Searching for decent mixing/mastering DAW is continued... Pro Tools or not !

Discussion in 'DAW' started by nikon, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Because this thread is primary opened for Samplitude / Sequoia and it's problems

    I'm still in search for this kind of DAW... Now I will try with Pro Tools 10 HD.

    It's been a several days, SAM/SEQ is gone from my hard disk, and I give a chance to Pro guy :)

    In 2008, I think, I buy my first serious DAW audio card, and I pay a lot (in first, I'm not tell my wife, because she will kill me :)). The main reason for buying is Pro Tools software, that days there is a version 7 I think. And, truth is I used Cubase SX3 these days and never PT7 because of limitless in plugins etc... My configuration was a Intel PIV HT and PT never work ok, that's one reason too.

    Ok, now I have common modern processor which can support all DAW's and plug's.

    I installed PT10HD 1.3.7, without addons synth and samplers, and this version work very stable, I'm on Win7 64bit. I never get crash etc...

    One thing I hate is that RTAS only support, but I setup almost every plug I use as RTAS including McDSP suite.

    There is a problems with last version of NI plug's (basicaly synths, FM, Massive, Kontakt sampler, etc..) but I found solution - there is a thread allready about this

    I watch lot of tutorials last few day's, just to learn common shortcut's and procedures etc... Shortcut's are very simple and easy to learn, there is a just 10 common shortcuts in everday use.

    I really like the idea of ALT is for group always, SHIFT+ALT is for .... etc... very very handy, that's the standard in computer technology and it's great.

    One important thing, PT has a very large amount of stock fx plugins, at the end there is no need to use some 3rd party, and the quality is great.

    Big minus is real time bounce audio, c'mon it's 2014 :) ... and one more proove "there is no perfect DAW!". But, I think in PT11 this is supported like a VST support.

    I compared same project in Sequoia side by side and I have much better performance with PT, real GUI behaviour (there is no glitches etc...)

    Handling with automation still can be better. There is a one thing when I want to see all automations and delete it, it's not easy.

    It's impressive to see these MIDI function's now in PT10 over a PT7 :)

    etc... etc... In further days I will play with PT and I will post's pros, cons, problems
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Calling any DAW that for starters has so many problems with so many plugins is so pro of you. :rofl: If you're looking for a decent DAW you almost couldn't have chosen worse. Maybe some other DAW that crashes like there's no tomorrow and every other plugin works in it but people still insist in calling it "pro". I know a persistent patient like that. He works with Cubase but mix in Pro Tools. His setup is giving me the most headaches. :(

    Try Reaper "Pro". :) It is pro, but they just don't say it. Humble developers, you know? I master and mix and do everything in Reaper for years and everything and every plugin works flawlessly. Why making it so hard for yourself? You'll be working in no time and won't have to spend so much time thinking about will this or that work or not and if there's a RTAS version of this or that or not, or if this plugin will work with this or that VST wrapper. Fook that... and AVID too along with other crap like Adobe and Microsoft. :puke:

    Also be honest with yourself: wouldn't you rather go legal and have a paid for DAW that comes with tons of excellent plugins and doesn't cost an arm and a leg and works perfectly? I was a Cubase user before Reaper came along. I never looked back. I wouldn't give Steinberg so much money for their DAW anyway. If Cubase was 60$ I would maybe give it a thought.
  4. drakem20

    drakem20 Member

    Nov 29, 2012
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    There are so many of this kind of posts over the net . :dunno:
    1. What do you want to do with it?. 4 to the floor? Take anything. Reaper is great. FL is great. Logic,Live you name it.
    2. Are you Sound Designer for shows?. Well, PT, Cubendo, Live ( Live is great for SFX mangling, but its Control Surface support sucks, and there is no time code AFAIK)
    3. Are you mixing feature movies?. Not much choice. PT or Cubendo.
    4.Scoring. Your choice.
    5 And so on.
    There is one point though. If you cooperate with different studios you will need PT, at least 9 to open/export sessions.

    The biggest advantage of PT and Cubendo is the integration with control surfaces. Eucon is just out of this world and I can't imagine working without decent controller. IMHO.
    So for me it stays 3 workstations with Nuendo and Euphonix.

  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I hate all DAWs, it's demoralizing...I just don't get can there not be even one? :dunno:

    I mean why do I have to use 3 DAWs to finally be okay, why can't there just be one that works like I want? Is that so much to ask? :dunno:

    Reaper is cool but I just don't enjoy working in it and it's MIDI is limited compared to Cubase. Hoping BitWig fills that void in my life because I'm hurting.
  6. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I like to try new stuff.

    Pro tools is good for mastering/mixing/recording.

    Native plugins are ok. Not a big fanatic.
  7. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    "PRO" in my comment was a cynical.

    I just use Live long time and never get enough time to try anything else...
  8. Kensmith

    Kensmith Noisemaker

    Feb 7, 2012
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    What makes a daw a Pro is the person working it.
  9. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    There is a tons of thinks that makes one DAW "pro", such as great workflow, great learning curve, stability, included stuff, supported technology, great support, listening customers requests, small list of bug's and a reasonable price. Maybe there is a more...
    This is not just in DAW world, it's in everything.
    And what is good software to me personaly... when I feel comfortable in "everyday" usage. Now, I'm just researching.
    It's a month ago when I put Sequoia as my first choice, and after a lot of usage I can finaly say, it's not for me, it make me nervous! :) That's my personal opinion, maybe for someone is extra-great, ofcourse.


    I just numbered some things including VST/RTAS parallel... I personaly don't get that company (Digidesign, now Avid) phylosophy.
    Glad to hear you like Reaper, personaly I don't like it :) You see, Catalyst love Cubase, someone love n-track pro etc... etc...

    And yeah, there is no "best" daw at all, that's described zillion times even in this community.


    I agree with you totaly, and we were discuss about this earlier on some other threads.
    Personaly I have not problem with using two software's, but just two in this case :)
    I use Live/32 and some new DAW/64 of choice, just for finall mixing and finall touches.
  10. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Presonus Studio One 2.6 all the way! :grooves:

    You can learn it's primary functions in max 5 minutes :rofl: if you find a comprehensive and short all-in-one video tutorial(which you can find on youtube).

    It has the "track transform" feature which is like PT11's RealTime Bounce Audio (But Studio One had this feature for a long time before PT).
    You can bounce a track(vsti/sample, doesn't matter) anytime if your cpu got overloaded, but instead of just freezing it, the track is fully editable after you use the "Track Transform" and you can keep adding FX over that bounced track and re-transform it over and over again like you could use endless fx plugins and you're also able to go back to the realtime state (tweaking the fx plugs or vsti)
    Studio One also have two sections of the whole software. The production section where you work on your song and the dedicated Mastering section where you can master your songs. *yes*

    S1 also have 64bit floating point processing engine (which doesn't make a noticable difference, but at least its there).

    Implemented Melodyne Editor (which you can use it fast when you want to detect for example the key of a kick/snare/tom, even chord progressions or a melody).

    Everything is in your face, you can change the speed of a sample clip, tune, transpose, file tempo just by right-clicking it.

    You can replace a existing sample clip/loop with another sample from the browser just by pressing Alt and dragging the new sample over the existing sample in the arrangement window.(if you have a long arrangement of a one-shot kick sample, if you drag a sample by pressing Alt over just one kick, all the kicks will be replaced with that new sample, so it's a great and fast way to check which sound works the best in the context of your project without having to delete the previous sample and re-arrange the next sample you'd like to drag in).

    Everything is based on "drag&drop", you can rearrange the fx chain by dragging the plugs, you can save fx chains, even a whole instrument including the fx chain.

    If you use hardware units, S1 has a onboard plugin called Pipeline, which helps you to bypass the hardware so you won't have to move to the unit to bypass it manually.

    The automation is also great, you just click whatever knob/slider in the plugin's GUI (no matter if it's on board plugin or third party) and a "little hand" icon will appear in the top left corner which also contains the name and amount of that parameter you'd like to automate. You just drag that little hand over your track the automation lane is created automatically.

    It also have a great comping feature (which i think that Sonar X3 got inspired from S1 too. :rofl: with their new comping feature in X3 version.).
    Also the Folder Tracks are editable. etc.

    Now is up to you mate, i tried to mention a few primary features that S1 have and for me is no.1 in workflow, i can work blindly fast without sacrificing any quality of my mixes, actually i really belive that if you express your creativity in a fast way, you make sure that you won't loose that idea or inspiration because of too much steps to achieve that thing. :mates:

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Bitwig will be released the day after Detox comes out lol.

    I recommend Studio One since you're interested in mixing and mastering.

    Watch this, start at 40 seconds
  12. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Truth is: I'm in choose between PT and S1 :)

    Almost forgot, someone say something about legal etc... I don't make money with music or similar, I just play for personal fun intending to stay normal these days, instead of go to fishing or something else :)
    If I make money with music, I will choose software with the same patient. I say again, imagine to buy something and don't feel comfortable with that,
    you can't go to shop and buy DAW soft every day, you must earn for that. It's like buying new car or new keyboard etc...
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Studio One hands down and it will only get better. Not crazy about the GUI but it's not a bad DAW and there are some seriously intuitive features that you would appreciate.
  14. samp

    samp Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I will wait samplitude pro x2..
  15. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Yep agreed. No DAW is perfect , but what I like about S1 is that it's quite new on the scene (2010?) and Presonus would be crazy not to keep pushing forward and improving it. More advanced MIDI editing and a step sequencer and it would be just about perfect for my use.

    Best thing to do is just give each DAW a go for a month or 2 until you find the right one for you.I tried Logic for 6 months before realising that it just wasnt the right DAW for me at all and also disliked ableton.. but within 24hrs of using Studio One I was really enjoying making music again (the important bit!) :wink:
  16. samp

    samp Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    What do you think about digital performer 8.0.6 Sound quality ?
  17. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Sound quality is usually the same, no matter which daw you choose. The most important factor when seek for quality is actually to know your daw well, working comfortable and efficient with it.
  18. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    The main problem with PT is x32 app and we are limited to RTAS plugs... it's a real pleasure to mix with it. Put Kontakt with big library and you will stuck with 3Gb limit.

    Reason I don't like S1 is I don't know there is a many reasons ... from gui to way of editing and working with chains, plugins etc ... if you turn off internet licence stop working or vice versa (or I don't know how to handle licence ?!?)

    I have no idea... for years I work with these:

    1. Logic 8/9 (I personaly don't like Logic at all, it's just overrated by trance artist :))

    2. Cubase 3/4/5 (it's ok software, but it has lot of problems in version 5, not stable at all, constant crashing, not scanning many plugins)

    3. Live 8/9 (currently I use Live for composing, but I hate mixing and Live philosophy of small windows for fx, instruments, and there is a more more stuff, everything is described in existing threads)

    4. Samplitude 10/11/X (it's my first starting point of this thread, I have no words, just my machine cannot handle this software or it's problem with software :), but I dont like midi handling etc... right click must open options and not delete midi messages per example, Totaly mess with GUI etc... )

    5. Pro Tools 7/10 (superb daw, overrated by famous producers and because of it's hardware stuff. Limited by plugins only RTAS, x32 etc...)

    6. Reaper 3/4 (I follow Reaper from it's begining and first version... small, fast etc... but I personaly I don't like MIDI editing and routing stuff, I just never know how to route some stuff if I additional add some channels to multichannel vst etc..., in other soft it's clear and easy)

    7. Reason 4/5 (nice toy, nice for using with review, but I'm really nervous because of GUI and that phylosophy)

    8. Renoise (follow from it's begining but it's a tracker, and who want's to mess with tracker, someone like that - I don't !!! Sometimes when it's borring I play with Renoise :))

    9. FL Studio - never like it, never using it ! (I play with old version just one time, but from that time it was just drum matrix :))

    10. Sonar (maybe version 6 or 7 was I tested only... and it was big instalatin and I have CPU problems... that time I don't like workflow at all)

    11. Digital Performer - Never use it !!!

    12. Sony Acid 4 (that was long time ago, playing with included loops from some computer magazine :))

    13. Studio One 1/2 (following from the first version came out, as I said before, from GUI to some more important things..., but it's great to support VST3)

    Still keep Live at x32 because of some plugins (altiverb etc... yah yah I know I can use JBridge but it's not the real thing, there is a cpu problem with some plugs on JBridge) and on the Ableton site they say don't update to x64 :)

    I need x64 app, and I don't know what to do :)

    Any opinions on DP8 ? Opinions on Cubase 7 Elements (limits and stability) ?
  19. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Well, I'm in no way a trance artist but my favorite for a long time has been Logic. :)

    When I started working on a track for our AudioSexed Album I decided to do that totally in Live just to finally get a full grip on it. I like a lot about Live but imo the final mixing was a bit of a horror. So in the future I will probly use Live just like you only for writing and testing ideas, for that I think it's great. But I know that this is personal and that others feel very different about it.

    For coming projects I'm gonna try to broaden my knowledge and get deep into S1 and Reaper, they are the DAWs that I've seen the most interesting recommendations for and I think could be good for me. I would've liked to test Bitwig but since they decided to only support OSX from 10.7 I can't use it, at least not until 2016.
    In the end I suppose DAWs are like everything else in this world, nothing will ever be perfect.
  20. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    In Reaper one note with midi editing:

    When you open midi region in editor and drag "end" or "start" marker of region, just want to shring midi region, there is some kind of overlaping and never can back to normal state until I use Edit->Undo :) I get some grayed notes and the real ones ?!???

    For sure I don't know how to use this, there is a catch :) but it's year 2014 and midi editing should never been such a problem, option must be logical for some who use music software for 10 years.

    If I must study how to use midi editing then :dunno:


    Totaly I forgot to mention a editing apps :)

    1. Wavelab 5 (great app, but there is no new version these days, this 5 or 6 is old and there is a some problems)

    2. Sony Soundforge 11 (never like sony products!, If you look at fx chain you probably know what about I'm talking, c'mon it's 2014)

    3. Audition CC (good but there is a problem with vst scanning, it's an app which I use right now, and only with VST3 plugins, they scanned correctly)

    4. Audiocity (free, and I use it on my work for some kind of stuff, I get some crashes from time to time)

    5. other stuff I never test it

    I get best results with Audition.


    Well, I'll give a chance to DP8 now :)

    Installer is so stupid, stupid at all... there is no choice of version and stuff to install :(

    When install, separate folder exist

    * c:/program files/MOTU (for x64)
    * c:/program files/common files/MOTU

    * c:/program files (x86)/MOTU (for x86)
    * c:/program files (x86/common files/MOTU

    :) what a fun.

    I install version 8.0.6 and run x64, that's what I need.

    When I run, GUI is always minimized, and why is that ? :)

    Ok, now I go to setup, it recognize my M-Audio interface - ok

    Set to 16bit audio... it's enough to me

    Scan VST's... intresting, option is very slow but precise, there is no crash at all, but it scan half hour :) It's on a half process right now...



    almost 1 hour for scanning and about 20 has serious problems / I don't know which one because now it at stage

    Gathering info of plugin... now again scanning :)

    It's great because there is no crash. This is one of the best scanner I see, it's slow but worth, just see on Sony Soundforge this.


    If all above is bad this is super bad :) DP is over complicated... and probably must go to some seminar of how to use it :)

    There is no CPU problems with 10 audio tracks + omnisphere + EWQLSO some patches... work allright but it's too complicated.

    If you want kontakt with multiout there is a lot of work to do... you have instrument track, then you must create aux tracks + midi tracks for each channel. The thing with control panels has no logic to me at all, whatever you click main window is change totaly, something's open somethings not... GUI is very tiny, let's see if I open some midi parts in editor I just can't see velocity controls - it's so tiny.

    This is first time open and I don't like it at all at first. I'm pretty sure it's great software for someone who knows how to use it :)

    Ohh my ohh my... there is no help here :) Back to start again...
  21. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    nikon I'm actually in the same boat as you. I was using Cubase 5 but then moved to Windows 8 and was also longing for something built in the last few years. Studio One has been the closest thing for me and I also don't like some things about it like that fugly GUI...I mean WHAT were they thinking? It's like the most uninspiring thing I have ever seen. I also am not too crazy about the mixer, the Cubase one is better in my opinion. The only reason it still holds my interest is that the intuitive features are intuitive enough to not make me want to switch to something inferior. I was hoping BitWig would be the one but it's not there yet and maybe it never will. I still am amazed that nobody has made a better DAW, it just boggles the mind. I would use Cubase 7.5 in a heartbeat but I would have to buy it and support dongles to boot, not exactly my cup of tea. It's a conundrum. :dunno:
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