Help! Izotope crashes Ableton everytime it's opened

Discussion in 'Live' started by AbstraktDrey, Jan 23, 2023.

  1. AbstraktDrey

    AbstraktDrey Newbie

    Jan 23, 2023
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    Can anyone help me figure out how to get any of the izotope plugins working in my Ableton live 10.1.4? Every time I drag and drop any of the plugins my session immediately crashes, I don't get to interact with the plug-in in any kind of way other than see it open with the welcome message or whatever, and then I immediately get a warning from Ableton that it has crashed unexpectedly from a serious error.
    I'm using Windows 10 and it's up to date, I keep all my plugins in my common folder of program files, I sometimes have this issue with r2r and VR releases. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong because I've tried everything and I ran out of ideas. I hear isotope plugins are really good for mixing and mastering and I really want to be able to use them so I'm pretty bummed. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've also tried opening it in audacity and the plug-in worked, so it's only in live that I have this problem and I really don't know what to do...
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I am on Mac, but you say you are out of ideas. Here is one. You mention the plugins can successfully be loaded in Audacity. Why do they work there and not in Ableton? They are either loading different copies of the plugins because of their formats, or their locations. I think you should give that some thought, because it sounds like the authorization of the plugins is successful in Audacity and not in Ableton. It could be because Ableton is trying to load a no longer supported format files you have....

    I would also make sure I had a host rule for isotope website and my firewall blocking both the plugins and my daw. Look in each applications Plugin Manager and take note of what they are loading and where it is being loaded from/format.

    from Google:

    Audacity has cross-platform support for LADSPA, LV2, Nyquist and Vamp plug-ins, and platform-specific support for VST and Audio Unit plug-ins.
    Types of plug-in
    • LADSPA Plug-ins.
    • LV2 Plug-ins.
    • Nyquist Plug-ins.
    • Vamp Analysis Plug-ins.
    • VST effect plug-ins (only on Windows and Mac).
    • Audio Unit Plug-ins (only on Mac)
  4. AbstraktDrey

    AbstraktDrey Newbie

    Jan 23, 2023
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    When you say it's loading different copies of the plugins because of their location or format what exactly do you mean? My other plugins from different companies work, it's just Izotope I'm having a really hard time with in Ableton, I've downloaded both the r2r and VR releases and tried to vote, I might have had a copy of ozone 5 way back when but I never used it or I never got it to work or something but I haven't seen any indication that it's files are still on my computer although it might be... I'm not sure where to find it or the uninstall program if it is, cuz it wouldn't be in my program files folders. Rough but how would you suggest I fix this problem? I'm using Ableton live 10.1.4 but I have a copy of Ableton 11 from r2r that I'm thinking about installing, maybe that would work?
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    VST, VST2, VST3, AU Format plugins can all be installed on the same computer. As an example, one Application (like Ableton) may be set to always use the VST2 or AU format plugin. The other program (Audacity, in this case), might be set to use the VST3 format plugin.

    One is failing and one is not. So you would need to look in your Audacity preferences/settings to see which versions of the plugins are loading correctly, and then do the same in your Ableton settings/plugin manager to compare the differences.

    If you are considering doing an update of Ableton, I would definitely do that first and revisit your Isotope problem. Ableton will scan all your plugins when you first run it, so maybe your problem is fixed. (My guess is no). Worth a try for certain. After that, if Izotope plugins still do not work; I would remove them and reinstall them (while being careful about what formats you install).
  6. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    iZotope plugins were always a crashfest regardless of DAW or OS,
    best you can try is different Ableton and/or different iZotope version(s)
  7. Quantised Noise

    Quantised Noise Producer

    Mar 12, 2018
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    Or try loading it via a wrapper - eg, unify, patchwork, metaplugin, and so on
  8. AbstraktDrey

    AbstraktDrey Newbie

    Jan 23, 2023
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    This sounds interesting, how would I go about doing that? I'm definitely going to try all the other methods but I want to leave those as last resort as I'm afraid some of my sessions might not transfer correctly as I'm working on a really complicated album. Also in your opinions - is neutron and ozone really worth it? Like are they really all that great? I'm mainly interested in them for mixing and mastering help for my really complex songs with a lot of instrument lines - but outside of that I mainly use universal audio, Antares, and Waves plugins.
  9. matt998882

    matt998882 Newbie

    Oct 5, 2023
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    hello, I have had similar issues with Ableton crashing when I try to open recent projects. I've found the problem plug in to be izotope limiter 10 that causes the crashes. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall but there has been no change in result. is there something else I should be looking for?
  10. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    this is such a bizzare thing. its happening to me now, with neutron 4. Legit owned version. it works on one of my computers, but not on the other. same OS on both.
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