Sorry about redundancy/ annoyingness of (omnisphere post)

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by Cclcng, Feb 10, 2023.

  1. Cclcng

    Cclcng Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2021
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    I've read many posts about issues with updating omnisphere etc... but haven't found much clarity (especially in recent posts) about the particular issue that i'm having ... i first installed (successfully) the original dynamics dvds, and everything was just fine (hold for the minor annoyance of the nag screen on load)
    but all patches etc worked within ableton (11), but the release does not (afaik) include the standalone exe (at least in the automated installer)... well: I decided that i would try to upgrade to (at least) 2.5.. adn when i did , i was asked to rereigster... (with the error code popping up in the activation splash)
    So, having read the (multiple.. adn i am sorry for treading on old and sensitive grounds :) )
    posts from the past, I was led to believe that ther was no (upgrade path) that needs/ed to be taken in order to update, so i pored my way through various updates, and was getting reactivation splash with each.. I also remembered that in the past, i had had some success by activating via the standalone (which is missing from the release) ... so I figured that I should repatch with the
    Dynamics keygen in D1 of the installation (dynamics' 3000th release version fwiw) , and all was fine and working again.. and then, in another post someone had said that one needs to install the separate software / soundsource releases, and install those... which i did, and now i'm stuck in some sort of limbo where i've updated some patches (presumably in the steam folder) and most of the patches within the plugin patch browser are now giving me the preset made with/for a newer version of omnisphere and may not work properly... And i"ve got no way to differentiate between the old and 'new' patches/ sounds, and so cannot really preview most of the patches.. Though if i am to put notes into a midi clip in Ableton, some of the patches do indeed work... but its a real hassle finding which ones do... Pain in my rear.. so, what i'm wondering is that if the only way to remediate is to do a clean installation, and just forego the update gluttony and take what i get... i apologize for an annoyign repeat post, but if someone could delineate if there is, indeed an update path that must be taken.. And what that is... As the recommended "just install any update" over 2.0 and you'll be fine suggestion is obviously (as tested) not yielding any success and i feel as though im spinning myself forever deeper into a license / activation web ...
    So if there are any give-a-fucks-, and patience(s) left, i'd be ticxkled pnik to have some assistance....
    Thanks for the glance,

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2023
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    @ " what i'm wondering is that if the only way to remediate is to do a clean installation, and just forego the update gluttony and take what i get... "

    This is precisely what I would do in your boat. 100%. It's like Jenga or a House of Cards. You want the base installation as solid as you can get it before you tamper with all this extra stuff; all the while just building on top of a bad install. You are compounding any problems you have. I am sure you can unravel a lot of them, but clean install is sure to work.

    I am not sure why you guys even update this as frequently as you do. My legit version is probably 2 behind at any given time, and I do not go hunt down the updated features; so I barely even know what is "new". I just use it without complaint because it is as stable as it gets. I have never reinstalled it or had a single problem with it.

    Omnisphere Software 2.8.5c (Version History)
    Includes the following features and fixes:

    • Updates AAX plugin for native Apple Silicon compatibility.
    • Adds "Any" MIDI channel routing option to the MIDI Channel menus on the MIXER page. When "Any" is selected, MIDI Channels 1-16 are sent to the Part (aka MIDI "Omni Mode").
    • Fixes issue where the plugin output could become muted after loading multiple DAW projects in a row. This fix was added specifically for Cantabile (a Windows-only Host), but the error is likely reproducible in other Hosts.
    • Fixes note playback timing issues when Solo mode or the Arpeggiator were enabled and the host buffer size was large.
    • Fixes issue where the "Modulate with Orb" option in the right-click contextual menu did not work.
    • Fixes issue where the Patch dirty indicator (asterisk) could incorrectly disappear after using the UNDO command.
    • Seismic Pump effect: Improves TRIGGER button behavior when MODE = "Triv. Inv" and LOOP is Off.
    • Seismic Pump effect: Fixes issue with "Triv. Inv" mode where the envelopes were retriggered by incoming MIDI note events.
    • Mac only: Fixes issue on macOS where folders/files in STEAM could not contain a backslash character
    • Standalone app: Fixes issue where the Flow Capture feature did not record Metronome Tempo changes into the MIDI file correctly.

    Do the original core, and the newest full install option without multiple updates in between, if you can. This is the sort of things included in update versions.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2023
  4. Cclcng

    Cclcng Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Do the original core, and the newest full install option without multiple updates in between, if you can. This is the sort of things included in update versions.[/QUOTE]
    the original core meaning the 2.0 dymanics rlease? that's what im goint to reingstall... so the newest full install option meaning software update, sound source update? hwich of thsese... is my problem also reverse to revolutionize keygen/crack doesnt work for much other than a specific release as ive tried to use that (the a la carte) one on various of these botched updases and not only did they not
  5. Brainphrozen

    Brainphrozen Newbie

    Sep 30, 2022
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    I hated all the BS with trying to get this to work. Unfortunately I was stupid as I had a perfectly good copy that I never bothered to burn to disc. I have decided that I am going to save like a Bar steward and buy a legit copy and save all the heartache. Good luck with getting it to work
  6. Cclcng

    Cclcng Ultrasonic

    Jun 19, 2021
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    Thanks .. I’ve gotten it to work … repeatedly even … aye just get feature-envy and that is a gateway to all manner ov risk-taking behaviors