How To Convert Idea Melody/Rhythm Into DAW Project?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Daisy69, Jan 30, 2023.

  1. ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ

    ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ Rock Star

    Jan 23, 2022
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    I can see where you're coming from with this, and,
    being able to verbalize the music we've got in mind is very Important indeed.

    In some cultures this is a big part of the mental part of musical training,
    for instance: hindu Tabla players and Konnakol.

    Nowadays you can convert whatever you sing into Midi notes.
    There's software that will detect your pitch and write whatever melody you could sing.
    And there's software that will even replace it with Drums.

    So you could go and record each Part/Track separately with your mic like,
    here's my Bass Drum track, here's my Snare Track; Bass track, etc.. and then convert it.

    But you see all this starts to be more difficult than if you did it the traditional way > with a Keyboard.

    A Midi Keyboard is a great (and crucial) writing tool, but it's not difficult..

    So all you need to do is:
    Determine the Tempo.
    Determine time Signature... (If you're beginning it will probably be One, Two, Three, Four.. which means 4/4)

    Create each track separately:
    BD / Snare / Bass

    Imagine and Isolate one Part in your mind, like say, Bass Drum.
    Then mimic that with your keyboard as you record.

    Then imagine the Bass Guitar line in isolation,
    try to figure it out on the keyboard, see how far you get, or where does it take you..

    Sooner than later, with this you will have the foundation of something.
    Then you can start to put a melody, etc..

    I know you probably don't like the answer,
    but that's how it works..

    And really, it will be much more handy and practical to just do it with a Keyboard,
    than it could ever be by doing it Vocally and having to mess with Replacement software, etc..

    That's my 5c :wink:
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  2. ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ

    ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ Rock Star

    Jan 23, 2022
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    With that what I meant is = it's not practical.

    However I still think being able to sing or Verbalize the music it's very important.
    And your ability at it is a great reflection of how deeply you're in tune with it.

    Again the best example is Konnakol:

    I bet 99% of humans can't pronounce as Fast, clean and as solidly as these two.. without training :yes:

    And guess what, everything they sing, all these Syllables or "Bols",
    can have a direct translation to the Tabla drum instrument > each syllable represents a unique sound.

    This is a cultural thing tho..
    There's Konnakol schools all over India, it's a strongly studied topic,
    and it's something that needs years of dedication to really master.. :wink:
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  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    If only more people made music in a more natural, human way like this. :sad:

    I, for example, often just use Reaper (could be done with any DAW) as a "tape recorder" to start a new song. It is a very quick way of "jotting" a music idea. Just record basic tracks and basic sounds without any metronome or quantisation, then later on clean up the mess - find bpm and measure first, then move notes and samples around and build the song from there. Everyone should try that. It improves your timing, playing in general and ears. :wink:
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  4. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    This is cool!
    It led me somewhere.
    I found some examples.

    Now imagine that those are only ideas in my head or simple humming/clicking tongue/tapping on desk recordings from phone and original songs doesn't exist.

    How I can transfer those ideas into DAW?
    How to change those melodies into MIDI notes?
    How I can learn converting melody into MIDI notes and opposite, how I can learn converting midi melody into singing or humming from mouth etc.?
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    There in lies the rub, we are all different people after all.

    The timing is the thing though and that's all it was about.
  6. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Try Imitone, its only a standalone, And pick chromatic if there is an option. Haven't used it in a while i dont remember, narrow it down to major or minor to whatever u feel. There is one other like that dont remember either (ll get back when i find it). And just dont think too much on what instrument to pick, for melody and also for drums experiment with various different ones, u will eventually pick the right one in the end.

    Try not spend too much time if u so it ll consume u, and get u trapped in a loop when u listen to it long enough, move forward. For ex (this is not for Song writing for all genre, but highly recommended for making electronic music) if u are building ur track upon bass, pick a sound and move to the next one which might be a lead or pad or what ever. Dont change the timbre of previous one which is bass, in this case. U can add effects to polish it further but don't change it entirely. Its just like a House of cards but also like Jenga at the same time, u cant just move a card from bottom, but if want to (not in case of cards. oh that baby is done) like in jenga u know... like tat.

    And there is no one right way on what to choose, and thats the magic of making music. All the music u have enjoyed and consumed all through the years must have imprinted on your mind, and that will help, rely on your instincts, the rhythm u have in mind will occur to thousand different people, but they will interpret it differently, Its how u express urs.
  7. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    @Daisy69 - why on earth do you need a software tool to do something both musically & rhythmically as fundamental as this?

    Attached Files:

  8. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Sir. It's the opposite. I wanna learn how to do it. And do those things using learned musical skills.

    When I was asking those questions...
    I mean How to learn it not using soft but skills like I mentioned before
  9. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    There's quite a famous story about Paul McCartney being half-asleep when the opening melody of 'Yesterday' dropped into his head. Recognising amorphous inspiration, he (like many others then as now) kept a notepad next to his bed & quickly wrote-down the first similar phonetic phrase that he could think off - 'scrambled eggs' - so that he could recall the associatively melodic **pattern** later... when, fully alert, he changed the dumb, random words and went on to complete undoubtedly one of his finest songs.

    The point is that you've already done the essential thing - devised the foundation of a musical idea. Now, to transcribe from 'tut' to tune is but a question of fully engaging ears, grey bits and digits to input a few notes into your DAW to loosely match what's nibbling between the ears.

    To get your tune into workable midi, i...

    1. Imported your MP3 (cubase, not that it matters)
    2. Placed loop markers near the beginning and end of your clip
    3. Manually nudged the file so that your opening 'tut' was spot-on aligned to the begining of the loop. There is a small, albeit significant, gap at the beginning of your clip btw.
    4. Experimented for a few moments to loop sync your riff tempo.
    5. Tapped-in your basic rhythm, using the first percussive sound i could find in the first VST i spotted (zebra in this instance). Didn't give the remotest shit about what note i was tapping or the sound.
    6. Looping over the first 1/2 bar, i fixed the first note as close as i could to harmonically match the first 'tut'. In music, all is relative, so - v.simply put - once you have the first note, ask yourself: Is the second note (in my head or my ears) higher, lower or the same? fix that in your DAW, then follow on with the third note and so on. Actually, by the time i'd got this far i already had the general flavour of your riff in my head, so jogged what i heard into place v.quickly. It may well be not quite correct, hardly matters - in the digital age, ideas are often revised/enhanced as the track evolves anyway.

    Look, we're all here telling you practically the same thing: This essential musical 'skill' you're after is a blend of passion, practice & perseverence. There are no simple shortcuts, but for me there is an attitude that helps: Confidently throw yourself at the mercy of your muse, be unafraid of failure & never forget to enjoy your creative journey - the pay's shit but a terrific buzz always rewards the adventurous! :)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
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  10. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Few months ago I was watching documentary about Pavarotti and there was something like he wanted to collab with U2. Bono delayed coming because he had no idea for a song. Pavarotti call to him and said don't worry, God helps you, fly to me tommorow. The next day Bono wake up and he dreamed of a melody. He quickly write lyrics to it and this song was "Miss Sarajevo".

    Stuff like this is very cool.
    Recently I had something similar to those examples.
    I had a dream where I was near some house, there was beautiful bright green grass everywhere.
    I was sitting on this grass and several people were sitting next to me.
    I was hearing nice Synthwave track.
    Near me was an old cd player like a boombox but with a modern big lcd screen on top. I was wondering what the name of this song is so I checked and I look on the lcd screen. There was displayed album art cover and not existing in reality artist and track name.

    Unfortunately I was unable to transfer what I was hearing in dream into DAW project.
    That's one of the reasons I started digging and I want to learn it.

    Very helpful! Thank You!
    Also melody recreation of clicking is very accurate as for based only on something so stripped down like this tongue clicking. :like:
  11. Gurkan Kilic

    Gurkan Kilic Noisemaker

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I think you are trying to ask the workflow that will take you from idea to production.
    1. come up with a melody either by singing with your mouth whistling or playing it very basically with a piano or guitar.
    2. record this to your phone.
    3 go to your recording place. Play your melody and find the chords to accompany it by ear or using a vst like scaler.
    4 record the chords with metronom in your daw with a basic piano vst. Try easy triad chords. Keep the timing thigt thou. Record as long as your melody line. Most of the time 8 to 16 bars to make sense of the melody.
    5 record your melody with a basic synth preset or turn it into lyrics and record your singing. or get a friend to sing it for you.
    6 record a basic bass sound using the root notes of your chords.
    7 get your fav drum vst and go through presets to find a matching rhytm pattern. Record it under your melody tracks.
    this is basicly it to develop 8 - 16 bar demo of your idea. Now listen it carefully and try to guess where will it take you. Does this sound like a full on chorus to you? Then try to come up with a verse and bridge section to complement it. Use your imaganiation or a vst like scaler to help you extend your musical idea. Then repeat the above steps to record a demo of your newly genereated idea.
    8 repat this until you have verses, bridges choruses and instrumental parts of the song put together.
    9 since this was a quick demo, it is time to get real instruments, players or advanced vsts to replay the recorded midi with a production ready sound. This can take a day or a year up to you. But try to keep it short or you never finish your song.
    This workflow is based on the fact that you have the basic ability to find chords and rootnotes and rhytmic patterns for any given melody in a genre of your choise. This comes with time. If you dont have it, you need to get help from a friend or studio since no daw or vst can follow these steps to take u from idea to product. So you basically need some theorical knowledge or a good ear. But reading or writing notation is not a must. Also check ujam and toontrack instruments for more computer assisted workflow. They help a lot.
  12. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Now im confused, what do mean "How" its by training urself to play an instrument, by training i mean ear training/pitch training of course, not by practicing a Beethoven piece, in this case as u wanted to put ur melody into notes, and that which stars by detecting a pitch by ear and identifying it right on the keyboard or any other instrument.
  13. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    u can practice any piece of music but that does not solve the question.
  14. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    (not going to read all the posts, sorry if this is a dup)

    > If I wanna convert this rhythm into MIDI notes...

    For just rhythms (like a recording of finger drums or your clicks), I use a simple gate-plugin that sends a MIDI note every time it detects a hit. Some more advanced drum replacement plugins (or maybe even your DAW itself) will emit different notes for different levels of transients, so you'll get separate MIDI notes for your 'snare' and 'kick' for example.

    > Which drumkit element is "Thu"? Which drumkit element is "Thy"? Which drumkit element is "Tu"? Which drumkit element is "Hu"?

    You try all the combinations! If you don't like your "Thus" on the snare, put them on the kick, if that's still no good, try putting them on the China or a clap. Different genres tend to use the elements of the drumkit in different ways. But ultimately it's up to you.
  15. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    After reading your post I instantly had a image of the specific plugin in my head.
    Before idea of using this plugin for this didn't pop up in my head.
    I found the name: apulSoft apTrigga3
    "apulSoft apTrigga3 is an audio insert effect plugin to detect trigger events on its input signal
    which are used to add or replace sounds."

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  16. Glori

    Glori Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2023
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    There were good comments regarding your question in this thread, but there's a major common problem in them. Do you know what it is?

    If you implement all the comments, in the end you will reach the basic issue of Notes and you cannot ignore it in any way. Working with Notes is the most difficult part of any musician. Unfortunately, many people try to consider other ways to make their songs because they don't want to overthink it.

    Keep this in mind that nothing can take the place of Notes. How you want to understand the Notes and use them in your works is up to you, but if you take this issue lightly, you wouldn't be able to make notable music deserving of attention and make a favorable impression on your audiences.:wink:

    Again everything is up to you!:winker:
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
  17. Colin

    Colin Producer

    Jan 17, 2017
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    My apologies upfront if I've picked up this thread wrong ... however

    Music is a language ,,, and like any language, there are rules, and ways of doing things and like anything in life, they just don't happen overnight. Could you learn Chinese or Sanskrit or (insert language) with no effort, and be able to express yourself tomorrow morning?

    Being a musician helps. Not everyone is a musician. A lot of musicians can't read or write music.
    Knowing some music theory and or notation helps, because even if you can't play, you can talk to musicians in their language, and get them to do what you want.

    There are examples of great composers who could only play a piano with one finger, or composers who went deaf, like Beethoven, but they still had the means to convey their ideas.

    Lastly, even among musicians and composers, it's only a small handful who have anything original or worthwhile to say.

    What saddens me about most of these posts is the absence of common sense.

    You must know someone who can play or notate for you, and if not, why aren't you out looking for someone?

    This notion that you can do it without any skills, or any help or even any effort is nonsense?

    There's a shit ton of people out there who can, and would gladly help.

    Please take this post as well intentioned.
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  18. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    You need some one on one lessons to sort the basics. Anyone can do it at your level. Get the cheapest tutor on upwork, if is cheap and from India, will probably be overqualified for the task and you will learn a huge lot. On your own it will be very hard, to the point you may quit during the process. Do yourself a favor and make your life easier :)
  19. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    While scrolling through social media I came across these 2 videos.
    I think they are interesting.
