UAD Spark Sub Vs Plugin Alliance Sub Vs Solid State Sub Logic Vs Slate Digital Sub

Discussion in 'Software' started by mrrnr, Feb 18, 2023.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    ilok is shit. they offer no way to have offline activation, if you want to use their plugins, their servers have to be online and you are required to have an online machine. (offline is for most of them i think possible, but requires hardware ilok.)

    You need to install UA connect, Pace Licensing and ilok is just a huge resource waster. (the plugin code is encrypted and unpacked after your online activation does validate, often ilok plugins are twice as big in size or even eat 100-200MB of RAM per instance.)

    All of these points are a no go for audio related things, where latency matters and fast loading times.

    Hope this explains it a bit.

    I have only tried UA Spark for 3 months, still have the plugins from november 2022 saved to disc. But i found not special in terms of features, well they have very good GUIs of course, but thats about it.

    Cant comment on Slate Stuff. (think i own two SSL plugins, but have never used them as they came for free with some hardware.).
    Plugin alliance has a preotection full of system hooks, which can make your system instable as it simply does stack up CPU exceptions per loaded plugin instance. (R2R has explained that, the protection allowed offline usage, but these exceptions are questionable and i trust R2R's knowledge there. Thats lossy quoted from their NFO.)
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  2. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    The native versions are exactly the same as the non-native versions. I have nearly all the UAD plugins and I honestly dont use them very often simply because I cant have too many running on my Apollo before I max out the dsp. That gets annoying pretty quick. Only work around I have is to bounce everything to audio which is fine but just an extra step I dont want to take. I dont have to worry about that with the native versions, but they still havent ported out a lot of the plugins I typically use from UAD, so theres also that. As far as quality, I dont find UAD plugins any better or worse than other developer suites.
  3. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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  4. TatoHead

    TatoHead Member

    Feb 18, 2023
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  5. TatoHead

    TatoHead Member

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Interesting that the more I look into it the more overhyped UAD plugs seem, they're got such a revered status in the community. Beginning to think they've smashed it with the marketing. I will trial them and see for myself at some point, at the moment I would find it hard to compare fairly need more xp to accurately discern the nuances.
  6. Alex Philipp

    Alex Philipp Platinum Record

    Jan 30, 2015
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    My UAD UA plugins works offline, but I own them. Subscription is not my choice.
  7. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Since you own them, Do you need the UA Connect?

    My Spark Subscription Requires UA Connect. So therefore UA Connect need Internet Connection for UAD Spark Plugins.
  8. TheRiddler303

    TheRiddler303 Kapellmeister

    Jul 24, 2020
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    have to disagree here. i have plenty of ilok plugins and except of the slate, mcdsp and uvi, all run offline with machine activation!
    you just need to be online once you do the registration, which is the same method as with other brands that don't use ilok sometimes.
    you also don't need to be online once in a while to keep them running. i can tell that out of my old studio machine. the room doesn't have internet and once i installed it all from home, it never came back online again for years. some manufacturers just don't use machine activation, such as uad obviously or empirical labs. EL told me, when i wanted to buy arousor, that the dongle or cloud activation is more safe then the machine activation, which could easier be cracked (or maybe time reset through several tools?) idk. i didn't got into detail with them as arousor was already out that time by r2r and just decided to got with softubes Mike-E, which allows machine activation.

    the factor of using system resources probably is still there, but its not right that you need always a dongle or you can only use the plugins unless their servers are online.
  9. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    I own a few of these and I can't use them because my computer needs to see the Internet in a 'one time activation'. UA Connect will install on that computer but needs to be activated online.

    I have an iLok as well, all plugins activated to that iLok. Still doesn't work.

    Looks like its still the same game if you buy the collection without the dongles.

    The one thing that UAD has unique is on top of the zero latency plugins the Pre Amp thing is pretty awesome. That can be programmed to give different input results, according to the Manley, 610, 1073 etc. To me that's pretty special.
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Imagine your Computer is offline always (which should be the case for a studio/production computer to easier focus).

    I have checked UA Spark does require license check everytime you open it as it calls the UA connect from inside plugin and plugin code gets unpack inside memory and licensed. It is simply the case. (Other protections do this aswell, check freeware LABS, which cant be install offline).

    the resource wasting still remains, Take a look at GRM Complete Bundle vs R2R release.
    32MB vs 1.1GB.

    How will you check if your UA Spark Sub run out, if you dont check if you dont need always to be online?

    (I installed UA Spark plugins from 3 months trial, plugins loaded fine with internet, yet after deactivating a few mins later they couldnt be loaded and there was way to select offline lecensing, other than hw dongle.)

    And i dont think UA offers two build with different ilok settings for non sub and sub. They also both require UA Connect to install and to license.

    Safer, safer+easier would be a u-he type of registration. Less fuckery, easy to use and simply worked for 12 years.
  11. TatoHead

    TatoHead Member

    Feb 18, 2023
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    So to clarify -

    UAD Subscriptions always require UA connect therefore an active internet connection

    UAD latest bundle suites one off purchase only require online activation once

    Can someone definitely confirm whether the old dongle/satellite/sound card bundles require active internet or is it one off activation?
    Apologies if this bits already been answered.

    What a minefield.
  12. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    So circle is closed : back to PA or SSL :wink:
    On my side, i'm more and more freeware + stock (Studio One) + single special plugins
  13. TheRiddler303

    TheRiddler303 Kapellmeister

    Jul 24, 2020
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    However, you are talking about a property that is determined solely by the manufacturer! saying ilok is shit in general, because of the method UA is providing for their plugins, is just the half of the truth what registration methods you have with ilok. and as stated before, you can easily register your ilok plugins once with a internet connection and never have to online again afterwards. this method is working with eventide, Softube, kush, SSL, oeksound, relab, soundtoys and many more....

    about subs: actually you always get an email before your sub is running out. every machine these days could be connected via a (mobile) hotspot just to renew the license in the ilok manager only once a year. that's how i did it with the slate sub. there's always a way, if you really wanna use legit versions
  14. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    If youre using UAD hardware, you dont need to be online to run UAD plugins. UAD hardware acts as a dongle and you can either activate the plugins through the UAD Control Panel app (you'll need to be online to do this once) or export an Auth file from the UAD website so you can load it to the registry and activate offline when needed.

    For subscriptions and native versions, you'll need to be online to run the plugins because they use the UA Connect app to continuously authenticate. I assume its the same for UAD bundle suites.

    Either way, youre gonna use a dongle either via UAD hardware or ilok w/UA Connect app.
  15. ScorpionRei

    ScorpionRei Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Years ago I would say UAD is the best. But nowadays? Nah.. There's better stuff out there, including PA!
  16. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I have UAD hardware/Apollo Solo....But FINNALY, The Clarification that I was looking for and yes I'm on UAD Spark Subscription UA Connect and my 3 Month Trial Ends February 28 after that ends I was thinking cancelling Spark Subscription and go after The New Paid UAD Bundle Suites, However if it requires UA Connect app I may have to rethink that..I just want to be offline in Recording Secession to use UAD Plugs..

    I'll probably send in a Support Ticket to find out about there new UAD Bundle Suite what it requires.. But your SPOT ON about you're gonna need to use a dongle either via UAD hardware or ilok w/UA Connect app.. Though I wish that The New Paid UAD Bundle Suites would have at lease a 7 Day Free Trial..
  17. TatoHead

    TatoHead Member

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Please update if you do contact them because I'm still baffled about whether or not you need internet connection for the new diamond suite. If you do that's really poor from UAD. £800 on offer approx and having to have a connection to use is an absolute joke.
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  18. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    No, UA connect app does not require an internet connection. If you use ilok cloud for plugin authorisation, the ilok license manager requires an internet connection. If you use ilok usb instead, no internet connection is required.
  19. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I see that ilok USB Cost is around $50 Bucks
  20. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Welcome to UA... If you bought all the dongles for 10k+ and all the plugins, another 10k+, to use on Windows with Cubase 12, you now have a collection of bricks... All that investment in UA and the only VST3 you can get is this online strongarm, to get some of the plugins you bought. The dongles will still be useless... that is UA in a nutshell

    Now as for Mac, it seems like its a different story

    I only have about £500 of bought plugins, plus the dongle and what I got free with it, which is a lot of money for me. Can't use any of them because I don't treat music making as an amateur project - I don't let my music computer see the Internet, ever. Its just common sense, as ArticStorm stated above
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