Captcha in google search so annoying

Discussion in 'PC' started by MINIGUNPUNK, Feb 1, 2023.


    MINIGUNPUNK Kapellmeister

    Aug 12, 2021
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    What's wrong? I sometimes use the VPN extension in my browser, could that be the reason?
    My computer seems to be clean from viruses.
  2. damian9

    damian9 Kapellmeister

    Apr 26, 2021
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    Yeah they will harass you with recaptcha if you're using a VPN.
    Set your default search engine to startpage. It's Google search results just with much more privacy. And I barely see any recaptcha anymore since I've been using it.
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  3. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Reality (virtual)
    The evil company that shall not be named (aka g00g|e) is doing everything to find out who you are, or at least where you're from.
    If they detect that you're using a proxy or VPN they declare it as "suspicious behaviour" and bombard you with captchas. They are justifying it with "security reasons", when all they're trying to do is to find out who you are.
    Sometimes you'll end up with captchas you can't even solve. Going thirty times through those f*cking traffic lights, crosswalks or motorcycles and no matter what you click it's always wrong.
    Until it's driving you nuts and you turn off your VPN, because you're so p*ssed of it :snuffy:

    That's exactly what they want.

    F*ck g00g|e :trashing:
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    MINIGUNPUNK Kapellmeister

    Aug 12, 2021
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    Hmmm... sometimes when I need something urgently then I quickly use duckduckgo, but it is not ideal in terms of search, it does not always give accurate and relevant results as google.
    I will try Startpage
  5. -
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2023
  6. Kamen A.

    Kamen A. Guest

    just don't use google, done
  7. Pepe2020

    Pepe2020 Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Or install Tampermonkey and find a script to bypass it

    MINIGUNPUNK Kapellmeister

    Aug 12, 2021
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    that extension for chrome/edge
    i'm using firefox
  9. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Had the same issue. After trying 10 different VPNs I can say that Mullvad is the only VPN you need in 2023 >

    It's just perfect all-round, 100% stable all the time. Fast, never disconnects, huge list of servers where I need them (you can check the list in both the app and their website), no captchas, works with every stream service I use, works great on both Mac and iPhone, very simple interface, plus the awesome no logging data policy, payment in cash and monero possible <3 (that's unique as far as I know). Basically you don’t provide MullVad your name, address, email address (they provide you with a unique user number), credit card info, nothing. And they don't keep anything on their servers in Sweden. Wish they were in Iceland which has even more protective laws but it's good enough since anyway they don't keep anything only your number and if you pay in cash/monero you're untraceable. Of course if that's none of your concern you can pay with the usual payment methods too.

    It's also the best for speed with like crazy fast torrenting speeds, finally a VPN utilising the full 2 Gbps of my internet. I also never used a VPN with such low latency, 1-2ms which is like none whereas the other known VPN players usually introduce latency.

    It should be added that the WireGuard protocol they use is also one of those features that makes it a superior VPN vs. the competition in my opinion. "In short, WireGuard® is a new VPN protocol that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. It aims to be simpler than IPsec and OpenVPN. In fact, it even performs better."

    Most of the other well-known VPNs I've tried would at some point cause some issues like this indeed very annoying Captcha thing every minute when Google searching or other websites. Don't waste your time with them.

    The only downside would be the streaming services which apparently might not be Mullvad's main concern but I haven't checked like Netflix, Amazon, etc. since I don't care about them. I don't wanna give them money lol and simple use free streaming and torrent sites when I need to get their contents occasionally :) I only need Zattoo since I left Switzerland where this TV streaming service is based and Mullvad works perfectly.

    It should be noted that IVPN, OVPN, and AirVPN would all provide very similar experiences to Mullvad, but I haven't tried them since Mullvad is perfect for me. But in any case, don't use your browser VPN or the usual ones doing a lot of advertising but providing an average service (Proton, Express, Nord, Cyber...) and server lists that you can't always trust thus leading to captchas and other annoyances - that's me trying them anyway.

    Good luck.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2023
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  10. Kamen A.

    Kamen A. Guest


    are you sure that such kind of script is available at all?
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  11. doobie

    doobie Member

    Apr 13, 2022
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    Mullvad is the best , and its probably the cheapest
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  12. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I suggest to use DuckDuckGo instead of Google.
    I use a VPN where I can set a google filter that blocks any connection from any Google service.
    (also available for Facebook and other data collecting companies) in my VPN settings.

    That way I can make sure Google doesn't know what I do because for them it doesn't matter if you use a VPN.
    As long as you still use the same browser with the same cookies, browser settings, etc. on the same OS,
    they know who's there and you're still getting the same google suggestions for your behaviour & location.
    With this filter on, sites that use ReCaptcha also stop working correctly then but I don't care about those as
    there's always an alternative around.

    Yet with DuckDuckGo I'm still able to search on google but with maximum of privacy and with better
    search results than Startpage as they filter anything that could potentially be not so legal (like warez sites).
    DuckDuckGo also offer an addon for most browsers that replaces google search & the search preview results
    and you won't get any recaptcha shit for using a VPN.
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  13. -
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2023

    MINIGUNPUNK Kapellmeister

    Aug 12, 2021
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    It even extends to other sites, some sites require me to pass (suddenly) captcha, although before this was not, or was but very rarely.
    Instagram without VPN does not enter the account at all. I turn on the VPN came to the main page, I turn off, and yes it works, but what happened? Why all of a sudden it became like this?
  15. Kamen A.

    Kamen A. Guest

  16. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Someone who knows :)
  17. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    I know right I hate to sound myself like an 'official' review but hey I took the time to lay it down because it so happens that last month I permanently went for Mullvad and it was like the game changer in my daily habits I had been looking for. I know how frustrating it can be to run into these VPN not working properly every fcking minute. The conclusion is that you better go with smaller niche companies developing products that cater for the most demanding users, rather than going for the 'largest' VPN companies all fighting against each other with Ads and not really on the product itself. Some of them look really shady btw (hosted in weird jurisdictions like Romania or Malta, known as tax havens and I wouldn't be surprised if they collect your data as well to resell it haha they're so fcking slowwww). The likes of Sweden or Iceland are way more trustworthy, stable and safe when it comes to privacy laws, as well as second to none network infrastructure, tons of digital hubs and data centers available and booming in the last decade.

    And like @doobie said it's cheap af, 5 eur per month, forever, no black friday shit, you can pay as many months you want (1-X), instead of having to subscribe 2.5 years like all these larger VPN companies that only seem cheaper because you have to commit for so long.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
  18. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Because VPN extensions in browsers suck :)

    Just follow my advice. Problem solved.

    You're welcome ;)

    Also use Brave instead of Chrome/Safari/Firefox whatever.

    I moved to Brave a few years ago, never turned back. It's built on Chrome basically, same stuff, but will save you days if not weeks of wasted time in your life, by intelligently bypassing every Tracks, Ads and unwanted Cookies you don't need (that's 99% of them) that are being aggressively thrown in your face while you're browsing and slowing you down if not using Brave.

    And of course install AdBlock Plus too (Chrome extensions work for Brave), even though Brave has its own blocker, install ABP too, you'll be triple safe this way.

    And of course Brave on your iPhone too (iOS store).
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
  19. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Don't use Google. Use Brave. Thank me later :wink:
  20. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Too late ;)
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