"UAD Connect" Question

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Bennett.Jackson, Jan 31, 2023.

  1. I own a Townsend L22 mic. Unfortunately, awhile back Townsend was taken over by UAD. A software update was just released for the L22 but you can only get a hold of it using the UAD Connect software which I've never used since I have no UAD hardware/software. Tried installing UAD Connect, it immediately starts installing all this PACE/ILOK crap (and who knows what else...). Immediately removed it using Total Uninstall which found 1200 registry entries from UAD Connect!

    My question is, does UAD Connect, and all the PACE crap it installs, do anything to screw up downloads on your machine from sister site? I'd like to get the L22 update but not if its going to screw up a million other things on my computer.

    Thanks for any info!
  3. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I have Townsend Sphere L22 too. Had to install UA Connect in order to re-register it and download new native Sphere plugins.
    No problems whatsoever in terms it didn't messed up any software I have from the sister site.

    Unfortunatelly, that's the only way to get new Sphere mic plugin updates. So if you need new ones I'd say nothing special to worry about except it's a bit PITA since UA took it over.
  4. Thanks very much for your answer. Is the native L22 update software in VST form? Do you know if it identifies the person the L22 is registered to? I'm wondering if I can find someone who'll just share the VST if it won't harm their registration or cause them a problem with UAD. Also wondering if you do install UAD Connect, download the L22 software, then uninstall UAD Connect software if the L22 update will continue to work? lol, I kinda hate UAD with a real passion and don't want anything from them or PACE/ILOK on my computer if I can avoid it.

    BTW, is the update even worth it?? I read there's some new emulations.
  5. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    New Sphere native plugin updates are VST3, yes. I'm afraid there's no way to 'share" those because installation goes through UA Connect, not download/install.
    I haven't tried uninstalling UAC after simply because I use UAD Spark too so I can't answer on that. What I do know is that Sphere plugins are not iLok protected, so I guess update should work if you uninstall UAC after...

    As far as the update: It's great and I love it! New mic models are great, UI is even cleaner and easier to work with etc. Chris Townsend is developing it for UA now and I think he did a great job :wink:
  6. Christopher Walker

    Christopher Walker Newbie

    Feb 14, 2023
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    UAD Connect and the PACE software it installs do not interfere with downloads from other sites. UAD Connect is designed to allow users to manage their UAD hardware and software, and it should not interfere with downloads from other sites. In general, it is best to make sure that your computer is up to date with the latest security and software updates before downloading any files or software. Additionally, it is important to only download files or software from trusted sources.
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