (due to ratios). They're both safe, and I avoid everything else.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023
  19. greeeeeeeeen

    greeeeeeeeen Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    Cannot see any message sorry, could you resend?
    Thanks in advance!

  20. ICUDude

    ICUDude Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    Hi Naitguy, thanks for the detailed explanation. The readme text in the R2R folder gives the following (see below) instructions so it looks like it is the .exe type that patches the files for you. I have a sandbox for my win10 pro lic so I might try it just to use a sandbox for the first time. I should be able to figure out what files to replace and where they should go.

    I have also always wondered why people are only concerned with the keygen? Before I use the keygen I need to run the installer for the software install first anyway. Don't black hats put viruses in the main software or the installer? Or am I just dumb?

    "Block the access to following hosts.

    Run our keygen.
    Select a product.
    Hit "Automatic Registration (Windows)"."

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2023
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