jDownloader's Integration Of Unwanted Applications

Discussion in 'PC' started by Catalyst, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    This is first of a series of articles that I'll be doing giving a middle finger to shitbag entities and companies that really piss me off. They suck so I'm calling them out on it. Knowing jDownloader and their bundling of potentially unwanted applications into the installer I always carefully walk through the advanced installation process but this time something was different. The first software that they ask if you want to install or rather I should say select it by default and you have to walk through a fucking maze to make sure it's not going to slip onto your computer without your express permission. The only way to change this is to go into advance installation options and uncheck all the boxes, why would you even put the option to not install a program in the advanced installation option...why not just make it an accept/decline setup? Then I press next and the last bundled crapware that they try to TRAP you into installing says that by clicking next you agree to the terms and conditions of this other bundled app (forgot the name) which I'm assuming also means that you agree to the installation. Now if you try to cancel the jDownloader installation also cancels but if you click next then you agree to this other app so that leaves me with a question: how the hell do I install this without installing this other software? Anyone installed recently? I understand that they need funding for development and I like their app but I'm sorry it's complete bullshit. I don't want to have to turn off all the music and sit there deciphering an installation procedure to prevent some stupid programs I have no desire to install slipping into my computer. These kinds of installers where they try to cover costs by trapping you into installing what is in effect, at least in my definition, at the very least a potentially unwanted application and more likely...malware, really sickens me. So thumbs way down from me for the sneaky and underhanded installation procedure for jDownloader and some other apps including I believe Foxit PDF Reader.
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I mean it's literally like they set little traps for you in the installer so you have to sit there thinking well if I click next I agree to this but if I cancel I can't install...oh and did I just press next...shit I forgot that I need to go to advanced uninstall to not install it. You need revenue, get it another way because this kind of crap makes me want to get the bat.

  4. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    A similar thing happened with me. I'm usto carefully installing these software's and reading the "Tick this box if you want the software"
    "Don't tick this box if you want the software" "tick the invisible 1 pixel wide box if you can find it if you don't want the software" etc...

    I got Jdownloader a month back, (the download itself was said to include 2 Trojans, from the official site).
    But I assumed false positive and continued installing (Even though risking messed up install due to them being quarantined).

    BUT Yeah read all the nonsense, made sure not to install any bundled rubbish. BUT after install I found I had a program called... ahh I can't remember. Ill edit it in if I get it. Something to do with Mobile games.
    But it's a known virus and was a pain to get rid of. :snuffy:

    MOBOGENIE! The bas**rd was called mobogenie!
    also had some pop ups on my android devices trying to give me the same stuff..
  5. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I noticed the same thing last time I installed it on a computer, maybe after I wiped one or something and yes they try to trick you pretty badly in it. But at this point I see it as a last hurah, because lets face it jdownloader has been sucking more and more as time goes on. The second I find a good replacement I'm never using jdownloader again. The bundled crap apps aren't even the worst aspect of the app at this point but definitely deceptive in practice.
  6. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    No problem with them on OSX.

    Or i did it proper.

    Or its because im on JD2 Beta.

    Do the Jdownloader 2 beta. They do daily updates to it. Just checked system and hidden files and no 'mobogenie', maybe i installed it without installing their adware or whatever it is. Maybe its just their OSX version or the JD2 Beta version that doesnt have this issue.
  7. KingSchlongXVII

    KingSchlongXVII Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    Same here on OSX Mavericks. I never had that installation problem PC users have, BUT I've had all kinds of shit with my ISP whenever I use jdownloader. It's like they throttle my connection a few hours later after using it. I've always hated the interface, on OSX it's like something you'd see from 1998. As much as I hate it, I must admit it does get the job done. But trust me, if we had some good alternatives I would run to them immediately, just on the basis of how sneakily disgusting their install procedure has been for Windows users. That's outrageous behavior, what a nerve they have. I dunno what they might have done to OSX machines, but like I said my ISP seems to sense something is not right each and every time after I've launched it. And that worries me...
  8. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I freaking hate software developpers who do this, they'll always try and manipulate you into installing it. One half second of inattention and you're stuck with a bunch of sh*t. I had this with jdownloader. The worst was with Auslogics registry cleaner, took me hours to clean up all the malware that installed with it. I feel like for some of them, the way they phrase it, you can't NOT install the crap that comes with it.
    Some software developpers are not as deceitful, for example PCSX2 recently bundled a product in their installation. However, it appears fairly clearly, and you can just click no and move on. I wish more developpers did this. I totally get that they need this for money but when they use sneaky tactics like this, hell no.
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Camstudio started with this only two months ago, now I'm discouraged to donate them anything. :sad:
  10. DontFearTheReaperV4

    DontFearTheReaperV4 Noisemaker

    Jan 20, 2014
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    It really is a huge demotivational experience. Even though yes we are getting something for nothing, its just.. It puts you off the software big time.

    Happens more often than not nowadays with free software, but a fair few are pretty open about it. "Want to install this also? No? Ok then no problem"

    Even though its not the worst of it, the one that really annoys me is..

    "Full Install or Custom Install" etc
    Where you NEED to be aware of it to check all the hidden boxes. Because in most reliable programs, full install is the way you wanna go!

    I noticed some websites getting trickier and trickier about there "Tick this box if you want us to send you email from third party companies" nonsense.
    On some, you need to read the small print and find a slightly highlighted word/phrase click it, then (un)tick the box.

    Also, after getting rid of Mobo genie, I have had nothing but great success with Jdownloader, been incredibly useful.
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I just wanted to update you guys on the developments since this was posted: my last installation had no malware though the installer it downloaded was like 20+ megs and the real installer should be less than 1 meg. Not only that but the installation process was less like a labyrinth. I don't know if it was the article or what but it very well might have been. If the situation continues on this trajectory then I may have to take this down. Fingers crossed.
  12. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Nope still the same crap:
    JDownloader Download Page

    But Here Are the offline Installers, they don't like sharing!!!
    JDownloader 1 Setup.exe
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    No Kontakt Guru though they're still using the web installer they have completely removed the integration of adware, it's no longer even an option in the installer. The process is completely transparent now like a normal company should operate all the time. I think I might have to remove this.
  14. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Or maybe hide it from view until the next time they pull that crap. :rofl:
  16. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Once a shady company always a shady Company...Regardless of Under New Management :excl: :rofl: