The Day We Fight Back: A Call To The International Community To Fight Against Mass Surveillance

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Catalyst, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The Snowden revelations have confirmed our worst fears about online spying. They show that the NSA and its allies have been building a global surveillance infrastructure to “master the internet” and spy on the world’s communications. These shady groups have undermined basic encryption standards, and riddled the Internet’s backbone with surveillance equipment. They have collected the phone records of hundreds of millions of people none of whom are suspected of any crime. They have swept up the electronic communications of millions of people at home and overseas indiscriminately, exploiting the digital technologies we use to connect and inform. They spy on the population of allies, and share that data with other organizations, all outside the rule of law.

    We aren’t going to let the NSA and its allies ruin the Internet. Inspired by the memory of Aaron Swartz, fueled by our victory against SOPA and ACTA, the global digital rights community are uniting to fight back.

    On February 11, on the Day We Fight Back, the world will demand an end to mass surveillance in every country, by every state, regardless of boundaries or politics. The SOPA and ACTA protests were successful because we all took part, as a community. As Aaron Swartz put it, everybody "made themselves the hero of their own story." We can set a date, but we need everyone, all the users of the Global Internet, to make this a movement.

    Here’s part of our plan (but it’s just the beginning). Last year, before Ed Snowden had spoken to the world, digital rights activists united on 13 Principles. The Principles spelled out just why mass surveillance was a violation of human rights, and gave sympathetic lawmakers and judges a list of fixes they could apply to the lawless Internet spooks. On the day we fight back, we want the world to sign onto those principles. We want politicians to pledge to uphold them. We want the world to see we care.

    Here's how you can join the effort:

    1. We're encouraging websites to point to the Day We Fight Back website, which will allow people from around the world to sign onto our 13 Principles, and fight back against mass surveillance by the NSA, GCHQ, and other intelligence agencies. If you can let your colleagues know about the campaign and the website ( before the day, we can send them information on the campaign in each country.

    2. Tell your friends to sign the 13 Principles! We will be revamping our global action center at to align ourselves with the day of action. We’ll continue to use the Principles to show world leaders that privacy is a human right and should be protected regardless of frontiers.

    3. Email: If you need an excuse to contact your members or colleagues about this topic, February 11th is the perfect time to tell them to contact local politicians about Internet spying, encourage them to take their own actions and understand the importance of fighting against mass surveillance.

    4. Social media: Tweet! Post on Facebook and Google Plus! We want to make as big of a splash as possible. We want this to be a truly global campaign, with every country involved. The more people are signing the Principles, the more world leaders will hear our demands to put a stop to mass spying at home and overseas.

    5. Tools: Develop memes, tools, websites, and do whatever else you can to encourage others to participate.

    6. Be creative: plan your own actions and pledge. Take to the streets. Promote the Principles in your own country. Then, let us know what your plan is, so we can link and re-broadcast your efforts.

    All 6 (or more!) would be great, but honestly the movement benefits from everything you do.

    The organizers of the Day We Fight Back are:

    Demand Progress
    Internet Taskforce
    Free Press

    The organizers of the international action center at

    Amnesty International USA
    Access (International)
    Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (Argentina)
    Asociacion de Internautas - Spain (Spain)
    Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet (Colombia)
    Bolo Bhi (Pakistan)
    Center for Internet & Society (India)
    CCC (Germany)
    ContingenteMX (Mexico)
    CIPPIC (Canada)
    Digitale Gesellschaft (Germany)
    Digital Courage (Germany)
    Electronic Frontier Foundation (International)
    Electronic Frontiers Australia (Australia)
    Global Voices Advocacy (International)
    Hiperderecho (Peru)
    ICT Consumers Association of Kenya (Kenya)
    La Quadrature Du Net (France)
    Oficina Antivigilância (Brasil)
    Open Rights Group (UK) (Canada/International)
    OpenNet Korea (South Korea)
    Panoptykon Foundation (Poland)
    Privacy International (International)
    PEN International (International)
    TEDIC (Paraguay)
    RedPaTodos (Colombia)
    ShareDefense (Balkans)
    Unwanted Witness (Uganda)

    The Internet’s spies have spent too long listening on our most private thoughts and fears. Now it’s time they really heard us. If you share our anger, share the principles: and fight back.

    Source: Electronic Frontier Foundation

  3. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    the USA has agreed to stop doing this earlier last week? we will see ? also Snowden wow Hmmm ! quite the Charecter , signed the 13 Principles already
  4. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I haven't read it through, does it mention CCTV ? That's quite a monstrosity as well *yes*
  5. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Oh the drama..
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah the UK is rife with CCTV, truly is a monstrosity and I'm shall we say not too fond of it myself. Honestly even if they restructured the NSA and put in twice the oversight I don't think it would change the path we're on because while everyone was sleeping tyranny made a home...and it's that insidious kind of tyranny where it's hidden and everything is for the sake of appearances. I get this ill feeling when I remember all those cyberpunk novels I always read and knowing back then in the back of my mind that somehow this wasn't so far removed and was inevitable. This is a problem that's been growing in the dark for decades unchecked, this wasn't something that just came in last year. *no*

    Also you'll notice that our Search provider on AudioZ DuckDuckGo is's no coincidence, we only use the best. :break:

    If you don't think that knowing what we now know about the NSA and it's operations is reason enough to act then I don't know what to tell you. If there's ever a reason for "drama" then it's the country you live in and it's future which will no doubt affect your life in about a million different ways. Perhaps you haven't seen the To Protect And Infect video I posted where they show the back end of some of the technologies that the NSA employs and some of the people that have had their lives destroyed by the military-industrial complex. I mean you live in Florida and you have children possibly even grandchildren right? Ever think that one of them might be affected by these events? Is that really not worth fighting for? I mean you sign a petition, maybe get involved in a way that doesn't interfere with your just puzzles me how you would just do nothing and then even show that on a thread where I'm trying to get people engaged. You don't have to be marching in the streets but you can do something or at the very least not make it seem like it's not a big deal because it really is. If you don't care then what can I tell you keep sleeping, they'll wake you up soon enough.
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    +1 with One Reason.

    Been there done it and got SERIOUSLY pissed by it, BUT, the simple fact remains, 95% of EVERYONE couldn`t give a fuck. No matter how dramatic, how scary you make it, they just can`t break out of their complacency!

    Sad, YEP. True, YEP!
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    No actually the statistics, the fact that these articles are in every news outlet for months and movements such as this indicate that people are doing something. I don't agree with you and I think accepting defeat is not an option. And the irony is the very thing that you're saying other people do is what you're doing right now...being complacent.
  9. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Best of luck with it Catalyst.

    Knock ya self out son!
  10. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    It's no use talking sense to the obstinate people. No consolation, but they will scream the loudest when the government pigs come to eat them. However, by then it will be too late. Hey, One Reason and Pilzy, there's some "drama" for ya. :bleh: Maybe you guys need a little :hug:
  11. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    This doesn't even matter. Every movement started with 95% of the people not giving a fuck.
    Still things can and do change, all the time.

    The more 'the land of the free and the home of the brave' move towards 'the totally supervised and ridiculously paranoid', the closer we get to a strong opposite reaction.
  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Signed and shared!
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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  14. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Giving my 2c doesn't make me or anyone else.. obstinate, What makes 'sense' to you, I may find senseless.

    I'll thank you to keep it civil.. :wink:
  15. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    LOL! I have seen plenty of drama. I was researching and acting like my life depended on it for a very long time. I was actively shouting and screaming about the injustices and the blatant curtailing of our freedoms on every social media site I could, and, you know what? Nothing. Again and again and again....... NOTHING!

    Sure, I still sign petitions, and do what I can, but, when so many are so far beyond reality, you tell me what drama will shake them from their slumber W.Child? I deleted Fakebook in the end after seeing time and time again that a video of "A cat farting" received far more attention than anything that related to anyone`s life!

    Did I just give up? No. My family are prepared, in the best way we possibly can be for what darkness "may" come. They are educated and aware and they continue, like me, attempting to awaken those whom they can.

    Why then was I so negative about this thread when I am supposedly on side? I`ve just seen it all before. The sad truth that you really need to comprehend is TPTB will do just exactly what they want anyway. No petition will slow down their greed driven desire for more power and control. I wonder are you aware of a little treat they have planned for us called Agenda 21? Take a good look at what that entails and you`ll perhaps get some idea of what you are truly dealing with!

    We each travel our own path and believe and put faith in that which our own experience leads us to. It helps me to know that TPTB have chosen a losing path, and I a winning one.

    Sorry for my negativity CATALY5T, I just guess the long road has worn me down somewhat my friend. God bless.
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's fine and good but what I don't get is why your opinion simply isn't good enough for you but you feel the need to belittle mine and yes that's exactly what comments like that indicate to me. In the age of the internet if you don't like a news article then just move on to something else.

    I understand where you're coming from and there are times when I get into that mindset but I think we've been given an opportunity because this is the first time there have been leaks that provided such a clear picture of what is really going on. We don't have to look further than the ACTA/PIPA protests to see that yes these movements do make progress, maybe not the progress that we want right away but every decision is something set into motion and eventually all our decisions combine to bring us to an eventual destination. Not making any decisions is how we got into this in the first place. To accept defeat is to live in a world without hope and I refuse to live in a world like that.
  17. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    No, u are urged to move on if someone doesn't like it. Last time i checked, I'm a member here, free to post my thoughts, and obviously not alone in my sentiment.

    Im not belittling, Simply stating, to me, its not worth all the hoopla, I echo Pilzy's comments... been there, done that, useless....Period.

    MY opinion... seems some folks just don't like to be disagreed with I guess.

    In the "age of the internet" don't post if you don't want responses u don't like... conversely, a thicker skin can help too sometimes. :mates:

    I'll go back to my work and my music now.. which.. to me.. are infinitely more important than what some asshole half a world a way is doing with his monitoring equipment.
  18. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    The worst thing in politics is being emotional about it.
    The second worst thing is to let your ego interfere.
    Usually the two comes together.

    If you're serious about making a change, know that non-efficient measures are efficient counter-measures.
    The last thing I've seen that could have make a change recently was Occupy Wall Street. The bankers just bought the police force. Where are the people now ?

    I'm not an american, so I don't know much about the inside, but I do know that there's at least two powers fighting each other (remember Nixon against Kissinger?) and usually they use the people as a weapon.
    That's the story of all revolutions = a power replacing another, with the help of the people blinded by ideology (hence the first sentence).
    So beware no to be used as a toy of the power you think you're fighting.

    This message is for everyone that find sense in it ^ ^

    PS: Catalyst, what about that smoking issue, any progress? Good luck with that.
  19. Cordelay

    Cordelay Ultrasonic

    Nov 15, 2013
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    One Reason

    IMHO I don't think it's that some folks don't like being disagreed with as much as the slight patronizing tone that your first post had. Just an opinion, I'm not trying to initiate a flame war.
  20. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    True, the NSA issue is important for us all, but it's just yet another 'Orwellian' chapter of the post 9/11 world we live in today

    My theory is guys, whatever the US government (or the federal reserve should I say?) want to do....they will do, they don't give a shit about anyone's right's or anything like that, as George Carlin say's..."The power does what it wants"

    The only thing we the people can do is to try and educate and inform the sleeping masses, but as someone mentioned earlier, the masses don't give a flying fuck, in fact, you'll find a lot of them will actually support the government because they don't want to lose what little they already have, and the rest of them are too far brainwashed by the mainstream media to even entertain the idea that there may be even something even a tiny bit corrupt going on behind the scenes

    TV & the media controls how people think, that's what Jim Morrison said, as well as the likes of John Lennon and many great people throughout history have said similar things with regards to state power and control

    So what can we do? My honest answer is I don't know, I'd guess at educate and inform whoever you can at any given opportunity, and somehow, over the course of generations wake people up to realise it's US that has the power and not THEM

    It's my opinion that nothing we try to do to overcome the power will work unless we have the majority of people on our side, and at the moment people who are aware of what's going on behind the scenes are in the vast MINORITY, and until that changes, then they'll get away with anything they want

    9/11 for example, the evidence is overwhelming for what REALLY happened that day, but look at the masses, they still wave and cheer the same old corrupt faces, Bush, Clinton, Guillani, the masses think that these mother fuckers are the good guys, and the likes of Snowden, Assange etc are the bad guys, that's the power of the mainstream media

    You know what i'd love to see, the mainstream media get hijacked like in V for Vendetta and the REAL news to be broadcast, it will take something like that for it to work, cos you know that the MSM are never going to print the truth, and if they do, it will be buried on page 20 somewhere

    But you know, never give up the fight, educate and inform, that's what i say

    PS, and if you think I'm talking shit, then listen to Alan Greenspan when being questioned on whether the federal reserve is above the law or not

  21. chd

    chd Newbie

    Jan 10, 2014
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    I dont understand the commotion...the internets have always been a military project with objectives related to communication and information gathering, from its earliest conception on...just because the thing was made a "gift" to the public doesnt mean the primary objectives have changed...if anything, now that the world and his naive son is on it like 24/7 and is delusional about having "rights" and taking its existence for granted, we go into overdrive...the Snowden leak is only interesting to people who dont know or deny basic human nature as the truth we always will live by...but go ahead, be young! :mates: :hug: