Can some one help me recreate this 80's SEM bass

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by astromag, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. astromag

    astromag Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    First seconds (2 bars) of this video:

    Sounds simple and I made 100 versions of it , all but the one in the video. E octave 98 bpm seq by 16ths .
    I'm interested in how to set the amp and filter envelope and what slope for the filter. And how to put the sound in perspective: if i dont use reverb it sounds in my face, if i use one, it's too further away, just not working.
    Any synth you have, if you could make a patch would be great, thanks.
  3. executioner

    executioner Guest

    A decent starting point I made for you. I'd lower the chorus mix and depth a bit more from my screenshot though.

  4. astromag

    astromag Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Great, this is what I'm looking for,thanks. Gonna try this tonight, if those Arturia plugins in the pic sounds like in your SC link I will reconsider their software, not a big fan. Installing it from the other site will be a hassle tho, but I feel like it's really deserving a comparison with GForce SEM, your example sold me.
  5. executioner

    executioner Guest

    I have both - they have very slight (almost unnoticeable) differences but the main thing is that both sound good (though there's no denying GForce has a slight edge). I only chose the Arturia one cause I've released songs with it, so I prefer the layout/workflow - more manageable on the eyes :rofl:

    Not sure why you don't like Arturia though. I think they're really doing an awesome job with emulations lately and they do revamp their synths (most recently Prophet V and CS-80 last I checked). Their SEM does need an update and I'm sure they will improve it in the future (to dethrone OB-E :disco:).
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  6. astromag

    astromag Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Ok, somehow I managed to download the big pack and installed Arturia. I've got some results, although I couldn't match neither the video (understandable) and neither yours, the pic setting and the soundcloud link doesn't match, at least on my end. But as you said, starting point, so I started from there and tweaked something a bit different.

    In the link there's 6 sounds in this order:

    1.Original video , youtube quality
    2. Arturia SEM V v2 Executioner's take
    3. Arturia SEM V v2
    4. Gforce SEM
    and two different flavors
    5. The Legend
    6. DSP56 emu
    They are approximately matched in loudness but not balanced in the same way so they can be perceived quite different.

    What do you think?
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2023
  7. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    I'll be honest.
    It's a great sounding bass, but it's also a pretty basic patch.
    The first three are all close enough that I wouldn't dwell on the details.
    You'll make hundreds of variations of this exact patch in due time in dozens of synths.

    Out of context, I'd be happy with any of the first three.
    In context - well, who knows! :winker:
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    my fav is the last one. DSP emu seems to have more clicky, which i prefer.
  9. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    My fav would be 3. Arturia SEM V v2
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  10. astromag

    astromag Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Um, I didn't even realize that I was talking to the wall, apparently my man has left the building. Shame, I was looking for his opinion. But I will count your opinions the same, so thanks for the input guys. @xorome that has to be the first 3 plugins, not counting the original ober, right? two Arturias and one Gforce. What to keep here, Arturia or Gforce. So can you point out , 3 or 4? like @No Avenger did, thanks. @ArticStorm gets my drift :winker:
    I'm curios about other people's take on this, with some examples, my little quest is to form an opinion about how close are the emulations of the vintage synths to their counterparts these days. For the time being I must say I'm content, because I know it gets better in the near future.
  11. executioner

    executioner Guest

    Hey @astromag, I reinstated my account to answer you but unfortunately will still delete it eventually.

    You got pretty close with your attempt 3. As you can tell, the difference between Gforce and Arturia is quite minimal. Just a few adjustments and you can get exactly what you want on both synths. The Gforce version will sound a bit different and it might be that the knobs aren't 1:1 (i.e around 12 o'clock Arturia is at 500ms decay while I think it's ~1000ms on Gforce) I've had cases where it feels like the filter isn't going low enough for me even after adjusting the filter track when I play low notes on the GForce (probably a user error on my end but I can't be bothered) so I just go back to the Arturia version.

    Anyways, I can design the sounds I want much quicker on the Arturia SEM (note: I've used it more), and if I really want that lush wideness then I turn to my OB-E instead. Also, if I really want a single-voice SEM I can just use the OB-E for one voice, so the option is there too.

    I use the Legend a lot and IMO you can design a much juicier bass and really give it justice - it is the best Moog emulation to me. It has feedback and overdrive - it sounds wonderful. Turn on that unison (if you want to) and show that filter more love! :rofl:

    The emulations around range from really frickin' close to close enough to their counterparts, and that's really all that matters to me. :yes:
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  12. executioner

    executioner Guest

    A rough demo I made for you in ~30 minutes to demonstrate The Legend. Every single sound on this was synthesized on The Legend (drums/bass/fx etc). Sounds just like a Moog to me, just listen to those juicy filters. Obviously not mixed, just some EQs and other processing to get the drums sounding like drums. :wink:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2023
  13. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    I was counting the YouTube version too :yes:. So YouTube + Arturia x2

    ... but, like I was saying earlier, this is a patch that can be recreated in many/most synths.
  14. 9ty

    9ty Producer

    Dec 25, 2021
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    I agree with some others, my favourite is no. 3, I think it is your Arturia version.

    I tried myself how far I can get with Serum in a short time. Have to admit, I'm not very experienced in recreating synth stuff, so it's good for me to just try this little exercises. My attempt is not sounding like the reference, I'm posting it nonetheless, who cares? :)

  15. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    One in Vital shmital

    Attached Files:

    • sem.mp3
      File size:
      175.5 KB
  16. astromag

    astromag Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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  17. executioner

    executioner Guest

    Thank you for the compliment! I just procrastinate a lot so I thought it'll help me focus on my projects. Maybe I'll keep it a little longer until I lack the self-control again haha. :bleh:

    Also, all that juice has got me slurping. Sounds good!
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