TUTORIAL: How To Make Lite Versions of KONTAKT Libraries

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by rollerball, Dec 27, 2021.

  1. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    You don't only have to have the Close mics. In most of my conversions, I like to keep the Room/Tree/Stage mics along with the Close mics, as I feel the Stage mics are crucial to the sound of the library and can't be easily substituted with a reverb. So if you've discarded them in your previous conversions, I'd encourage you to keep them.

    You can safely ignore the Hall/Ambient and Mix groups, as the Ambient mics can be easily substituted by a good reverb, and you can do dial in something really close to the Mix with the Close and Stage mics. There are a few exceptions though, like Cinebrass CORE for example, where I preferred the sound of the default Mix so much that I didn't include anything else in the LV of that library.
  2. Do all your minified libraries kept all those mics?
  3. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    With the exception of a few Cinesamples libraries I did, all of my Lite Versions include both Close and Stage mics.
  4. do these libraries work with all versions of kontakt? I am planning to use a portable one from sister site (danilov)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2022
  5. do these libraries work with all versions of kontakt? I am planning to use a portable one from sister site (danilov)

    p.s. can you reupload

    - freyia choir
    - wotan choir
    - spitfire audio bml mural


    the links are dead :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2022
  6. do these libraries work with all versions of kontakt? I am planning to use a portable one from sister site (danilov)

    p.s. can you reupload

    - freyia choir
    - wotan choir
    - spitfire audio bml mural


    the links are dead :(
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    It's like @rollerball said. You have to keep at least one mic other than the close because the close doesn't capture the original reverb of the actual physical hall. Well, you can keep only the close but then you have to know how to add all the reverb by yourself. Not recommended if you're a beginner, like myself when it comes to orchestras.
    Personally I only keep the mix (or equivalent like hall) mic because I want maximum simplicity (and minimum size). But that limits my options for using my own reverb.
    With the same ones and newer than the original. If you resave the instruments the same but with the Kontakt version you save them with.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  8. I am getting clicks and pops from minified libraries.

    Is this normal?

    I am trying the grandeur minified but it's full of clicks and pops unfortunately :(

    Is it the same for all the minified libraries?
  9. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Well, I just moved the files from 24 to 16 bits and put them back together. I don't remove the ambience mics, because recreating them again doesn't give the same results for my taste. So I think that, those 24 to 16 Bits, makes no difference to the sound quality (at least for me) and reduces the size by 50%. As the OP says, it is not a good idea to convert from 48 to 41.1Khz. If it's at 48 leave it that way.
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  10. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yep. Obviously if you have a fast computer with RAM and disk space keep the 24bit, but is good enough for me too
    This is important because it's not only about quite small space saving.
    It breaks a lot of libraries that have loops or just the possibility to offset the samples say, for more attack. Since this is written in start/end samples (not time) it blows off the sound.
  11. LAMO

    LAMO Newbie

    Dec 26, 2022
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    @rollerball , Helloooo, I'm in 'Step 9", and this happened to the libraries' GUI. What do u think went wrong?

    Attached Files:

  12. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    my name is joe Kompakt
  13. Snovv

    Snovv Member

    Jul 4, 2022
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    Just wanted to pop in here and say thank you for the guide. Really helped me out.

    For the GUI error, if you place the nkr files on the new samples directory (or wherever it was supposed to be) It should automatically be used. If it doesn't, then try this tutorial: https://www.syntheticorchestra.com/blog/15.shtml

    I haven't tested it out myself since they all work, but on the rare occasion, I think the tutorial could help.
  14. Soan

    Soan Noisemaker

    Jan 10, 2021
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    I'm getting a error message. Does anyboby know how to fix that?

    Exception Exception in module conNCW06.exe at 0001522F.
    Wrong file signature.
  15. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Things I'd try: download again, exclude from anti-virus, reboot.

    My conNCW06 is 129.536 bytes and the CRC32 checksum is 9830b2ae if that helps.
  16. Soan

    Soan Noisemaker

    Jan 10, 2021
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    I followed all of your suggestions. Got the same error.

    I already converted a few libraries. No problems related to this. This error happened in just 1 NKX (1 sample, apparently) from 1 library.

    I tried 4 times, but the conversion always stops after the same sample ( I already downloaded again the NKX).

    conNCW06  bytes and CRC32 checksum.jpg
  17. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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  18. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    In the docs the conNCW creator says some wav files created by Kontakt are written in an incorrect format (not 100% standard WAV). Could be that. It even suplies a little tool to correct that (correctwav or something)

    I would also just use Kontakt for those like @xorome said.
  19. Soan

    Soan Noisemaker

    Jan 10, 2021
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    Sorry, if I'm taking to long to reply.

    Once again, I had other problem with other library (Total Commander error in one NKX, when I tried to pack the NKX and some nkis loaded whith no samples) and spent the day the trying to fix (redoing the conversion process of the whole library). My brain can handle just one library conversion/problem at a time.

    Anyway, I'm afraid kontakt would be not an option (not an easy one). I'm keeping all the samples from the library and most of the conversion worked.

    There's just one NKX left to be converted but it has samples of multiples nkis.

    Since I'm not deleting any samples, I'm not doing batch resave. I'm also keeping the folder structure of the samples, which kontakt would change if I'd use it to convert, plus, it would also save hundreds of samples that are already converted in other NKXs, which would take too much time to find out and clean up later.

    Could I send anyone in private, the library details, such as which library, NKX, sample, etc?

    I if thats possible (I've never done it. I don't even know how to it), I could even upload the samples already converted.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
  20. Soan

    Soan Noisemaker

    Jan 10, 2021
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    Thanks, Xupito. Just gimme sometime to try to find out how it works. I'm dealing with things that are a little over my brain's capacity.

    Woke up with headache today. I cant even the last time it happened.

    I if thats not a problem, I can send you the info I mentioned in my previous post.
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