How to fill up 2Tb HDD in smart way ?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by nikon, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    And finaly I buy another SATA drive with 2Tb of space and it's empty (just for libraries, samples).

    Until now, biggest library I have is Spectrasonics (omni, rmx, trilian) and it's a long time on my drive. Before this investiment I was very limited with space so I hold only necessary things like

    * samples (most wav's and few Kontakt libs around 2gb with each)
    * plug's
    * Live + library

    Now I'm intrested with following: what "big" lib to install ?

    1) Real drums

    There is a ton's of plugs and Kontakt lib's, which one is best ? What do you prefer (Superior drummer, BFD, Addictive, NI Abbey Road kits, etc )

    2) Orchestral

    I just listen Albion samples and read this review in, so I choose to use this.

    3) Synth samples, other ?

    There is a lot of Sample lib's, Sample Logic etc... Heavyocity, which one is worht ?

    4) Guitars (Acoustic, Classic, Electric)

    5) anything else

    I'm intrested in your standard Kontakt (primary) library which is must... (for the one's with large space :)) including me now! )

    Synth I'm not new in music :) I'm just having a brand new 2Tb HDD :) I prefer to look at profile of someone when try to reply, just watch how many replies and the topics. You are the relatively new one here.

    I'm not planing to download 3 symphobia versions, 3 albion versions, LASS etc... I'm just asking what do you guys use, there is a lot of libraries and probably I can spend one year to hear everything and make my own decision. There is a lot of people here which uses some libraries for years, months, ... and can confirm that.
    One member make great review between Albion and Symphobia
    Some of members for sure uses someone Bass guitar library, and after testing a lot's final decisions are here, this one for rock type of song, this one for that etc...

    ... and the music genre is whatever, I'm not limited.
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm really high right now so I might not remember all the products but I'll try:
    These things are highly personal so I can't really answer your questions meaningfully as I have no idea how much experience you have with the programming of said elements. Here is just some info and search will no doubt result in even more if you query one thing at a time on these forums because there have been some acoustic/electric guitar, synth, etc. threads around here.

    1) Superior or BFD. Many members like the workflow of Superior but the sampling is deeper on BFD. I haven't tried BFD3 but I think I would use it if the R2R version works, i heard there's some issues.

    2) The cream of the crop in the Spitfire orchestral libraries are the BML (British Modular Library) range but Albion would be a good starting point if you have less experience and don't need something crazy. Like Andrew I like Sable Strings a lot but it depends what part of orchestral you need...just strings, etc.

    3) Again a very generic question that will no doubt be based on your own subjective impression, genre and needs. I like Heavyocity, 0on3 libraries (free to use), some people like Hollow Sun (I think he's an asshole) also Synth Magic. I've heard your stuff so I think you can benefit from these suggestions and there are many more too.

    4) Guitars are also personal and genre can be important. I like Electri6ity for electric because it comes with a bunch of models and is really a great emulation with the right amp. Harder music like metal might benefit from Prominy V-Metal or Shreddage X. Acoustic right now Ample Sound is nice and soon Vir2 should launch their acoustic library so I'll pick that up if we get it. People are really about Orange Tree Evolution Strawberry too.

    5) Not Kontakt but Reaktor is awesome. If you haven't tried it I think you would love it but it's outside the box. Also have a go at making your own synth if you want to get advanced.
  4. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Thanks Catalyst.

    I can explain this way, Synergy-x is a 20Gb... so just asking worth it ? Like you say for Hollow sun :) Every demo on site is great, but it's comercial and they make to sound best.

    BFD too, it's a tons of mb's, like a SD2.

    Per example, in my opinion Colossus is pure shit and waste of HDD, better is pure Kontakt 5 Factory, etc... just asking for this big libraries.

    You see, I was curious about Electri6ity and Chris Hein... now I have some answers :)

    Yes, I use Reaktor and almost full NI palette.
  5. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Because im new my opinion is disregarded? For all you know i could have been on many other music forums or have musical knowledge that surpasses yours. You asked a question very specifically... what big library should i install. I gave you my view based on my personal preferences and experience. I just find your initial comment a little belittling for the sake of nothing.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    No problem man. Yeah BFD and Superior are hefty especially if you get some of the expansions but it's one of those libraries that you might eventually need if you plan on doing realistic drums so it's good to have at least one option in your arsenal. Elecri6ity is one of the best electric libraries with 8 different guitars I believe and they're deeply sampled, a very intuitive package and the sound is sweet if you don't use the amped version in the library and opt for the DI versions with your own external amp such as Amplitube, Guitar Rig, Revalver, etc. If you pick it up don't forget to get the 1.1 update which will add sympathetic resonance to their samples which is vital for a realistic sound. I'm sure as you know when you pluck a string it also sets other strings in motion via this sympathetic resonance just like on a piano so it's a welcome update.
  7. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Catalyst is too nice!! I agree with everything they said but honestly you gotta learn how to mix first and then the "sounds to use" will start to peak through your style….
  8. Dr. Howard

    Dr. Howard Ultrasonic

    Dec 15, 2013
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    What's interesting is that 2TB is a lot of room, but really, I have a 750GB SATA drive for only libraries/samples, and I have 356GB available..
    I have 20+ libraries in Kontakt I can suggest, based on your preferences, as well as S2, Battery 3+4. , Spectrasonics, etc..
    I'm actually in the process of skimming the shit and getting down to the must-have tools!
  9. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Sorry if you get me wrong :) In initial post I notes, I'm using spectrasonics, plugs etc... but per example never used a some big drum library such as SD2 or BFD2 or NI Abbey Road packs because of space, and I'm just asking for opinions which is better, your opinions.
    Because a small amount of space I never get a Albion, which is great. Again, there is a tons of Mb's just in drums library, somes are great somes are sucks!
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yes partitions do affect the speed because the fastest part of a hard drive is the outer track and as partitions are added each consecutive one will be slower than the one before it.

    I gave you sampled synth suggestions but if you want VST suggestions I really like Lush, Spire, the uhe line obviously. All top quality synths.
  11. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Catalyst, I don't need advice to fill up 2Tb with Lush or Spire etc for sure :) Those are standard must vst's.

    To be clear, I use omnisphere (as RMX or trilian) a lot, and if somebody ask me I put new large HDD I will sugest that spectrasonics is must for every genre and production. But for other I don't know, I never try.
  12. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    thanks, it's a great starting point for me... I will investigate what is for me or not, but I know the good path :)
  13. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Personally, nothing can fucking touch BFD. I've used it for years, since BFD 1. And never looked back. Acoustic Drums, BFD can't be beat.

    As far as strings, I go for sable strings cause of the ostenato (I think thats how you spell it). The way can midi trigger all the articulations.

    For other orchestral sounds, like horns and winds. I prefer the Cinesamples. I love the way they programmed the sustain pedal on your keyboard to control legato. Genius!

    Lastly, not a big fan of using a sampled synth. I always preferred the real thing. But if I had to choose a Kontakt library, I would choose something by Sample Logic, or I really like the Underscore library.
  14. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, nikon, hello, all,

    all really very well said... *yes*

    one more thing, the smartest way to fill up the drive is with... space... *yes*

    empty, unused, defragmented, kept in such state, space... *yes*

    might be twenty five percent of your drive, some people would even go for thirty three percent, but space, empty, for the drive being able to take its needed breaths... *yes*

    hope this helps too, keep up the filling up, all the best... :bow:
  15. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    That's right! My SSHD 2TB hard drive which i keep it for samples/libraries too is 65% empty. :rofl:
  16. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    With 2tb you'll have plenty of room that you don't to be too smart about it. I personally have a 2tb HDD with loads of stuff on it and still have some room for stuff. Honestly, unless you're into classical/movie score composing, you ain't gonna run out of space anytime soon.
    If that's what you're into and you run out of space, my suggestion would be to get rid of 8Dio Adagio strings first, they sound like crap compared to any other good strings library, maybe just keep the solo strings as there aren't many solo strings out there but that's it. When it comes to spitfire stuff, only keep the main mics as they're mosty what you're gonna use anyways, the surround mic and alt mics triple the data and aren't much use for the average composer.
    If you have the kontakt factory library, you should get rid of it if you have a lot of libraries, anything that's in there is covered much deeper in individual libraries so that's 40gb out of the way.
    Also batch resave all of your libraries, the libraries in wav format will be recompressed which can save some space.
    But honestly you don't have to worry about it, I have a lot of orchestral libraries personally + omnisphere + Komplete 9 + other stuff on there and still have some space left
    And even if you did run out of space, hard drives are fairly inexpensive nowadays, so buying an extra one isn't all that bad.
    Being smart about libraries is more of a problem when you're running it from an SSD drive as they're lighter and much more expensive
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah I thought that after posting but I figured I'd put them out there in case you didn't use them. I actually keep one drive specifically for smaller installations such as these and the big libraries I put separately so yes they can fill up a drive. *yes*
  18. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    sure sure...

    Ok, thank you all, I'm sorry for misunderstanding at first, main catch was a not wasting a time to dl all those 50, 100Gb libs for nothing, because is "the smart way" in title...

    You really help me especially with drums, today I install BDF2 and I was stoned with sound, I never try this package before, really other stuff can't beat BFD - that's true, defintive must!

    Albion is great to me and my need's + Best Service complete orchestra for other orchestral stuff.

    I also pick ABL guitar's, great clean sounding, especially struming or with guitar rig or waves gtr, bingo!

    Galaxy II Steinway + emotional piano is my choice for piano, I play with Galaxy earlier (there is my thread about piano lib under 5Gb).

    For me and my need's I found this libraries too:

    - Ian Boddy Waveforms Analogue Workshop (uncommon sounds)
    - NI Retro Machines MK2 (analog machines)

    And I run as always old libraries from Zero-G (Morphology, Phaedra, Nostalgia, etc...), these libraries are such great even if they are old.

    There is a one thing I can't find right answer, I need nice drum brushes. See BFD has extra jazz library but it's really big just for brushes :)

    Floating here some samples and lib's but it's most loop based. What you suggest ?
  19. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Thanks, it's a big benefit to have space :)
  20. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Jk (not really) :rofl:

    Drums. You should try some of the maschine, bfd3, and battery. I really like their stock libraries. Even though i don't use maschine. I own use their samples and their pretty good.

    About kontakt libraries there's so much out there. It's really mainly a personal choice.
  21. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Heavyocity libs are great... Damage at first.

    Behind that I found Sample logic's AIR exp is great too... and that's for electro, organic stuff, percussive beat's etc...

    There is a one more worth lib's, Wave Alchemy PRO-II just because of warm analog sound which I can't reproduce with any of vst's (I can nearly, but with lot of fx in chain), DMOOX lib too.

    Analysis is based on big libraries ( from 5 to 20Gb )...
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