Streaming music production with some pirated plugins... Will I get in trouble?

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by 990, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. 990

    990 Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Hi guys. I am thinking to start streaming when I work for a project. The problem is that I use some plugins that they are pirated. I am buying a lot of plugins, but I cannot buy everything I use right now. Do you think that this will be a problem?
  3. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Probably only if you make a lot of money from it.
  4. 990

    990 Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Nah, I wont make any money from it. Its just a way to find new clients, thats all.
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    But you shouldn't take plugins where it says Team R2R on the front. And as always the gentleman keeps silent and enjoys.
    Just don't talk about it in public. Please remember the internet never forgets.

    Quote: "Because we are not millionaires" from "Team Air".
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  6. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    This for sure too!


    Feb 1, 2022
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    This Video is sponsored by V.r and R2R
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  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You may not have problem immediately, but it's you public name, and it maybe marked.
    I wouldn't take that risk.
  9. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    guys, i remember watching Avicii a few years back on YT, like a mini documentary about him making one of his songs. He had cracked stuff there, on display (for those who can see this things)…if I'm not mistaken even his FL studio was a "special", R*R edition :woot:, just saying. Nothing ever happened to him regarding that...well he is dead now, but that's another story.
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  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    thats easier said then done. you show a plugin and it has some weird name on it. It happend to a lot of people inclusing Steve Aoki, Sonic Academy (Chris Agnelli and valhalla plugins said I like plans, yeah as if such a legit license looks like), etc

    Its very easy to forgot about when you are producing in front of an online audience that one plugins has not a legit license.
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  11. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    So you say you are buying "a lot of plugins" but you still dont have enough?!

    - dont hoard vsts.
    - learn your stock plugins
    - focus on composition. all sounds needed for any freaking genre you can already create with what have and what comes in your cracked (?) Daw..

    People worrying about getting caught using cracked software mostly have ZERO benefit from it, they just waste their time with it and on top they worry about irrelevant fantasies.Most if not all produce basic crap that could have been done with a 10 year old iPhone.

    But they spend all day and all night chasing "better sounds"...
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  12. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    I agree with this. I would just be sure to not use your real name (more for not becoming known in the real world), but there's a good chance you'll forget and actually show a pirated plugin. If you use Reaper or another DAW that lets you put plugins in folders, you could move all your non pirated stuff there and just pull from there when doing your videos.

    It definitely has happened enough, best to just avoid the potential notoriety, even if nothing really ever comes of it.

    JESUS.. Image-line had him murdered because of this???

    I kid, I kid.. :rofl:

    But seriously, yes, it was FL, from what I recall. I remember someone doing a vid with cracked FL studio that had something in the title bar that gave it away.. I wasn't sure who, but probably Avicii.
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  13. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    @loveriuz I remember seeing that one and it may have been Garrix, anyway a Dutchman for sure
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2023
  14. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    I think for AFAIK few plugins that still show your (user)name on the main GUI generally only the dev can check the license.

    I was just writing to a dev to change my real name on a plugin so it doesn't show when streaming. Anyway, how does one know what name should be on eg. Garrix's Sylenth? Probably Martijn Garritsen, right..?

    Having said that, I agree with Artic and Oly.. I have a setup set up in a way that only legit stuff shows up. First - no worries. Second, It's just faster and easier in lots of cases. I can give you an ex. - what if the developer finds your stream/vid interesting for demo/marketing purposes and wants to establish a business relationship? Or a big streamer invites you to stream on his channel.. just be prepared for such 'opportunities'.
  15. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I wouldn't livestream or make videos using warez. Far from the fact that a "R2R Logo" or weird registered name appears sometimes, but, if you have a recognizable job (even if not that much) and you appear publicaly using warez, the companies may notice and you can get both:

    Your content removed (if it's Image-Line for example)
    Lost profitable opportunities (in the case a dev wants to make a promo or a deal with you).

    If you don't care about those two risks, go ahead. But i wouldnt like to be in that position. The audio world is not that big as the beginners use to think.
  16. 990

    990 Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I ended up using reaper. I have licenses for reason, studio one, cubase and waveform. So no stock instruments on reaper. I began with pirating everything but then I started doing audio full time. So I bought and still buying plugins that I use. But I also have to pay 26% on taxes and 20% to freelance sites that I find the work. So I cannot afford everything.

    Of course I am gonna check everything before showing it to a stream. But the question is this? Can a company for example contact me and ask to show them proof that I bought their product? Can they do that?
  17. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    No, i don't think so. If they go after you it's because they have a concrete proof that you're not a buyer.
  18. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    How many followers do you have? have you even started streaming?

    They can check if your name or email or company name is linked to any of their products, of course they can mail and ask. Will it happen to you? Probably not. What kind of stream are you planning? If you feature a plugin in a stream and show if off obviously you will dra attention from its company.

    You could setup a specific account on your computer only for streams and use only legit software or demos instead of cracked vsts.

    Eventually if you pull some audience after a couple of years then you could even start receiving licenses for free, but by that time you should be pulling some cash for the streaming so, i think you are making to big of problem out of literally nothing.

    You are not streaming and nobody even knows you exist for any company ask you anything.
  19. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    @990 : I think your biggest concern should be more along the lines of not being known as that guy that did a video with pirated software.

    I honestly don't think the FBI (or similar agency in whatever is your country) is going to come kick your door down, so I wouldn't worry too much about legal trouble.. unless you became quite well known and clearly have a lot of pirated software.

    If I were in your shoes, my concern would just be ensuring I don't have a reputation in the audio community as a guy who pirates software. It's fine here, but as others have pointed out, some people out there think differently.. some won't want to be associated with someone who doesn't purchase (all) software legally.

    There's a lot of benefits to at least keeping up the appearance of being completely on the up-and-up, one of which @EddieXx mentioned.. you might just get some free swag sent your way, if you do things well! So, just do everything in your power to keep that pirated stuff well hidden.
  20. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    If this is an issue for the Topic creator, I would still need to do a test stream / screen recording, before streaming, mostly to prepare everything. That way i can see and test audio issues, plugin or vsti behavior and then check the video out beforehand, to see what, if any of them shows reg, serial, or displays a "cracked by TEAM " logo (mostly on old stuff).
    If you see that there could be an issue maybe you can replace that specific vst(i) with some alternative for this specific stream you are making? Or learn where not to hoover on the vsti, with your mouse, so you don't out yourself to the world.
    Alternatively I would USE a DEMO version when streaming... and then uninstall it :disco:

    So, I would do a "test" stream and re watch it, as a precaution. This is actually also great for your LEGIT Stuff, so you don't display something you don't want, the rest of the world to see
    (Wasn't there some of the Audiomodern?? guys, that exposed his S/N when recording a How to use video?)

    But remember it its also a huge expensive hassle, and a lot of hoops to jump, for any legal team to prove that a certain dude in a certain part of the world is using a specific version and that the stuff is cracked stuff, and that that certain dude, is the sole owner of that specific computer and that only "that dude" has access to the computer, and no one else could install it, modify or access it???
    You think they go after you for a 99-299 dollar VSTi?
    What if you used to have a cracked version, but still decided to buy it....or visa versa.
    Is it illegal to first buy a synth, then still use cracked versions because they load faster, more stable and without any max install limits etc????

    Well beats me...anyway, only my perspective on this.
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  21. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    Just want to add... Ask yourself, would Kill Bill (Gates) and his MS legal team come for you if you d/l a stripped down Win10 Enterprise / Ultimate edition, that's faster and more responsive, and is more stable, since its stripped down? I bet Microsoft already knows if you are licensed, or did you pay for it or not, with all their telemetry data ending up in Billy's pockets daily.

    Does that then mean that all poor Win 10 / 11 users that use it daily, should not do any helpful tutorials, gameplaying etc.??

    It's still amazing that ppl can use a fake Win license, cracked Adobe Bundles, cracked Apps on mobile, gaming and streaming cracked games, share web streaming logins, download Movies,....
    So don't worry about streaming :)

    It is what it is guys....only Warez
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2023